The knight in the abyss

Chapter 858 Top Swordsmanship

Chapter 858 Top Swordsmanship
When acting together with Lancelot and the others before, Tanya rarely played the role of frontal combat, but in the ambush below, the half-elf obviously assumed the role of leader, and rushed to the forefront.Moreover, in Lancelot's spiritual perception, Tanya's aura is more than a little bit stronger than before, and I don't know whether it is because her induction has become inaccurate after her cultivation base has regressed, or the half-elf's mentor has indeed given her a new life. the power of.

Lancelot soon understood that the latter possibility was the actual situation.As before, the half-elf designated a target when charging, and released the curse power of the Cursed Swordsman on it-this ability is somewhat similar to the priest's channeling divine power, it can only be used once a day, and the effect is Greatly reduces the target's defense.

But this time, after casting the Curse Sword Curse, Tania used a trick she had never used before: she made a simple gesture, and the figure suddenly flashed like a teleportation, and now she was cast Cursed enemies behind.This kind of flash is even better than Lancelot's shadow jumping effect, because the teleportation process does not have any stagnation. Tania almost started to swing the halberd before the teleportation started, leaving no time for the enemy to react at all. , and Lancelot's shadow jump can't do this.

The pitch-black halberd didn't make any wind noise when it was swung, as if it was just an illusion and didn't really have a substance, but when it really fell on the skeleton knight, it easily carved a large hole on the surface of the metal armor. mouth.What's even more weird is that the Skeleton Knight, who was supposed to feel no pain, uttered a miserable scream, which was exactly the same as an ordinary person's reaction after being attacked.

However, although the half-elf's blow achieved good results, it did not kill the opponent on the spot, and the other three skeleton knights had already reacted, and Qiqi launched a pincer attack on the curse swordsman.The sword shadow had already enveloped the white-haired girl, and at this critical moment, Lancelot finally arrived.

The raven he turned into fell directly on the head of one of the skeleton knights, and the moment the claw touched the real thing, he became a human again.It must be emphasized that, although there is no obvious abnormality on the outside, Lancelot's actual weight has exceeded [-] pounds after undergoing various activities to strengthen his physical body, such as qi training, foundation building, precious blood quenching, and sankung restoration. It is so heavy that it can almost be called a stone statue of flesh.Although the physical fitness of the undead creature has also been strengthened by negative energy, such a huge weight suddenly appeared on the head, and it was still crushed to the ground on the spot, and the attack that it was supposed to make was useless.

Enough weight means enough stability. Although his body was still suspended in mid-air, Lancelot still swung his frost slash, parrying another skeleton knight's weapon.As for the No.3 enemy, he really can't control it, but the rescued target is not ignorant of it. Tania squatted down in time and barely parried the incoming slasher with her halberd. hit.

"Lancelot!" The half-elf cried out in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"I'll explain later!" Lancelow replied quickly, and at the same time jumped off the shoulder of the skeleton knight who was overwhelmed by him, "Deal with the enemy first!"

The enemy who had fought him just now attacked again, and the two-handed sword with jagged edges went straight to Lancelow's face, but the latter blocked it in a relatively conservative way.Conservation means a higher probability of success, and it also means that it is difficult to get a chance to counterattack in this way, but Lancelow has his own reasons for doing this-he raised his unsupported left foot with a heavy heel Knocked on the face of another enemy who was getting up from the ground.

It was a very, very heavy blow, and it showed Lancelot's skills as a champion knight for nearly 20 years.Even though due to supernatural reasons, the vitality of the skeleton knight is comparable to that of an adult dragon, but Lancelot's kick destroyed the opponent's perception of balance, and he could not pose any threat for at least ten seconds, allowing him to concentrate on dealing with the remaining enemies .

The skeleton knight in front of Lancelot was obviously aware of the difficulty of the opponent, but it still believed that it was superior, and the human knight only gained the upper hand by sneak attacking.It withdrew its two-handed sword and tried to slash again, but suddenly found that the opponent's long sword seemed to be stuck to its own weapon, and it followed back together, and the power from above also made it It is impossible to rotate the sword body freely.

Although there is not much advantage in terms of absolute strength, but in terms of swordsmanship, Lancelot is the top tier among mortals, so when the opponent is also a warrior-type humanoid creature, human knights often underestimate their own combat power .

Entirely out of the body's muscle memory, Lancelot flipped his right wrist closer to the hilt, and his left hand holding the weight ball at the end rotated synchronously, and Frost Zhan's sword changed to two overlapping handles as if by magic. the inside of the worn weapon.It means that he has completely taken the initiative—then he has a lot of choices, since he can push the opponent's weapon falsely first, and then use the reaction force to slash the opponent's neck; Slide down, and according to the enemy's reaction, decide whether to cut the opponent's wrist or use the sword to pry the opponent's weapon off.

All in all, Lancelot is already in a huge advantage, and he has a dozen ways to seriously damage the enemy next, it all depends on which one he wants to use.

Sadly, he ended up using neither.

Although it was several beats slower, Brutal finally landed on the ground, not very gracefully.When he finally stopped rolling, he looked up and found that he was right behind a skeleton knight, and the opponent's attention was all on fighting Lancelot, and he didn't realize that there was an extra dwarf behind him.

As a matter of course, Brutal raised his warhammer and slammed it hard at the Skeleton Knight's knee.In Lancelot's eyes, the enemy's body suddenly tilted sideways like a marionette, and the neck with only a thick spine was exposed from the gap between the breastplate and the helmet.

Of course, Lancelot would not let go of such an opportunity. Frost Slash struck out like lightning, and accurately slashed on the enemy's neck.Somewhat embarrassingly, his first attempt at decapitation failed. This kind of enemy is really tough beyond imagination. Fortunately, his second attempt with all his strength succeeded in chopping off the skull knight's head.This action is like slicing open a bottle of sparkling wine. The negative energy dominating the corpse flows away like foam from the bottle, while the headless skeleton knight swayed in place, seemingly He could continue to fight in this state, but fell to the ground and fell apart in the next second.

 Thank you Karthus for the reward, and thank you brother Xiao, the sun was just right that day, and the book friends who voted for the monthly votes, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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