Chapter 892
"No, you stupid elf, throw that thing away!"

"Dwarves, I really don't have a sense of humor at all." The elf shrugged, crumpled up the hell flyer and threw it away. "At least we should be thankful that we avoided an unnecessary fierce battle..."

"That's not necessarily true." The dwarf glanced at the human knight carefully, "I think someone may need a little vent right now..."

"I'm not that stupid yet." Lancelot said sullenly, "And, even if I really want to vent my anger, I will only vent my anger on the culprit who destroyed Shuangqiao Town."

"Aha!" Brutal slammed his hammer on the ground, "So our target this time is Graz'zt himself?"

Lancelot pursed his lips tightly, did not speak, but turned around and walked in a certain direction, and his companions naturally set off with him.

"Lancelot, I don't want to express objection, but what we are discussing is the dark lord, especially here is the abyss..." Kara Lin said worriedly, "There is a lot of evidence to prove that an abyss lord In my own country, you are like a god...Of course, I know you are also very strong, but..."

"Of course I know the gap between myself and the abyss lord." Lancelow said in a flat tone, without even the slightest hint of annoyance in his voice, "I promise, I will never take revenge recklessly. If you really want to fight with that demon Combat, that will only happen when and where I choose, and when I'm fully prepared..."

"I see, that's all I want to hear." Karaline nodded, reaching out to pat Lancelot on the shoulder, "But please remember, you are not alone."

Lancelot stopped in his tracks, turned his head, and met the firm gazes of his companions.

"Thank you."

He nodded, turned around and started walking again.


Due to the ever-changing nature of the abyss itself, there is no very detailed map at all, so it is difficult for everyone to deduce where they are at the moment.But they must have returned to the Wanyuan Plain, this point is absolutely unmistakable, even if an army of devils just passed in front of their noses.

Of course, Lancelot didn't just find a direction to move forward.With his extraordinary sensory ability, with a little concentration, he could hear the crashing sound of the torrent hitting the stones about five miles away, and only Styx could make such a sound on the Wanyuan Plain.As long as they reach the River Styx, they can summon the Duke of Bone driven by Duyinmoweisi, and use it to reach Shuangqiao Town.

Perhaps it was because the soldiers of Baator Hell had arrived, and everyone didn't encounter any major troubles along the way, except for some beast-like abyss demons (it looked like a giant mouth with claws) and felt that they had discovered Kass demons that have killed their prey.Lancelot doesn't even need to deal with these demons. Brutal seems to have a very strong desire to show off in front of his father. As soon as an enemy appears within his field of vision, he will immediately throw his own The war hammer smashes the target into a ball of meat sauce, adding a little bright embellishment to the monotonous and boring scenery of the Wanyuan Plain.

These small episodes hardly affected the team's progress, but their speed was still much slower than normal, and the reason was that there was an extra non-adventurer in the team—Bluto's father Barend .The old dwarf who was used to working by the forge was quite strong, but he was not good at this kind of wild trek. The others had to slow down to match his pace, but fortunately they were not in such a hurry.

After walking for about an hour, Styx's figure appeared in everyone's sight.Looking from a distance, this long river with pitch-black water looks like a giant snake crawling on the Wanyuan Plain. Those who see it feel a wave of visceral fear.

However, for Lancelot and his group, the Styx is no longer so scary—they are already quite familiar with the Styx, and they know exactly what dangers the Styx poses, so there is no reason to worry about it anymore. Fear of the unknown.

There are two dangers of the Styx, one is its special effect of losing memory, and the other is its ability to sink "most" objects.For the former, the actual situation is not as scary as it sounds. Being poured by the river Styx will not immediately turn you into an idiot, but will make you temporarily forget who you are, why you are here, and what you are doing... The effect may be It's better to hit the target's head with a stick.Even if you really fell into the Styx River and were completely submerged in the Styx River, if your companions can fish you out immediately, you will lose a week of memory at most.Apparently, losing a week of memory is not an unacceptable price to pay compared to falling into lava.

As for another danger of the Styx, the partners have also mastered the way to deal with it: hire a boatman to ferry the devil.This low-level yugoloth is familiar with every corner of the Styx, and also possesses supernatural boat handling skills, which can ensure that the ships under its control will never sink.Plus, they don't charge too much (for people who make a living out of adventure), and passengers who are willing to pay four times the fare can buy each other...loyalty for the duration of their service.

A little pricey, but definitely worth it.

However, for a group of "crazy" adventurers like Lancelot, their method is simpler and more rude-grab a warship from the navy of Barto Hell, give it to the cooperating Duyinmo, and exchange the other party's absolute Loyalty (don't bet everything here), always free, on-call service.The validity period is only valid when Lancelow is alive, but the demon who signed the contract with him should not realize the seriousness of the problem at the moment.

The crowd walked for another half an hour before they actually reached the bank of the River Styx.Lancelow found a stone with a suitable position, stood on it and blew the bone horn given by Duyinmoweisi, and less than a minute later, a huge bone warship emerged from the thin gap of the Styx River. Gradually emerged from the air, and the ship's side stopped firmly in front of the stone where Lancelot was standing.

"Dear Sir Lancelow, it's a great honor to be summoned by you again..." Duyin Movisius greeted Lancelow with an uncharacteristically respectful attitude, "How can I serve you?"

"What's wrong with you?" Lancelot looked at the hooded skeleton strangely, "I thought you would express surprise and regret that I was still alive..."

"You are joking, sir, and I am sure I will have the honor of serving you for many, many years..."

"What's going on?" Lancelot frowned, "Your a big problem."

"Uh..." Du Yinmo paused in embarrassment, and after a while, he explained in a low voice, "I can see that you and your partners have the blessings of the Lord of the Dead and the Raven Queen at the same time... "

 I worked overtime until two o'clock last night, and it was already three o'clock after I finished writing. I didn't have the strength to correct the typos, so I delayed posting until this morning...

(End of this chapter)

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