Chapter 1049 What Happened
Cao Sanxi agreed with You Jian in his heart. Although his mother had many bad things, she was his biological mother. Now being locked up in a firewood room as cold as an ice kiln is more uncomfortable than torturing him.

Maybe he was wrong at the beginning.

If he could persuade his mother to let go of the thought that he shouldn't have, there would be no such things.

The 15-year-old green boy is so entangled and remorseful, caught between his furious father and his tormented mother, he doesn't know what to do...


Speaking of which, it was the first time for He Xiner to see her father's cold brows and cold eyes. It was the kind of coldness that emanated from the bottom of her heart. There was a deep chill all over her body, ruthless and cruel, and she really looked like she wanted to kill someone~
And her mother, who has always been euphemistic, virtuous, dignified and gentle, also had cold brows. Although she tried her best to pretend nothing had happened, her tense expression and slightly red eyes showed that her mother was not at peace.

And this trembling and sobbing slightly hugging her tightly after entering the carriage, what's going on?

"Mom, what happened?"

He Xiner's voice was muffled.

Wang's body was tense to the point of rigidity, and her emotions were so suppressed that she was about to lose control. Now her mind was blank, and only by hugging her daughter tightly could she feel at ease.

Tears flowed uncontrollably, Wang's heart ached to the extreme, numb from the pain, her precious girl was almost, almost being plotted against...

No matter how He Xiner asked, Wang only hugged her tightly in his arms, weeping silently.

The strength was so strong that He Xiner was about to be strangled so hard that she couldn't breathe.

He Xiner could clearly feel that her mother's emotions were about to lose control. No matter how uncomfortable her posture was now, and no matter how tight her chest was, she still let her mother remain motionless and did not speak again.

Since parents don't want to talk about it, then she won't ask.

But, she will never let go of that fat woman who made her parents angry.

Hmph, let's meet again some other day, let Dabai say hello to her well, I don't believe it won't scare her to death!
The eyes of Ye Laiyin who was driving were as cold as ice, and he was full of anger, which was about to explode him. If it wasn't for his daughter's reputation, such a thing would not be publicized. He really wanted to send that poisonous woman away. Go to the prison.

Dabai obediently sat on the right side of the frame, instead of closing his eyes to be lazy as usual, now his eyes are bright, looking straight ahead with full aura.

Ye Laiyin, who was sulking all the way, drove the mule cart very fast, and soon returned to Lao Ye's house. The mule cart was parked outside the side door, and Ye Laiyin was about to get out of the car to open the door, so he looked at him Jia Dabai jumped into the air from the bike frame, his figure was vigorous, mighty and handsome, and his heavy mood suddenly relaxed a bit.

It seems that he has to talk to his daughter carefully, and never let Dabai leave him when he goes out in the future.

As long as Dabai is around, no one can bully his daughter.

"Xin'er, we're getting off the bus."

Xu Shi was hugged too tightly by Wang's, and she felt a little stuffy. Coupled with the bumping of the mule cart, He Xiner unconsciously closed her eyes and fell asleep. When the mule cart entered the backyard, she still felt that she was sleeping soundly.

Wang, whose eyes were red and swollen from crying, gently stroked her daughter's tender little face, feeling rejoiced and terrified at the same time, her whole heart was about to be crushed.

"Second Uncle, are you back?"

Just as Ye Laiyin led the mule cart into the backyard, while the Wangs and his wife were still in the cart, Ye Xusheng from the Dongkua courtyard was led over by Dabai.

He was going to go to the backyard to have a look, and happened to meet Dabai who was rushing towards him in the East Kuayuan, and with only one look from Dabai, he felt that something was wrong, and his heart couldn't help beating wildly.

After returning to their homeland, both Ye Laiyin and his wife felt at ease in their hearts, their tense emotions relaxed a lot, and when they saw their eldest nephew, their moods suddenly improved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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