The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1037 Don't go anywhere

Chapter 1037 Don't go anywhere

Bright sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the doors and windows, forming beams of dazzling light, which softly hit Ye Xusheng's back.

"Brother is fine."

The young man smiled softly and lightly, his clear eyes filled with water and were extremely gentle~
"Tsk, tsk, brother hall can coax children..."

He Xiner shook her head solemnly, with a look of helplessness, she naturally placed her hand on Ye Xusheng's forehead:
"Well, it's cold, but not hot, but my face is a little pale, I'll go get some big red dates for my cousin..."

Ye Xusheng was still in a daze, the warm and soft little hand had been removed from his forehead, feeling lost in his heart~
"Red dates nourish qi and blood, brother in the lobby eat more."

Soon, He Xiner took a handful of red dates from the drawer, put them in a porcelain bowl and washed them with warm water before bringing them to the Eight Immortals table.

The little girl kept urging him to eat, Ye Xusheng felt warm in his heart, but he couldn't laugh or cry, he was not a woman, so he didn't need to replenish his blood.

"My cousin doesn't need to eat this."

"Why not? Eating red dates is good for your health..."

He Xiner disapproved of what he said, so she directly brought the biggest one to his mouth. Ye Xusheng had no choice but to obey her and opened his mouth to eat.

It is sweet in the mouth and sweet in the heart.

"Uncle, are you ready? My little cousin is going out to meet outsiders for the first time, and he might not get used to it. He must bring the big bad wolf he used to play with..."

"Don't go."


The person who was still as gentle as water in the past, now spoke in a cold and indifferent tone, without much warmth, which made He Xiner, who was chattering endlessly, dumbfounded.

Due to a heavy snowstorm on the second day of the new year last year, everyone stayed at home and did not visit, and their second room did not visit relatives.

But now that the weather is fine, don't they have to leave relatives?
By the way, Da Fang didn't seem to go to Lao Qian's house in August last year.

This is somewhat confusing.

It's hard to justify not leaving her natal family during the holidays, and then thinking of the character of Lao Qian's family, He Xiner twitched her lips.

"Hey, I have nothing to do left and right, do you want to go and play with my little cousin?"

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips curled up, and he thought of something immediately, shaking his head lightly, "Brother is writing a book at home, and he doesn't go anywhere."

"Okay then~"

Although the novel conceived by the two of them has not yet given a proper name, the plot has already been sorted out, and it is time to start writing.

At this time, He Xiner didn't know that Ye Xusheng was going to write two novels at the same time, so they discussed happily again immediately, and didn't forget to feed the big brother from time to time. It wasn't until Mrs. Wang came to call for someone that He Xiner was in a hurry He took his things with him, led Dabai to bid farewell to Ye Xusheng, and went to relatives.

The big house didn't need a cart, so Ye Laiyin drove the mule cart out, which was indeed much faster than the bullock cart, and arrived at Wangjiazhuang in less than half an hour.

The little girl Wang Jinling was standing outside the door early in the morning waiting for someone, she was so anxious that she kept muttering, "Why don't you come? It must be Sister Xin'er moji..."

As soon as the mule cart turned into the alley, Wang Jinling jumped up excitedly, "Dabai, Dabai, I miss you so much!"

While shouting, he ran wildly holding a corner of the cloak: "Dabai, Dabai, come down quickly, come down quickly..."

So, Aojiao Dabai jumped out of the car and went straight to the little girl. The two of them, oh no, it was one person and one dog, not to mention how close they were~
The little girl hugged her big white and fluffy head, giggling, still feeling unable to express her joy, and then made a crazy move that could shock people's jaws...


A certain little girl who was so happy and crazy hugged her beloved big dog, and kissed it very vigorously...

Ye Laiyin, who was driving the car, was amused by her, and Wang Shi and He Xiner, who had been watching this scene with a smile from behind the curtain, were both amused, and He Xiner barely laughed~
(End of this chapter)

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