The knight in the abyss

Chapter 803 1 Some Questions

Chapter 803 Some Questions

The three corpses all turned their heads and stared at Lancelot with confused and confused eyes. It took a while for them to react and realize their current situation.

"Uh, I'm so sorry, we must have been imprisoned for too long, and we even forgot the basic etiquette..." The withered old man straightened his back, and suddenly looked quite tall, "The great Lord of the Dead , and noble envoys, I am Tedel Derek, the tenth king of the Derek Kingdom, and this is my queen Uthil, and our youngest daughter, Fran."

"Thank you for your kindness, my lord." The queen bowed her knees politely, and it could be seen that there was not much water left in her body. "We will obey your orders."

"You look like a nobleman, Mr. Lancelot." The last princess stared straight at the human knight, "Maybe I should call you Sir?"

"Titles are not important." Lancelot shrugged, "I have some questions to ask you..."

"Answer his question." Kelemvor said, "It's like I'm asking you guys."

"Of course, my lord." The king first answered Kelemvor respectfully, and then turned to the human knight, "How can I serve you, Sir Lancelot?"

"Respected Your Majesty Tidel, please tell me what happened to you and why it happened." Lancelow said quietly, "This may help us defeat your successor, Peyton Derek."

"May the gods curse that name!!" The king's emotions became agitated again, "Kill the king! Kill the father! Kill the mother!"

"And my own sister." The princess on the side added coldly.

"for what?"

"Of course it's my throne..."

"No, my dear father, he doesn't care about your broken chair at all," said the princess again, with a strange pleasure in her voice, "he just hates you and all of us."

"Impossible!" screamed the Queen. "I love him so much!"

"I don't want to excuse the murderer who killed me, mother, but your doting sometimes has reached a suffocating level, especially for a grown man." He said in a calm tone, "Let me answer Sir's question. What you want to ask is actually why Peyton committed such inhuman atrocities, right?"

Lancelot nodded silently.

"One thing I can be sure of is that he had had such thoughts for a long time before he actually did it." The princess glanced coldly at the king and his wife standing on the stage, "I recognize his eyes, but I am cruel. And the domineering father and king are used to that look, and don't think there is anything wrong with it at all, while my queen mother covers her own eyes, unwilling to believe the truth she sees."

"Fran! What do you call your father? I am the king, and the king's words are the law. I can do whatever I want..."

"My dear daughter, I'm definitely not doting. Peyton's abnormal behavior is... all your father's fault..."


Kelemvor spoke, and the voice was not very loud, but the emotional king and queen immediately fell silent, as if someone had taken their vocal cords.The Lord of the Dead waved his hand lightly, and several huge mirrors appeared beside the two of them, and when they looked inside, jumping images began to appear in the mirrors.

"Since you can't answer the question properly, let's review your own life first, from the perspective of a bystander. Miss, please continue."

"Okay, my lord." The young female corpse bowed respectfully to the god of death, "I just said that Peyton had thought of killing us a long time ago, but I never believed that he really had the courage to put that into practice. Perhaps his pain and hatred attracted the attention of some dark being, and thought he was of some use, so responded. I guess they may have reached some kind of agreement, the three of us only blood relatives The sacrifice he offered to that existence...or only I was the sacrifice, and the death of the father and queen is the reward he hopes to get..."

"The existence of darkness?" Lancelow raised half of his eyebrows, "Is it Melkor, the former Lord of the Dead?"

"What are you talking about? What is the former Lord of the Dead?"

'All three are devout followers of Death. Kelenvor's voice sounded directly in Lancelot's consciousness, "Because the priesthood of the Lord of the Dead was completely transferred to Cyric, and then I absorbed it completely, so for an ordinary believer , I am still the original master of the dead. '

"Oh, don't care about these details." Lancelow waved his hand, "I mean, the one who reached an agreement with Peyton Derek is Melkor, one of the three gods of death?"

"How is it possible? Our entire family is a loyal believer in the Lord of the Dead, except for Peyton, who hates his parents, and in turn hates everything related to this family." The princess looked as if she was offended, " In fact, it was in this temple that Peyton did it to us, and that directly defiled this holy place. Although I don't know who it is, I guess he must have reached an agreement with some demon from the lower planes. The latter may have directly changed Peyton's soul, turning him into a cold, determined, and fearless killer, and at the same time imparted some blasphemous knowledge, trapping our souls in corpses. Leaving, and being imprisoned and tortured almost forever..."

"And that, makes him a lich?"

"I guess so." The young female corpse nodded, glancing at the empty coffin next to it, "When we were murdered, the soul could not leave and saw what happened afterwards. We looked at him The flesh and blood peeled off piece by piece, and finally only a bone frame was left. I thought it was some kind of terrible curse that swallowed him... But in the end, he turned into an immortal monster and left, forgetting us in this gorgeous room. cell."

"I see." Lancelow rubbed his chin. "As far as I know, Peyton visited this temple once after that. Do you know anything about it?"

"Yes, I know, he stepped into this room again, and talked to me for a while. Some completely unreasonable words, what the Lord of the dead is dead, he wants to take away the power left by the gods here, If he succeeds, give me freedom on the condition that I become his queen... I was sure that he was completely insane. Then there was a violent vibration from above, as if a battle broke out, but When everything returned to calm, Peyton didn't show up again, so I guess he should have lost..."

 Thanks to elendor, please call me Daoist Taixu, dragonbron, and Zheng'an Junyue for the monthly votes, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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