Chapter 1005 Are you excited?
"Brother, big brother, don't be like this, that person is only a momentary hot-blooded, no matter what, he is still a child..."


"Ah bah! I mean, that is, that is, the hot-blooded boy had a brain convulsion for a while..."

"Not right!"

"Anyway, this matter is over, if the big hall brother comes to the door, won't it cause a lot of trouble?"

Ye Xusheng stared fixedly at the girl in front of him, her pretty face was pink and tender, whether it was hot or anxious, it was slightly flushed, her pink cheeks were full of beauty, and her slender eyelashes followed her eagerness. trembling slightly, like a small brush, gently brushing across his heart~
He couldn't tell what it was like in his heart at this moment, bitterness, hotness, sourness and sweetness were not enough to describe, he only knew that his heart was beating violently, strong and powerful, beating so fast that it made his heart flutter like numbness.

Seeing no response from the big hall brother, He Xiner became even more anxious, and moved forward on tiptoe. As a result, her forehead directly touched Ye Xusheng's chin, which was bowing his head.

For the convenience of speaking, she had to tilt her head slightly, this posture looked extremely uncomfortable, Ye Xusheng naturally stretched out his hand to gently wrap her shoulders, so as not to make her stand unstable.

"Brother Hall, why don't you say something~~"

Ye Xusheng at this moment has long since lost the coldness before, his eyes are warm and soft, softened into puddles of water, just staring at the girl's clear eyes so deeply, his throat rolls lightly, and his heart palpitates endlessly...

And He Xiner finally felt something was wrong.

The lobby brother's eyes are so gentle, in the orange light, with the halo effect, the whole temperament of the plump and handsome boy has changed, and his tenderness is like water~
Thinking of this, He Xiner couldn't help smacking her mouth secretly, if anyone is lucky enough to be loved by the big hall brother, he must be extremely happy, extremely happy~
"Xin'er, are you excited?"


"That boy said so sweetly, and he vowed to be good to you forever, are you moved?"

Ye Xusheng's face was calm, indifferent, and he looked like he was chatting casually. God knows how nervous he was at this moment~
"It's a woolen heart!"

He Xiner's face was full of indignation, and she spoke righteously, perhaps she felt that she was not imposing enough, and put her hands on her hips, with the posture of a shrew yelling and scolding, but she didn't look aggressive or aggressive, on the contrary, she was vicious.

Ye Xusheng...

"Hey, some people are born to be married, that's why."


"No, how can you think so, big brother?"

He Xin'er didn't understand this. Didn't the big hall brother just say that he was going to hit someone out of righteous indignation?
Why does it sound like you support that person right now?

"That's not right. With his impulsive temperament, the baby won't be moved."

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, how can there be love at first sight in this world? It's just a rebellion against sex..."

"Seeing color uprising?"

"To a complete stranger, who doesn't know her personality, personality, temper, and her living habits, the depth of love she cries and shouts is not a skin that is greedy for beauty?"

Ye Xusheng's eyes were as deep as the sea, and he stared at her closely, "Love at first sight is rebellion at first sight, how about love after a long time?"

"The so-called long-term love is just a long-planned plan, haha..."

Suddenly, it felt very funny to talk about this topic with the lobby brother, He Xiner couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Oh, hey, talking like this is so childish!"

Ye Xusheng didn't feel it, but felt heavy in his heart, the little girl was full of strange things, what kind of mess was she thinking?

(End of this chapter)

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