The knight in the abyss

Chapter 835 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 835 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

"These! They are all sinners who dared to raise their weapons against my soldiers!" The Lich waved his arm violently, and the projection in the sky instantly switched to the hill-like corpse, "Even if they didn't know my soldiers before God, but as a king, daring to raise arms against my soldiers is also a serious crime of treason. The consequence of rebelling against the king is death, so what will be the consequence of rebelling against the god of death?"

Countless purple flames flew out from the hands of the lich, who called himself the god of death, and slowly fell like petals. The scene seemed extremely dreamy for a while, but when those flames fell on the pile of corpses, the situation was not romantic at all.I saw those utterly dead corpses standing up again, with their dissected stomachs, split heads, and severed necks.

That is obviously not a large-scale resurrection, because the resurrection can only be used on intact corpses, otherwise it will automatically fail, so advanced resurrection often has a healing effect, such as the resurrection of the dead with a ring 5, which can cure All the fatal injuries on the corpse, and the 7-ring resurrection technique can even make the corpse grow missing limbs and parts.

Alamer also introduced to Lancelot that the legendary full resurrection of the 9th ring magic can not only be used on the corpses of undead creatures, but also restore them to the state of non-undead creatures before they were alive. When using it, you only need to call out the name of the person you want to revive, and the person whose name you called out will appear intact, of course, the premise is that he is willing to come back.

But Peyton Derek did not transform those corpses into ordinary undead creatures, because ordinary undead are unconscious, and the group of people who have stood up again are holding their wounds and howling, obviously suffering great pain.

"They will be locked in their broken bodies, feeling the pain of their wounds all the time, and will never be able to get the peace of death." There is a kind of malice and madness in Lich's seemingly calm voice, which makes people feel chills down the spine, " Not only that, but they will also become my eternal slaves, and they must unconditionally execute every order of mine, and now I order you to attack each other, and no one can stop until I allow..."

As soon as the Lich's words fell, the battle broke out immediately.The living dead who were already mortally wounded frantically attacked each other, but no one could kill the other, they could only separate more limbs from the body.In less than a quarter of an hour, only a bunch of heads remained in place, but they were still biting each other fiercely. The scene was so disgusting that one could spit out one's intestines.

"This is the consequence of daring to resist me, people, can you all see clearly?" Peyton Derek's voice sounded again, "Okay, sinners, you can stop now..."

The mouths biting the ears, cheeks, nose and hair loosened one by one, and the head spread out like a collapsed stone pile, but it did not calm down, but there was a painful whimper——Lancelo came from Judging from the shape of their mouths, he had flown dozens of miles at this moment, and of course it was impossible to hear the voice over there again.

"As for you..." The projection in the sky changed to the group of living captives, "You are lucky, because you obeyed my soldiers, that is, obeyed my will, and deserved to be rewarded. I will give you eternity life, to truly live forever, instead of experiencing the pain of death again and again as before. But before that, you must complete the final redemption, which is to test whether your belief in me is devout or not. My soldiers then I will come down and kill you, but if you still have faith in me when you die, you will be truly reborn later, and those who are not devout enough..."

The picture in the sky switched again, so that every corner of the kingdom could clearly see the 'sinners' with only one head left and expressions of extreme pain on their faces.Immediately afterwards, the projected eyes turned to the living people again. Just as the Lich King announced, the army of undead who had just stood aside had already launched an attack. People attacked.

Facing the imminent weapon, some people waited to be killed, some fought back vigorously, and some shouted the name of Peyton Derek.But no matter what they do, they won't slow down the weapons of the undead.In just a moment, the undead receded like a tide, leaving behind a piece of fallen corpses and the ground that was stained red with blood.

Lancelow didn't slow down his flight speed at all, but he kept paying attention to the scene in the sky, and the more he looked down, the more uneasy he felt in his heart.Peyton Derek is absolutely lying, it's not a real god at all, at least not yet.But with such a big battle, the lich's intention is definitely not just to stand up.

Lancelot has a faint intuition that what the Lich is doing is some kind of ritual to turn itself into a true god. It wants to convince the people in this land that it is really a god and has the power to control death. .

It is said that faith is the most common source of divine power, so the question arises, what degree of faith can produce divine power?How many believers can generate divine power?If a mortal is still desperately calling a certain name in his spirit under the stimulation of death, will the power of faith of this level be stronger?Is it more conducive to the birth of... a new god?

"Now, it's time for my true believers to be blessed..." Peyton Derek's voice resounded through the sky again, "Arise, my loyal followers!"

Another large piece of purple flames fell from the sky and sprinkled on the corpse that had just been massacred.About a quarter of them stood up again, and unlike the previous time, all their wounds were healed, as if someone had performed a real resurrection on them.

These resurrected people looked at their bodies in disbelief, confirming that they were really intact, even better than before.Led by some of them, they all fell to their knees, calling out and praising Peyton's name, and the Lich made those calls out this time, making sure that everyone in the kingdom felt their sympathy. fanaticism.

"Congratulations, my loyal believers, you are lucky, as my first voters, you are destined to receive my extra favor..." The Lich said in a triumphant tone, "As for those who are not blessed If you choose, if you can worship me piously and praise me, you will also have the opportunity to be favored by me and gain eternal life..."

"Stupid X." Lancelot cursed in a low voice in his heart.He has already flown more than half of the distance, and the ancient temple where Kelemvor is located is just ahead, not far away...

 Thanks to Boss Sib for the reward, thank you for another year of autumn wind, pack fifty, Yuzao meow, Changbo, Xiao L, Rourou Wan08, renmeng097, unknown creatures who can't perform, Usales, Jieran A monthly ticket voted by book friends!Take a break for the last two days of tomorrow, happy holidays everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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