Chapter 818
What is the difference in the result between using a long sword to decapitate the head and blowing the head off with an elbow?
The answer is right in front of you.Different from the smooth incision made with a sword, a long spine protruded from the neck of the angel's corpse, but the skull that should have been 'set' on it no longer existed.

The bone exposed to the air gave Lance a completely different feeling. There was no blood on its surface, and its color was as white as jade. Instead, it looked more like a part of a celestial creature than before.Not only that, the spine suddenly lit up, and soon a phantom head appeared, and seeing the expression on the head's face, Lancelot knew that there was no need to continue fighting with the opponent.

'Thank you, noble knight. ’ A voice of indecipherable gender sounded directly in his head, ‘You set me free…’

The angel put away the wings behind him and bowed to Lancelot. At some point, the wings had become clean and dazzling again, and the filth on them had completely disappeared.The angel finally leaned on his giant sword, and a large number of fine spots of light ooze from the surface of the skin, floating into the air like a dandelion blown by the wind, flying all over the sky like fireflies on a summer night, and soon disappearing.

"It's pretty good... Is this done?" Brutal's surprised voice sounded behind Lancelot, "Let's go quickly, the battle outside seems to be quite big..."

Lancelow didn't answer immediately, he was frowning at the gray and tarnished angel corpse, to confirm whether the strange impulse he felt at the moment was an illusion - he found that the corpse seemed to have a special attraction Force, it feels like...

Don't get it wrong, it's like seeing a real treasure of heaven and earth.

Lancelot took off his iron gauntlet, and gently pressed his palm on the angel's body.The corpse has become stiff and cold, but under the body that has lost its life, he feels a special power, which is very similar to those in the spirit stones from the upper plane, but there is a certain key difference……

The Aquarius Magic began to work on its own, and a vortex seemed to appear in Lancelot's body, frantically grabbing the remaining energy in the angel's corpse.The howling wind attracted the attention of everyone present, and the frenzied airflow revolved around the human knight at a high speed, as if a miniature storm appeared there, and in the center of the storm, a pair of huge, White, swan-like wings.

"Moradin's beard..." Brutal's jaw was about to drop to the ground, "What's going on? Could it be that the elder brother has always been an angel hiding his identity?"

"It seems that when he was beaten into the air just now, he turned into a pair of light wings..." Even the elf priest is not sure now, "But it shouldn't be so, right? Lancelot has transformed into Barlow before. The Balrog is coming..."

"That's right." Brutal nodded, "Fallen Angel, that's right."

"Isn't it the Demon Prince?" Tanya murmured softly, "He and the succubus lord must have... passed that, right?"

"This and that... can anyone explain it to me?" The zombie princess Fran seemed to muster up her courage before she dared to speak, "It's a demon and an angel, you... what kind of people are you?"

"One or two sentences can't make it clear at all." Brutal shrugged, "But he must be a good person."

At this time, the wings on the back of the human knight began to gradually dim, and soon disappeared completely.He stood up as usual, paused for a moment, and pulled out the huge sword that the angel had stuck on the ground.

"It's over?" Brutal circled around Lancelot, looking back and forth at his body, "Brother, just now..."

"It's nothing, I just absorbed some power that he can't take away." Lancelot smiled slightly, "Don't look, I'm just an ordinary person..."

"You're still an ordinary person, and I'm just a stone that can fart." Brutal sniffed, "What do you say next? Did the divine power in your body give you an urgent urge to blow A battle with the evil lich tyrant, and now, right now, right now?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lancelot looked at the dwarf like a fool, "Of course they left quickly...Have your father and Kara Lin cleaned up?"

"They're already inside." Aramir also came over and returned the dimension bag to Lancelot, "The feigned death can only last for one hour, so we must be in a safe place after one hour, so that I……"

The elf's words were interrupted by a sudden rain of arrows.The moment the sound of breaking wind came, the three of them had reacted subconsciously: Aramir and Brutal immediately raised their shields in the direction of the arrow and lowered their bodies at the same time; Lancelot pulled out the Frost Slash and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

There were five arrows in total, one was pushed away by Lancelot with his sword, one hit Aramir's shield, and the aim of the other three was too bad to be ignored.The attackers were five skeleton soldiers who had just come out of the woods, and little Isa also sent a warning to Lancelow through a telepathic connection in a hurried tone. The main force of the undead army would arrive soon, and they had to leave immediately.

"Hurry up!" Lancelot said quickly, pointing the long sword in his hand, "Go over there!"

The partners sprang into action, only to find Lancelot himself running towards the two living tree houses that were slumped in place.The ravens locked in iron cages flapped their wings eagerly towards him. With a wave of the human knight's long sword, he easily destroyed those cages, and the birds inside immediately flew out of them, squawking. With that, it flew away in an instant.

"Keep running!" Lancelo shouted without looking back, "I'll catch up soon!"

After drawing the sword, Lancelot rushed into the tree house without stopping. Under the cracked floor, an emerald the size of an egg was exuding strong life energy.Lancelow reached out to grab the gem, but the moment he touched the gem, the broken parts of the floor suddenly turned into wooden teeth, biting viciously at the thief's arm—it's a pity that Lancelow's hand speed is too fast. It was too fast, those sharp wooden teeth did not bite anything, but collided with each other and shattered.

In another tree house, he got another Life Gem in the same location and using the same method.The partners were about to run into the forest at this time, Lancelot took a breath, and rushed in that direction, the speed seemed to be three points faster than his previous record.

And behind him, a pair of wings of light were flapping fiercely, making the human knight look like a wild goose.

 Thanks to Xiao L and Zheng'an Junyue for their monthly votes!Tomorrow weekend, I will take a day off to catch up on sleep (in fact, I will go to the company to work overtime). Happy weekend everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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