The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1072 Don't Like This Tune

Chapter 1072 Don't Like This Tune

There was a dull knock on the door, followed by the voice of the little maid. He Xiner squinted her eyes slightly, quickly got off the kang, put on her boots, took her cloak and gloves, and hurried out of the room.


Xu didn't expect that He Xiner would open the door without making a sound, and the maid named Qing Xing still raised her hand to knock...

He Xiner stood three feet away, looking at her indifferently, "The door is already open, why knock?"

That Qing Xing's raised arm paused, then put it down as if nothing had happened, rolled her eyes, and kept scanning the room, obviously wanting to enter the room and talk.

"Let's talk about something here."

The light tone was not polite to her at all.

What a joke, what's the point of being polite with a servant, and expecting her to greet her with a smile, and please come in happily?

don't think about it~
The other party was obviously stunned, then pulled a handkerchief with both hands, and said with a slight smile, "The servant girl is here to make up for Miss Ye Er..."

He said he was sorry, but he stood up straight, and there was no apology on his face.

He Xiner looked at her calmly.

At the age of fifteen or sixteen, he was half a head taller than her, with a beautiful appearance and a slim figure. He was obviously a servant, but there was a hint of arrogance in his eyebrows and eyes, and he didn't know what he was so proud of.

"It's all because the servant girl is timid,..."

The little maid is articulate and can speak well, and she's the same as Chaodouzi, that's called a crunchy one.

He is really clever, no wonder he is favored, he has a bit more face than his own male master.

He Xiner was completely distracted, and didn't listen to her words seriously.

"This is a sachet made by the servant girl. It is given to the second girl Ye, so it should be regarded as an apology to the second girl."

Just when He Xiner was distracted, an embroidered sachet with an elegant fragrance was placed in front of her eyes.

The pale pink embroidered plum flower brocade sachet is exquisite and small, the pink fringe is silky and soft, and the lanyard of the same color can be used to tie around the waist.

Such a beautiful and exquisite object, even a little girl would be rare.

Seeing He Xiner's careful observation, the little girl Qing Xing's eyes flashed with disdain, and she became a little more angry in an instant. She didn't know why her young lady praised a country girl so much.

It was obvious that the other party deliberately provoked the Wu family by virtue of having a dog, and the young lady didn't say to use the elder's money to teach this dead girl a lesson, but asked her to come and apologize to the dead girl, and even took out such a precious Objects to make amends.

With scrutiny, he quickly glanced at He Xiner's clothes. She felt a little sour in her heart. She was obviously a country girl who wanted to learn from the young lady of a rich family. The clothes on her body were decent, and her cloak was also It is expensive, but there is no decent jewelry, and it is still shabby.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help passing the sachet in my hand forward again, saying "a little gadget, don't dislike it, Miss Ye Er."

Taking advantage of the movement of stretching forward, she exposed the plain silver bracelet under the sleeve, shaking very showily.

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

"I accept the apology, and I don't want the things. I never like to wear these gadgets, so I'd better keep them for your own use."

A very magnanimous tone of not caring about her, and at the same time an attitude of disdain for that little gadget, which almost made the little girl blow her hair out.

The outstretched arm was just so straight and stiff, and it didn't matter whether it was retracted or not, and the faint smile could no longer be maintained.

Thinking of what my young lady explained, she forced the corners of her mouth, and sighed with infinite resentment, "Second Miss Ye doesn't like this little thing~"

What a soft and weak little white lotus.

It's a pity that the baby is a woman and doesn't like this tune.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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