Chapter 1070

"Ah bah, we only heard your voice, but Dabai didn't make a sound, so tell me, how did it scare you?"

The little servant girl choked, then carefully glanced at Dabai, who was looking at him with great enthusiasm, and hesitated, she was really afraid that the dog would do something like that again.

"I think you have a guilty conscience. Why don't you see that others will be scared when they see Dabai? But you are scared out of your wits?"

Ye Guihua crossed her arms and squinted at her with a look of disdain on her face. Ye Feifeng stood beside her, her eyes twinkling, and she didn't know what to think.

Little Qian, who heard the noise and wanted to watch the excitement, was reprimanded by Ye Laijin to accompany his youngest son in the room. He looked for the sound and came over to take a look, and then went to the room together with Ye Laiyin who had seen the situation clearly. .

At this time, both Ye Laicai and Wu Lihua rushed over with sullen faces, facing each other, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin didn't even look at each other, they strode on their own, passing them by.

Wu Lihua was so annoyed that she gave Ye Laicai a hard pinch.

And Ye Laicai was also annoyed, the parents coaxed by the two mud legs were obedient, dominating the entire property of the old Ye family, leaving him to the sky, the most hateful thing is that he took advantage of it and acted like a good boy, putting on airs to drag him down Twenty-five to eighty thousand, almost left sideways.


The flesh on his arm was about to be twisted into a flower by Mrs. Wu, the pain caused Ye Laicai to break out in a cold sweat, and the anger in his heart became more intense at the moment, "It's just two dumb legs with no winks, you don't have to be idle with the two rough people, my lady carefully body..."

"Hmph, I'm not a simple-minded vulgar person, I'm smart, guarding against your vigor is the same as guarding against thieves..."

The two of them thought their voices were not loud, and they stopped before turning into the aisle, but Ye Xusheng still heard them clearly.

Xin'er was really astute, she could tell at a glance that the woman was not a good person.

Ye Xusheng's eyes were deep, and he glanced lightly at the maid who was flirting with Ye Guihua with her hips crossed. He didn't have the heart to blow the cold wind here, and planned to call Xiner and Dabai to leave. In the blink of an eye, there was a smile in his eyes.

At this time, He Xiner was watching Ye Guihua and the maid with great interest, watching it with great interest.

If you have nothing to do left and right, it's like watching a big show.

"Let's go."


"Go obediently, let's go to dinner."

"Second girl, don't rush away..."

Ye Laicai's distraught voice came from behind, carrying a hint of anger, as if he was about to explode at any moment.

"What's the matter, uncle?"

He Xin'er turned around, her face was light, her eyes were pure and clear, but her gaze was cool~
It was not He Xiner who spoke, but the handsome and handsome Ye Xusheng, his thick black eyebrows were slightly frowned, and he was very cold.

"Hey, third brother is here for the servants of the Wu family..."

"To shut up!"

Ye Laicai became even more furious.

This damn girl has been spoiled by his mother, she doesn't respect him as a brother at all, and even finds time to complain to him, I don't know which muscle is wrong, she clings to him tightly, either sneering or hot Sarcastic.

But with his mother protecting him, he really didn't dare to do anything to the dead girl.

It's a real headache.

Wu Lihua, who frowned and said nothing as soon as she turned into the aisle, also had a headache for Ye Guihua, who was messing around. Zuo didn't think that was the case, and he still grabbed Kong and made all kinds of instigations.

It's really annoying.

You have to think of a way to completely wrap the old godmother and his wife together, and you have to make them calm down and stand on your side.

Pulling the handkerchief in his hand, Wu Lihua's eyeballs rolled around, and soon he had an idea, "Hey, look at what the little girl is talking about? Why is the Wu family not the Wu family? Now we But the family..."

(End of this chapter)

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