The knight in the abyss

Chapter 801 Unexpected Arrival

Chapter 801 Unexpected Arrival

While everyone was discussing, the little vampire maid also finished her cleaning work.The original filthy icon of Melkor was wiped and looked brand new. The white jade-like skull was placed in the black triangular box, which made people feel an inexplicable sense of fear.However, Lancelow had seen a real shrine before. Although this cleaned up icon looked decent, it still lacked one of the most important things—it only belonged to the breath of the gods, and this It cannot be compensated by appearance alone.

But little Isa's work did not end there. She knelt down in front of the idol and began to pray softly.Just a few breaths later, a mysterious force suddenly appeared out of thin air, silently turning the icon of the former Lord of the Dead into powder, and the next moment, those powders were recombined in the air, turning into a stick that stretched upwards. A bony arm with a brass-colored scale held in a metacarpal bone at the end of the arm.

Not only that, even the pattern on the stained glass behind the icon has also changed: the leftmost glass also depicts the legendary battle at the end of the Saints' catastrophe. The scene is still on the top of the Black Rod Tower in Waterdeep City, but the protagonist It was a woman in a purple robe, and the spell she fired clearly hit the hooded skull that symbolized the former god of death, while a long black and gray hair, wearing a chain mail fir and a look leather cloak, holding a broad The male human warrior with the sword stood aside, blocking the skeleton army coming from the stairs.

"Look at that..." Brutal couldn't help raising his arm, "Kranvor actually admitted that it was Melkor who defeated Midnight, and didn't take the opportunity to claim that it was his own credit?"

"Yes." Little Isa said with some pride, "This is also the message that Kelemvor hopes to convey to mortals - death is honest, when it comes, no lie can take it away, the dead can only use The most authentic self, to face the final judgment..."

"Sounds reasonable." Brutal nodded, "Then what does the picture in the middle mean?"

"That was the scene when Kelemvor obtained the priesthood of death. Standing on the top of the castle of bones, he promised the souls of the entire city of the dead that there would be no more endless torture, and everyone would receive a fair trial. The dead accepted the Lan Wo's promise, and from that moment on, he became the new king of the dead."

"What about the last picture?"

"Kranvor stood on the transparent crystal spire, overlooking the mortals waiting in line for trial." Little Isa took a deep breath, "The implication is simple and very clear, the new Lord of the Dead still abides by that The promise to make Him a god, which waits patiently in the Crystal Spire for each one, and makes just decisions for them..."

"We have already seen the trial of Kelemvor, for you." Lancelot said softly, "It is indeed fair. But, doesn't it mean that the gods cannot know the situation in the Demon Realm? Why can you still summon that kind of power? ?”

"Uh..." Little Isa had a dull expression on her face, "I don't know..."

"Let me explain this." Aramir on the side said, "To be precise, we can't receive a response from the gods. As for whether the gods can hear our prayers, my guess is yes, because the fire-haired lady I will still be given spells every day, and what happened just now can also prove this point: divine power must come from the gods themselves, Kelemvor must have heard the prayer of little Isa, so he can make that kind of appearance..."

"You are quite right, pastor of Sune."

A strange male voice suddenly sounded, and Lancelot turned his head in shock, and found a somewhat familiar figure beside the brand-new icon: a square chin, black and gray curly long hair, and a pair of resolute green Eyes are exactly the protagonist of the topic they discussed just now.

"Master Kelenvor." Lancelow immediately saluted to show respect, and the others did the same, "Why did you appear here?"

"I can appear in thousands of places at the same time, otherwise the line outside the Crystal Tower will be longer than the multiverse itself." The human knight of the Dynasty of the Dead smiled, "You have found what I want Stuff: Evidence of Cyric's involvement in all of this. Well done guys, you didn't let me down. Especially you, Miss Elizabeth, I'm glad I made the right call."

"However, there are still many things we haven't figured out..."

"Cyric is the prince of lies after all. It is certainly not that easy to understand his real plan. Moreover, many times you think you have figured it out, but you actually fell into his tricks." The Lord of the Dead shook his head, "The important thing is that I can be sure that he is planning something in the dark, and that is enough. I will let Midnight know the situation here, and Cyric will not have any chance of surprise attack. As for what he is planning ...I'll find out. Becoming the god of death has brought about some unexpected changes, one of which is that it has given me an unusual amount of patience."

"I'm glad I can help you." Lancelot nodded, "However, I'm afraid we still have some extra work to do if we want to leave this Territory of Horror... The Lord of the Demon Realm here is a Lich, can you Do you want to beat it?"

"Unfortunately, no." Death shook his head, "Because of the characteristics of the Demon Realm, the me in front of you cannot get in touch with the main body, nor can I gain the power of the main body, and my strength is not even as good as yours, Sir Lancelot. You must rely on your own strength to defeat it, defeat Peyton Derek..."

"Is that so..." the human knight sighed, "Originally we hoped to find information on how to deal with the Lich King in this ruins, but now not only did we not find the information, but it may have indirectly helped it regain its strength... "

"Don't be so pessimistic, my friend." A mysterious smile appeared on Kelemvor's face, "Perhaps you have mastered its weakness, even if it is in a perfect state, you will definitely be able to win."

"That's right!" Bruto slapped his hands next to him, "You are the god of the dead, even if you can't make a move, as long as you tell us the lich's weakness, wouldn't it be an easy fight?"

"Well... I do have some special methods to deal with undead creatures, but you can't use those methods, and I also doubt that the lich is really stupid enough to dare to step into my temple. But, you haven't explored here yet It's over..."

The Lord of the Dead waved his hand lightly, and in the next second, the high platform on which His icon was placed suddenly parted left and right, revealing a dark staircase entrance.

"As the master, of course I can know all the secrets of this place." The mysterious smile appeared on Kelemvor's face again, "Let's go, let's go and see what kind of things are buried in this temple... the truth."

 Thanks to book friend Yi Ermingsite,

  Time Crisis 1,

  Book Friends 20200625063313550,

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  The magicians of life voted monthly, thank you for your support!I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, so I may not be able to update normally, so I apologize to everyone in advance...

(End of this chapter)

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