The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 106 It's Really Not Easy

Chapter 106 It's Really Not Easy
In fact, living in a family, everyone is obliged to work. It doesn’t matter who does more and who does less. Living in harmony is better than anything~
Her parents are hardworking, and she is not lazy, and she is not tired of doing some work.It would be great if the whole family thought the same as them, just afraid of those troublemakers!
After silently complaining, He Xiner smiled and stepped forward to help Wang shi water the vegetables.

Just after watering a Chinese cabbage, Mrs. Wang, who turned around, saw her daughter coming, and took a ladle to water the vegetables.

Wang Qian smiled kindly: "Why don't you play more?"

He raised his head and showed a big smile to his mother, which made Wang's smile deepen a bit, and said, "Be careful not to get your shoes wet."

Nodding his head, he continued pouring vegetables.

He Xiner felt more and more that she had dug a hole for herself back then. In the past two days, she had thought of several solutions but she rejected them one by one. The main one had to be supported by her acting skills!

Alas, if I say too much, I will cry...

The two mothers were also quick to work. After a while, the two buckets of water were used up. Wang took the pole to pick up the empty bucket to carry water to the river, and He Xiner hurriedly took the pole to the front.

Seeing her rushing to help, Wang happily said, "I don't need you, you haven't grown up yet."

He Xiner stubbornly shook her head, persistently hung the wooden barrel on the pole, then squatted down in a dignified manner, and stood up with two empty barrels on her right shoulder. Alas, these are two empty barrels. Bucket, why is it still hurting your shoulder so much?
The Wang family on the side smiled even more happily: "Does your shoulder hurt? Your small body hasn't grown up yet, and your shoulders are very tender. How can you bear this? Give it to your mother!"

Grinning her teeth, He Xiner thought to herself that it would be embarrassing to quit after she got her shoulders all over her shoulders, okay?

He walked unsteadily for two steps, his shoulders hurt even more, he tried his best to control the expression on his face, and nodded seriously to say that I can, I can do it.

Seeing Wang felt distressed and funny, "Look at these two buckets that are almost dragged on the ground. This is not something a child can do."

Really, this kid is too short now, right?

The two buckets were less than ten centimeters from the ground, so He Xiner put down the pole in frustration.

Patting her on the head, Wang said: "Don't go to the river, wait here, mother will go by herself."

He Xin'er can't rest assured that she is alone, her mother is not in good health, and she is still taking medicine, and the empty bucket hurts her shoulders. One can imagine how tiring it is to fill two buckets of water!
Following Wang's back to the river, seeing my mother's proficiency in carrying the pole, I couldn't help but feel very distressed. It's really not easy for such a thin body to carry a heavy load like a man!
It seems that the idyllic life that the rich people yearn for is not so beautiful. Thinking about the tanned faces of her father and uncle makes her feel sad.

They are all simple peasants, and they work so hard just for the whole family to have enough food and live a good life.The pay and harvest are seriously out of proportion!
After coming to Lao Ye's house for so long, He Xiner has never seen her father, father, and uncle spending a day at home. They are so dedicated to taking care of Zhuang, but they can't even eat a bite of white noodles, let alone rice. , Every day is corned bread.

Work like an old scalper, and eat not much better than an old scalper!

For a long time, how can the body bear it?
Although I don't have any special skills, I have traveled from a modern civilized society, so I have to find a way to earn money to improve the life of Lao Ye's family, and make it easier for my parents.

Oh, silver, silver, fly into my pocket~
It wasn't until Mrs. Wang got to the river and started fetching water that He Xiner came back to her senses. She looked around first, but there was no one there, and Ye Dani was not seen either. He Xiner let out a breath and hurried forward to help.

The couple filled the water and walked back. Seeing that Mrs. Wang was struggling to pick it up, He Xiner felt even more distressed. She supported the bucket behind her, thinking that it would be good to save her mother some effort.

Sensing the strangeness from behind, although Wang didn't turn her head, she still smiled and said, "Erni, I don't need your help. Get out of the bucket and don't spill water to wet your clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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