The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1066 He chose the road himself

Chapter 1066 He chose the road himself
Ye Xusheng paused, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I think they won't be able to stay for a few days."

"Although my little cousin should get in touch with people more, but the sudden addition of several outsiders and the noise at home may make my little cousin emotionally unstable."

"Well, let me tell my father to let my younger brother stay in the house more and meet those people less."

"Brother Tang, have you noticed that the woman's eyes are surprisingly bright?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Why do I feel that she looks at me like looking at a piece of goods, that feeling is extremely uncomfortable, like being stared at by a hungry wolf."

On weekdays, Ye Xusheng is always vigilant, and he can immediately catch anyone who casts unkind glances at He Xiner.But he didn't think much about the woman brought back by his third uncle. Because of the arrogant attitude of the little maid of the Wu family, who obviously looked down on the old Ye family, he only looked at the woman because he was surprised by Xin'er's clothes. A few glances.

After all, it was the first time that the two sides saw each other, and it was also possible to pay close attention to each other.

He is a junior, and because of the difference between men and women, he didn't pay special attention to it.

"What did Xin'er discover?"

"There is no real evidence, it's just my intuition. I feel uncomfortable and even disgusted."

"Tell me."

"Brother Hall, look, that woman looks soft, delicate and pretty. Although she is pregnant, her limbs are still slender, and her pretty face is still thin..."

Hearing her such a detailed description, Ye Xusheng was a little embarrassed, he licked it lightly, neatly tied two hair bags for her, and took out the beads and put them on carefully.

"That woman walks like a weak hand holding the wind..."

The corners of Ye Xusheng's mouth twitched, he was speechless.

"No matter how you look at it, she is a young lady raised in a deep boudoir, but she speaks very crisply and is very strong. Although she smiles softly, it still can't conceal her strength. Our good third uncle is so cowardly in front of her...cough , cough, cough..."

Someone spoke too sloppily and barely stopped the car, so he had to cover it up with a violent cough.

Ye Xusheng, who was still holding the comb in his hand, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately put down the jade comb, and patted her on the back lightly. After she stopped, he quickly poured a cup of hot water, "Drink carefully, don't get burned."

"Well, thank you big brother."

He Xiner, who was blushing from coughing, shifted her eyes and was embarrassed to meet his gaze. After catching the water, she lowered her head, as if she had made a mistake.

Ye Xusheng's eyes flickered lightly, he didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't ask her.

After drinking a cup of hot water, He Xiner let out a breath and continued the topic just now, "Let's not talk about the Wu family, even that maid's aura is much stronger than Ye Laosan..."

He Xiner didn't have a good impression of Ye Laicai at first, and now she is very disdainful of his actions. She didn't bother to pretend in front of the big hall brother, and directly used Ye Laosan as a nickname, because she really didn't want to be called anything. Third Uncle.

Ye Xusheng raised his eyebrows, a little funny.

"He chose the road by himself, and he can't blame others."

"Hey, I just can't figure it out. How could Ye Lao San, who looks very shrewd, do such a stupid thing? It's not that our old Ye's family is too poor to eat. Son-in-law?"

"Brother Hall, what do you think he's trying to figure out? It's really hard to understand."

Hearing this, the corners of Ye Xusheng's lips curled into a shallow arc, which seemed to be mocking, but his tone was flat, "Some people just pretend to be smart~"

"Ah! It's still Brother Dao who sees it clearly!"

"Thinking about it, this really is the case. Ye Laosan must have seen that the Wu family has quite a lot of property, and there are only two mothers and daughters, so he started to plan. I guess he agreed to marry him as a temporary expedient measure..."

The eloquent person suddenly stopped, staring straight ahead without blinking.

"Xin'er, what's wrong with you?"

"I suddenly thought, that woman is smart and capable, has a rich family, and has a powerful family as the backing..."

He Xiner said quietly, "According to such conditions, even if you recruit a son-in-law, you can find a good man, at least more responsible than Ye Laosan, but she just found an unresponsible counselor. Is this the legendary true love? ?”

 I want a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~~
(End of this chapter)

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