The knight in the abyss

Chapter 894 An ordinary day in the abyss

Chapter 894 An Ordinary Day in the Abyss

"what happened?"

Brutal had already gotten rid of his depressed mood, and the long-standing tacit understanding made him immediately put his hand on the handle of the warhammer, and his eyes swept around vigilantly.

Lancelot did not answer immediately, but carefully identified the voice coming into his ears.The sonorous and powerful metal impact sound is easy to distinguish, which means that a fierce battle is going on not far ahead. What Lancelot cares about is a certain kind of resonance sound, which is very similar to several slender whips at the same time. Swing out, and he's heard that sound elsewhere before.

"There is a battle ahead." Lancelow pulled out the hand and half sword on his shoulder, "There is a six-armed snake among them."

"Maybe it's General Sonam!" The succubus Letitia became agitated, and Lancelot knew that she had been secretly wiping tears since just now, "It could also be Viska or Bethesia... Hurry up Help them, ser!"

"Of course, if there are indeed acquaintances of ours there..."

"And if not?" the young dwarf asked over his shoulder.

"Then kill them all."


Although Lancelot heard the sound of fighting from a long distance away, under the sprint at full speed, the partners only took less than a minute to reach the place where the sound came from.As Lancelot said, there was indeed a lizard on the battlefield, and with her were two bloody brezu, and a glabra commanded dozens of berserk generals They surrounded them.

The partners recognized the snake demon as Sonam at a glance. After all, she has been sitting in the mercenary hall all year round. It can be said that she is one of the most familiar demons. According to the style of the armor, it is easy to see that the two Brezu Mo also used to be a member of Shuangqiao Town.

As for the identity of the enemy, it is not difficult to judge. Even without seeing the six-finger emblems branded with a branding iron, their darker skin compared to ordinary demons also revealed their identities—the minions of Graz'zt, the "Lord of Darkness" .

When the crowd arrived, the besiegers had just launched a new round of attacks.The five berserkers lunged at the basilisk from different angles, while the glabra stayed about forty feet away, staring intently at its prey.Lancelot noticed that it held a wand in each of its two smaller, humanoid arms, probably preparing to counter the snake demon's various spell-like abilities.

Guarding Sonam's rear flanks are two Brezu, a tall, thin goat-headed demon that likes to wield huge polearms and possesses incredible agility for its size
.Facing the attacking enemy, they did not rush to attack, but patiently waited until the moment when the Berserker Demon raised its claws, and then thrust out the halberd fiercely, piercing through the opponent's lack of armor like a harpoon. Protected chest.

Although the heart is the absolute weakness of the demon family, berserkers are one of the few demons that can deliver the final blow after being mortally wounded.Ignoring the terrifying barbs on the handles of the halberds, their heavy bodies continued to move forward under the influence of inertia, while the sheep-headed demons curled up their backs not to be outdone, and pushed their horned foreheads forward fiercely. top go.

The sharp horns pierced through the Berserker's shoulder, and the Berserker's huge, dirty claws also slapped the back of the murderer who killed him.The brezu convulsed violently under the spray of foul blood, and the dagger-like nails of the berserk found the gap between their armor, and the wounds created were not fatal enough, but they might not be able to withstand the next attack.

In the other direction, the Snake Demon dealt alone with three enemies rushing from the front.Although there are three pairs of arms growing on both sides of her coquettish body, she only has one head and one pair of eyes after all, so she cannot deal with multiple threats at the same time, so she will definitely leave opportunities for opponents to take advantage of, and this is exactly the mystery The thoughts in the mind of the lure.

But as a retired bloody general, Sonam knew exactly what to do in this situation.She didn't stay where she was and passively defended, but took the initiative to rush out obliquely forward, using the body of the enemy on the far left to block the attack lines of other enemies.

Three silver sword lights flashed, easily slashing open the throat, chest and abdomen of the humanoid toad, and various organs with ulcers and tumors fell out from the incision, like a bag of cut potatoes.Brutal should be proud of this scene, because the long sword in the hands of the lizard is from him, and these cold iron weapons are obviously worthy of the trust of customers.

The disembowelled Berserker indeed slightly delayed the attacks of his companions, but it also exposed the Snake Demon's back to other enemies.These aggressive demons didn't wait for the commander's order at all, and rushed out in a rush, their minds were full of the wonderful pleasure of scratching the smooth skin of the snake demon with their claws.

It's not that Sonam didn't think of this risk, but she carefully calculated the distance between the enemy and her, knowing that she had time to launch a flash to get away.However, just as she was about to do so, the basilisk suddenly raised his arm and pointed the wand he had been clutching at the basilisk.A purple beam of light shot out from the end of the wand, instantly enveloped the lizard, interrupting her halfway teleportation.

The snake demon's body shook for a while, and the surge of magic power countered made her dizzy. It was not until the pain of sharp claws tearing flesh came that her consciousness was pulled back to the real world.

Sonam leaned her upper body back to an inhuman angle, curled up like a real boa constrictor, and then threw the huge snake body below her waist violently to all directions, slapping all the humanoid toads lying on her body. went out (including the two Brezu demons).

Although Sonam responded immediately, she still suffered dozens of claw blows, and her body was covered with raised scales and bloody wounds.And before the smoke and dust fell again, those Berserkers stood up again, their noses and faces were swollen, and maybe one or two ribs were broken, but for these beasts that had already tasted the smell of blood, killing The longing has overwhelmed all other feelings.

These stupid and ferocious cannon fodder don't know that most of them will be turned into a pile of shredded meat under the long sword made of cold iron, but the snake demon himself can't think about it, let alone there is a glamor demon watching over him , waiting to harvest their dying prey.

But it couldn't have happened then.

The shadow behind the glabra suddenly squirmed and stretched silently, and finally became the figure of a human knight, and the demon himself knew nothing about it.A green light that was incompatible with the surrounding environment lit up, entered the glabra's body from the waist, and hit its heart directly.

The demon's eyes widened in surprise, and it lowered its head slowly, not understanding why a piece of metal grew out of its chest, but before it felt any pain, its consciousness was like a burnt ashes , completely dissipated in the dry and blazing wind of the Wanyuan Plain.

 Fishing is so fun
(End of this chapter)

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