The knight in the abyss

Chapter 897 Rest during the journey

Chapter 897 Rest during the journey

"Want to follow, Lancelot?"

Brutal stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the human knight, who was looking at the direction where the lizard disappeared in a daze.

"What?" Lancelot recovered from his contemplation, "No, no need, let's go to the Dwarf Temple first..."

"Are you okay?" Aramir also came over, "If those words of Sonam have troubled you, you can come and talk to me at any time, you know, as Sune's pastor, in love and We are experts on the subject of sacrifice..."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Lancelot looked away a little guilty, "Let's go on, the sky is getting dark..."

"Everyone, let's see what this is?" Little Isa's happy voice sounded from the other side, "I found it from that glabra..."

While other people's attention was drawn to the battle between the human knight and the lizard, the rogue girl silently cleaned the battlefield.Except for a few coins, there is nothing special to be found in the corpses of those berserker demons, but a lot of good things were found on their commanders, including three rings inlaid with high-value gems. Untraceable Powder, which makes the user invisible for a short time, plus a large bottle of Charm Potion (the priest of Sune recognized it immediately, even though there were no potion experts on the team).

For those familiar with the potion, its features are recognizable: Heart-shaped bubbles swirl in the rosy liquid, with the effect of making the creature who drinks it see the first object it sees as its true love (if race and gender are correct).However, there are only a few sporadic, small heart-shaped bubbles in a normal charm potion, but the heart-shaped bubbles in this bottle are as big as a finger, most of which are added versions considering the devil's physique, and now The bottle was half empty, and there was reason to believe it was one of the glabrat's tools of command.

However, what caught everyone's attention the most were the two wands that were broken from the corpse's palms.The basic principle of a magic wand is similar to that of a magic scroll. It is an item that stores a certain spell in advance. The difference is that the scroll still has certain requirements for the user (such as the need for literacy), and the use of a magic wand is similar to a well-wound string. Hand crossbows are no different, as long as you know how to press the "trigger".

Through Kara Lin's identification technique, everyone quickly learned the effects of the two magic wands: one of them is the Dimensional Anchor Wand, and its user can emit a ray, and the creatures hit by the ray will be killed by a special magic wand. Shrouded by a force field, this force field can completely prevent interdimensional travel, in other words, it can prevent all teleportation spells from working normally.The force field itself is not offensive, but if it is released at the right time, it can still cause a strong stun effect on the target. The principle is similar to running at full speed and suddenly bumping into an extremely strong glass door.

The other wand is the Wand of Capture, which can spray out a magic rope to bind a creature that is no larger than a giant and cannot resist. The bound person will be completely unable to move any limbs except the eyeballs. Also unable to speak (unless the wand's wielder allows it), for 12 hours.If the bound person wants to break free by himself, he needs to have the strength of an adult dragon. This makes Lancelot wonder, if he is the one who is bound, is it possible to break free?
Both wands have up to three charges, can be used three times, and can restore a charge whenever night falls.Lancelot thought about it, put away the charm potion and other trophies, and handed over the wand to little Isa.As a rogue, Little Isa's advantage is that she can choose the timing of the shot, and it is most suitable to give her the magic wand to use.

After cleaning the battlefield, everyone continued to move towards the location of the dwarf temple.However, after walking for a short time, they realized that it was impossible to reach their destination before sunset. The reason was simple. During the time they traveled to Shadowfall, the terrain of the Broken Mountains changed, and the dwarves The peak on which the temple stands has moved further into the mountains (not so obvious from a distance).On the Material Plane, this level of terrain change often takes tens of thousands of years to achieve, but the abyss obviously has its own rules.

Since you can't reach your destination today, it's time to consider rest.It's not that everyone is afraid of traveling in the Wanyuan Plain at night - the abyss is of course a dangerous place. The wilderness is full of low-level monsters wandering around. They have long been tortured to the point of insanity by their deformed bodies, and they will attack anyone without hesitation. Living creatures that entered the field of vision, but for this adventure team, low-level monsters in the wild are no longer a threat, but no matter how strong adventurers are, their combat effectiveness will drop sharply due to lack of rest, so adventurers I will try my best to avoid long-term continuous combat, and save my energy for those unavoidable situations.

Rangers are very good at finding suitable camping spots in the wilderness. The elf prince Axiian, the companion of everyone's previous adventures in Andrinna, is a ranger.But now that Axiian is not here, relying on Lancelot's telepathy to find the campsite is not much less effective.The crowd quickly identified a suitable cave, in which some low-level monsters were entrenched. Lancelow released a little abyss-like pure breath, and scared away all the monsters inside. Afterwards, Karalin "reluctantly" Throwing a fireball technique inward, completed the disinfection of the campsite.

The dinner was very sumptuous, not only bacon, ham, eggs, but also fresh vegetables and fruits. This was a gift from their friends in Raven Town. It can be said that it was the best meal everyone had in the past few weeks. pause.It's a pity that none of them (except Brutal) have much appetite, because their stomachs are already full of the news they learned during the day, and they have no time to digest it all until now.

However, after the dinner, there was a link that everyone was looking forward to, and that was entering Tijana's demiplane.The succubus lord sent the handkerchief to Lancelot at the last moment, obviously it was extremely important to her, maybe there was a clue about how to bring her back?
After arranging several defense, concealment and alarm formations, Lancelot unfolded the handkerchief beside the campfire, revealing the entrance of the demiplane, and was the first to jump in.The weird gravity shift appeared again. He obviously jumped into a portal on the ground, but he walked out of a portal on the wall.Fortunately, everyone is already familiar with this transformation, so the dinner everyone just ate stayed in their stomachs obediently.

The space after entering from the handkerchief is still the closed stone room, and through the exit on the other side of the stone room, the situation in the demiplane is fully displayed in front of everyone.

"O Moradin's beard..."

"Suny is here..."

"In the name of the goddess of magic..."

Three different exclamations sounded at the same time, just because the scene they saw was too shocking.Little Isa timidly pulled the corner of Lancelot's clothes, and whispered:

"Brother, are these... Sister Tijana's dowry?"

 I took the time to write a chapter in the past few days, so hurry up and continue working

(End of this chapter)

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