Chapter 1013 Interested?
Ye Xusheng nodded in agreement, then suddenly thought of something, and gave the other party a hard look.

Zhang Dongqiang...


The fool's head is convulsed, and he is not as knowledgeable as him.

"Oh, by the way, Xin'er and I have conceived another novel."

Before, the two also thought about writing martial arts novels, which were completely masculine, without lingering emotional scenes, only brotherhood, teacher-student friendship.

Their theme is the story of how the masters and apprentices leveled up and fought monsters all the way to become the number one martial arts sect in a small sect in the world.

To put it bluntly, this book is written by the two of them specifically about various martial arts.

Because of the previous Legend of the Condor Heroes and The Legend of Condor Heroes, both Zhang Tieniu and Zhang Dongqiang were fascinated by Kung Fu with various names and various tricks.

What are the Eighteen Palms Subduing the Dragon, what is the Kongming Fist, what is the One Yang Finger, just hearing this name, I feel very powerful.

As a result, the two also became keen on naming various moves, which was quite a lot of fun.

Then Zhang Dongqiang thought that Ye Xusheng must be involved in writing a martial arts novel with the martial arts moves he thought of.

Left and right he is not short of money, let the fool make another fortune.

In this way, Ye Xusheng was very busy, spending time at Zhang's house during the day and night.

It can be said that their novels are written from beginning to end, so the two people put more energy into kung fu than writing.

A pair of good brothers often fight in the dark, but they never get tired of it.

As for the manuscript, just after straightening out the overall framework, I just wrote a short paragraph, and it hasn't been fully developed yet. Just because of He Xiner's unintentional remark, Ye Xusheng was stunned to avoid suspicion, and didn't come to the door for a few days.

Zhang Dongqiang, who was already very anxious, almost couldn't help but give him a blank stare. After all, his upbringing didn't allow it, but after all, he was angry and picked up his book Ye Xusheng's book was thrown towards Ye Xusheng's face, and was easily caught by the other party.


The gentle and jade-like young master got angry and didn't want to talk to others, but his heart was itchy.

The quirky little girl has always had a lot of ideas, there is nothing she dare not think of, such as that little dragon girl...

Cough, cough, cough~
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, and do nothing evil.

The two were silent for a while, Zhang Dongqiang was about to be laughed at by Ye Xusheng who was pretending to be stupid, Xie Xie glanced at him, and said lightly, "Tell me, what kind of story is it?"

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Xusheng's lips curled up slightly, then quickly faded away, and he said calmly, "Interested?"

Hey, isn't this silly boy asking questions knowingly?
Zhang Dongqiang wanted to throw something again.

He was really anxious to see people, Ye Xusheng didn't deliberately tease him anymore, coughed lightly, and then slowly and methodically told Zhang Dongqiang one by one the plot of the story set by He Xiner.

"Stealing a dragon for a phoenix? Amnesia? Blindness?"

Zhang Dongqiang was really eye-opening, first he was speechless in astonishment, and then suddenly burst out laughing, "Haha..."

The hearty laughter was extraordinarily loud in this silent night, filling Ye Xusheng's ears, causing him to frown, very displeased.

"It's so funny?"

"Isn't it funny?"

Then, Ye Xusheng couldn't help but burst out laughing, that girl's mind could come up with all sorts of weird ideas, and she just opened her mouth to make up a story, it's really funny when you think about it.

"Such a bizarre story will definitely arouse readers' interest. In this way, your brother and sister will make money again."

The word "brother and sister" made Ye Xusheng's smile froze on his face, and he lost his previous good mood. He gave him a sideways glance, picked up the teacup, and drank a cup of herbal tea.


The brat's temper is getting bigger and bigger!

Zhang Dongqiang was secretly embarrassed, but didn't say anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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