Chapter 907
"Perhaps there is more than one predator." Aramir reminded.

"Well, you're right." Lancelot nodded in agreement, "A hunter can't..."

His expression suddenly froze.Despite the mask, Aramiel immediately noticed the change in his expression.

"Is something wrong?"

The elf asked quickly, and the nervous voice immediately aroused the vigilance of the other partners, and they all put their hands on the handles of their weapons subconsciously.But Lancelot didn't answer immediately, he was silent for several seconds with a serious expression, then suddenly pulled up his legs and rushed out in one direction, shouting at the same time:

"Follow me! Little Isa is under attack!"

Hearing this, the partners were all taken aback, but they reacted immediately and chased after the human knight.Although Lancelot ran extremely fast, he did not exceed the limit of others, because he knew very well that the enemy's situation was unknown at this moment, and he must not disperse any more. If another partner who was alone was attacked, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

The position of the vampire wanderer was not far from them. They rushed through a winding tunnel, entered another narrow cave, and left through the opposite exit. They slid down a steep slope and finally landed in a pile of On the bones—probably the ones they hadn't found before.

And in front of them, there are three creepy giant spiders: these demonic arthropods are almost as tall as Lancelot, with a body as big as a horse, covered with black and red carapace, and a bloated abdomen There was a long spike at the end, and the eight spider legs curled up at the sides were at least ten feet long.The front of these monsters has two long knife-like forelimbs, and the middle is a calyx-shaped mouthpart composed of six dagger-like lips. There are eight black round eyes on the top, and they are looking at this group of people with malicious intent. An uninvited guest who broke in suddenly.

"Little Isa!"

Lancelot swept his gaze and immediately found the partner who had lost contact with him before.The rogue was hanging in the air at this moment, with a large amount of white spider webs wrapped around her body, a demon spider was using its forelimbs to spin her around quickly, and wrap more spider silk around her body.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lancelot immediately drew out the Frost Slash, jumped off the bone pile more than thirty feet high, and headed straight for his trapped companions.

Two sharp claws slashed towards him, forcing the human knight to respond.At the critical moment, Lancelot jumped up and pressed the blade close to his body, hoping to keep moving forward while deflecting the attack.He managed to dodge the enemy's first blow, but the force of the second blow exceeded his expectations - the long sword collided with the swung claw at a small angle, and the huge force bounced him high to the ground. air.

Although Lancelow tried his best to urge the true essence in his body to turn in mid-air like a magic missile that would track the enemy, he was still a few seconds late when he arrived at little Isa.The giant spider embraced his almost cocooned companion with its two front paws, a dark blue ripple unique to teleportation magic appeared on the carapace, and disappeared within Lancelow's reach.

Among the remaining two demonic spiders, one also used the teleportation ability at the same time, and disappeared in the magic aura. The other seemed to find the back of the human knight very attractive, and raised its two sharp forelimbs, lightning As if stabbing towards Lancelot.

There is nothing wrong with the choice of this monster itself. Its sharp claws are extremely sharp, and the hardness of the tapered end is comparable to that of fine gold. It can easily pierce armor and shields. However, enemies like the human knight in front of it will not survive its long life. Many have been killed.The sharp claws will pass through the hard metal, touch the tender flesh inside, and then the hot blood and soft internal organs under the flesh... All these make the devil spider crazy, so it ignores the leader's order, only for Relive that wonderful memory.

And this became the last mistake it made.

After failing to save little Isa, Lancelot felt a deep regret, followed by a strong anger, but these emotions did not affect his ability to perceive the surrounding environment.Hearing the sound of breaking wind coming from behind his ears, his figure twisted strangely, leaving only an afterimage on the spot, his real body advanced instead of retreating, and in the next instant he was in front of the spider demon.

He raised his arm, and a dark green trident suddenly appeared from his palm. Before the surprised opponent had time to react, the trident was inserted through the disgusting mouthpart of the demon spider.

"Search for souls!!!"

Lancelot's eyes lit up with a bright green light, and the demon spider's body also lit up, like a wine bottle filled with fireflies.Its eight long legs twitched as if being shocked by an electric shock, and its two forelimbs frantically tried to attack the human knight stuck to its face, but the frantic blows did not cause any effective damage at all.

The pain caused by the trident obviously exceeded the limit of the body, and the struggle of the giant spider became more and more intense. After a few breaths, with a crisp sound that sent chills down the spine, it pulled its head out of its body alive , and there are dozens of dark green vines connected to the fracture, like Medusa's snake hair.

The rest of the partners rushed to Lancelow's side at this time, but they couldn't do anything except stare at the horrific scene in dumbfounded.After losing its head, the demon spider's eight weird long legs slowly retracted, and finally stuck tightly to the sides of its body, making them look much smaller than when they first saw it.After a while, the light in the human knight's eyes gradually dimmed, and the huge head of the demon spider slid off the trident lightly, and fell into a pile of fragments on the ground, as if all the moisture inside had been sucked dry.

Lancelow closed his eyes, as if he was remembering something. After a while, he opened his eyes again, and spit out a strange word to Kara Lin:

"Babilis... that's their name." He pointed to the curled up corpse on the ground, "Do you know this kind of demon?"

"I know." Kara Lin nodded affirmatively, "The witcher spider, a spider-shaped demon known for hunting other demons, rarely appears on planes other than the abyss. In fact, if it wasn't for what you just said That word, I have not yet been able to identify them. Their front claws are as sharp as razors, and their venom can make the strongest fighters as weak as babies. Also, there are several reports of sightings, that the cobwebs they breathe seem to It is not flammable, unlike ordinary magic spider webs. Although it has the habit of preying on other demons, those high-level demons who have the ability to kill demon hunting spiders rarely attack them. This confirms a rumor from the side ——Their master is actually Rose, the spider queen."

"That rumor is true, but these are not." Lancelot shook his head, "They betrayed Rose and escaped from the magic net of the pit."

 This chapter has been held back for a long time, and it is finally written.
(End of this chapter)

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