The knight in the abyss

Chapter 807 Crossing the Battlefield

Chapter 807 Crossing the Battlefield
In addition to the crows, there are other creatures in the sky, and they are fighting with each other.A group of huge vultures guarded the airspace of the Hagwood, fighting fiercely with the bones of their dead ancestors. From time to time, black feathers, white bones and red blood spilled on the ground.

The battle on the ground was equally fierce, and Lancelot failed to find Peyton Derek himself, but the Lich seemed to pull up all the corpses that had ever fallen on the land.Countless skeleton soldiers swarmed in the forest like ants, as if the lich was the real master of the dead; while the hags animated the decayed and withered trees, these terrifying treants waved their thorny arms , smashing the tide of undead like a rock beside the coast.

The hags themselves also joined the battle. Their appearance was even uglier than rumored. They looked like old women who had lived for two centuries, but their hands and feet were as agile as baboons.Each hag stands on a strange war machine that hurls lightning, hail, and vicious curses in all directions.It took Lancelot a while to realize that those war machines were actually treehouses with legs, some with thick vines like octopus tentacles, and some with claws like chicken feet.No one in their right mind could believe such things existed until they saw them, let alone sprinting across the battlefield like mammoths.

At first glance, the forest guards seem to have the upper hand, the withered treant can knock down multiple enemies with a single punch, each spell of the hags can create a large open space in the enemy tide, but the number of the undead army is too large There were too many of them, and some of them who had fallen seemed to be able to stand up again. Unless the hag had some reserved tricks, otherwise they would be completely overwhelmed in a short time.

Of course, Lancelow had no interest in getting involved in the battle, but he couldn't fly in the sky swaggeringly, it would be too conspicuous.He tightened his wings, quickly lowered his height, and glided silently under the cover of shadows among the tree crowns, while his partners followed closely behind him.In this extremely chaotic battlefield, Lancelot's spiritual sense could hardly distinguish any details, but he could still roughly sense a powerful presence in which direction, so he could bypass it in advance.

It was almost an instant to cross the battle lines, and after only a few heartbeats, the fierce battle was thrown far behind them.The surroundings quickly became quiet, and there seemed to be some kind of substance that could absorb sound waves floating in the air. The not-too-distant fighting sound sounded as soft as through a thick curtain, but it was the sound of the people themselves flapping the air with their wings. It sounds unusually harsh.

Surrounded by dense forests, the difference is that the trees here are extremely sickly in shape, with twisted trunks, like limbs distorted by pain, and there is not even a single dry leaf on the branches, as if not long ago A terrible plague has just swept the woodlands.

The problem is that when I was in the sky before, this woodland looked completely normal, and I couldn't imagine it would be this ghostly appearance.Illusion is naturally the most reasonable explanation, but Lancelow is not sure whether what he sees now is the real scene.

As they continued to go deeper, the woods finally began to become sparse, and there was a faint shimmering reflection in front of them.After flying for a while, the scene suddenly became clear, and a small lake with a radius of a hundred feet appeared in their field of vision.Certain characteristics of the lake made Lancelow afraid to approach it any further. He found a thick enough branch and dropped it, turning back into the appearance of a human knight.And his partner also landed with him, and everyone looked at the strange lake with shocked expressions.

"The lake... is the river Styx?" Brutal said with some uncertainty, "I have never seen that kind of black liquid in other places..."

"It should be." Tanya frowned, "but how could this be? Not to mention that the Territories of Terror are all independent demiplanes, and the River Styx itself does not flow through the Shadowfall..."

"There are many possible ways, such as opening a portal to the lower plane in that lake, and opening the other end directly under the water of the River Styx. If the hags really stole the power of the Lord of the Demon Realm, It is not difficult to create such a lake." Karaline shrugged, "The question is, what is their purpose?"

"The answer to this question may be hidden in those few houses." Lancelow narrowed his eyes, looking at a group of buildings on the right side of the Black Lake, "Let's go, let's hurry up and catch up with Peyton's army." Before razing this place to the ground..."

Everyone jumped off the branches one after another. Except for the dwarf who made a little more noise when he landed, everyone else looked like light cats.Although Lancelow said to hurry up, they still walked cautiously towards the building in a battle formation to prevent surprise attacks, guarding against all hidden enemies and possible traps.

As they got closer, they became more certain that the liquid in the lake was indeed the river water of the Styx—they were so familiar with this smell, it was like returning home.There are three buildings by the lake, a low bungalow, a three-story tower, and a big house like a barn.

The guard they feared was not present, at least not outside the building.There are some strange funnel-like facilities by the lake, the bottom of which is as thick as a person submerges into the black lake surface, making it difficult to guess their purpose.

A group of people first came to the outermost bungalow. A skull-shaped copper lock was hung on the decayed wooden door. After confirming that there were no magic traps, little Isa easily opened the lock with a thief's tool.She pushed open the door carefully, trying to avoid the harsh creaking sound of the rotten door panel, and at the same time supported the curious gazes of her partners on it with her shoulders.

"Hey, it's just some common tools..." Brutal whispered with some disappointment, "Long-handled forks, fishing nets, fishing spoons, are these really things that hags want to use?"

"These are for salvage in the lake." Lancelot shook his head lightly. "Pay attention to their handles. The smooth ones are the same as Tijana's boots, indicating that they are often used..."

"What can it be used for?" Brutal asked subconsciously, "Besides the boats of Ferry and Yinma and the battleship of Baatezu, when have you ever seen anything else floating in the River Styx?"

"Who said it was something floating on the lake?" Lancelot shrugged, "Why can't it be something that sank below?"


(End of this chapter)

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