Chapter 852
For many days after that, Lancelot didn't leave the gate, like a big girl, he stayed in this not spacious cave day and night to meditate and practice Qi.However, although he did not go out, he was not ignorant of the outside world, because Soveris would send messengers from time to time to synchronize the latest information with him.In addition, little Isa would leave from time to time to participate in important activities of the Kelemvor Church, such as presiding over funerals, blessing believers and other ceremonies, and the little girl would share with Lancelot what she had seen and heard when she came back.

The Battle of the Hagwood, the Tsadgori Declaration, and the Battle of Crow Town, the three consecutive events were like three boulders smashed into the water, and the aftermath has not subsided until now.After Lancelot's much-anticipated charge, there were no major new incidents in the kingdom, but under the seemingly subdued water, the undercurrent became more and more turbulent.

The Lich publicly claimed that he had completely suppressed the rebellion in Raventown, and the fortress, now in ruins, was his proof, but the arakkoi dismissed it.They roamed, haunted country taverns, and told a different story—one of united guards, heroic knights, liches on the run, and despite the villain's triumph in the end, But still retains the flame of hope.

It's obvious which is more convincing, the Lich King's announcement on the wall, or the living person who is bragging with you and pushing drinks.In these short two weeks, Kelenvor's name spread like the wind to every corner of Derek's kingdom, whether beggars or nobles, farmers or craftsmen, rogues or gangsters, everyone listened to it. Speaking of Kelemvor's name, he also more or less understood the teachings of this god of death - fair treatment, fair trial, undisturbed tranquility... Although most people don't want to die immediately, but After hearing Kelemvor's teachings, without exception, they all have a good impression of it.

Because every living person knows very well in his heart that death will come one day, and when that day does come, who doesn't want to be treated fairly?

Although this kind of person cannot be regarded as a believer of Kelemvor, that is enough, because the original purpose is to prevent Peyton Derek from becoming a god, and the key is to make people suspicious of the Lich—as long as Most people don't believe that the Lich is a true god, so he will never have a chance to become a true god.It might sound like a chicken-and-egg paradox, but that's how the multiverse works.

However, there are also some people who have really become Kelemvor's believers, and they are still very fanatical.For them, the tribesmen of Soveris couldn't handle it, and little Isa needed to go out in person.

On this day, the saint of the Lord of the Dead received requests from believers again, but there was a special figure among her entourage: Lancelot.After more than half a month of retreat, he finally decided to come out for activities, and by the way, be a bodyguard for his serious and responsible sister.Of course, his strength is still far from being fully recovered, but at least his body has healed, and Lancelow is not worried about other enemies except the Lich—he has already tested it in advance, relying on his cultivation in the early stage of foundation establishment , is enough to exert the effect of [-]% of Yanying's dance steps, even if you can't beat it, you can still run away.

In fact, in the previous confrontation with the Lich, he was also able to retreat unscathed. It was indeed because he was greedy for merit that he fell into a big somersault.But as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and what could be more impressive than the experience that almost killed you?
By the way, although Kelemvor promised to revive his companions even if the corpses were gone, Lancelow reckoned that the resurrection was not as good as he imagined, at least for him—even if he could give him a He has a brand new body, but he will definitely not be able to restore his cultivation and skills, and even the life extension blessing given by the high priest of the elves is mostly gone.Although the spiritual consciousness should still be preserved, and it will be much easier to practice from scratch with experience, but this kind of loss is too heavy, and now thinking about it, I am really afraid for a while.

Sure enough, I still have to learn from Han Tianzun's old man's life experience.

The other partners are also in the team, except for Tanya - in fact, this Raven Queen's apprentice is everyone's hope to defeat the Lich, but she has been out of touch recently, often unable to contact, and also I don't know what I'm busy with.

The last time we met, Lancelot asked her what her specific plan was, but Tania's answer was surprising—she didn't know either.The half-elf admitted that she had the audacity to ask about the upper body situation of the Raven Queen before.However, her intuition told her that the matter must not be trivial. Although she didn't know how to do it specifically, it was definitely right to contact the followers of the Crow Queen as long as possible. Maybe her mentor would have a new oracle at some point. .

The destination of everyone this time was a mill built by a stream, about ten miles north of Chadgori Town.The mill is driven by a waterwheel, and there is a larger barn and a smaller farmhouse beside it.When there is no fog to cover, you can faintly see Derek Castle on the hill in the distance from here, and that is the base camp of the Lich, and it is also Fran's former home—but the actual distance is more than twenty miles, the whole The castle is probably only the size of a thumb in everyone's view. If Peyton Derek happened to be watching the scenery on the terrace, he would not be able to notice any changes here.

By the way, after everyone's discussion, it was decided not to let the zombie princess be exposed, in case Peyton suddenly made any unexpected move, it is better to keep a low profile during this period.

The group maintained enough vigilance. In addition to Lancelot and his partner, there were four other arakkoa who came with them. Only one of them changed back to human form together with the others, and the other two hid in the shadows between the eaves. Another was hovering high in the sky.

The arakkoa who had changed back into a human form (it was he who asked little Isa to come) brought everyone to the barn, and there were two burly guards with fierce eyes standing at the entrance.Judging from the tattoos on the guard's neck, both of them were obviously gang members, and the sudden appearance of their partners made them very nervous—fortunately, the arakkoa spoke up in time to dispel their doubts.

"Guys, it's me, Danx." The Arakkoa stretched his hands towards them to show that he was not hostile, and the palms of the others were far away from the hilt of their weapons, "Your boss is waiting for us, isn't he?" What about our appointment, but if we get it wrong, we'll just leave without looking back, but that's impossible, ha! I know you, Bobby, and Terry, we've had drinks together before Liquor, didn't you? You told me how a snake bit your eyeball off..."

Lancelow suddenly thought that when he was flying just now, this guy seemed to be smaller than everyone else, and his feathers were not all black. There seemed to be a few strands of white at the end of the tail and wings, which seemed more like another A notoriously loud bird that can be kept as a pet.

 Thanks to book friends 15122011933409, Nanshan Yueyue, and sp Xuanguang for their monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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