Chapter 1126 Do You Know?
Ye Xu was silent.

His grandma is more than heartless.

For money, even his own son is plotting...

Clenching his fists with both hands, Ye Xusheng's indescribable taste in his heart, ups and downs, bitterness, saltiness, couldn't express what he was feeling at this moment. He was in a trance for a moment, and when his eyes were clear, he was startled by the vigor of He Xiner, "I can't smell it!"

It turned out that today Uncle Zhang took the time to give him a kraft paper package, there is a small packet of Mongolian sweat medicine, and a small packet of bewitching medicine, said to be the most commonly used medicine for scheming people, and repeatedly told him to be careful, saying that there is no suitable antidote.

The perspiration medicine is fine, it’s a big deal to get more sleep, but that charming medicine...

Although there is a small porcelain bottle inside, which contains ten "Qingxin Jiedu Pills", the effect is not immediate.

Originally, although He Xiner looked fierce, she actually held her breath and paid close attention, intending to take a light sniff and then move away.

It's a joke, poisonous, it's not a joke.

In the end, Ye Xusheng, who suddenly came back to his senses, let out an urgent cry, and quickly explained, "I'm paying attention..."

Once you open your mouth to speak, it is naturally difficult to control your breathing, and by the time you feel a sweet smell, it is already a bit late. .

And Ye Xusheng was too anxious and lost his sense of control. When he took the medicine bag from He Xiner's hand, he moved too fast, so that he squeezed out a little powder.

The sweet and greasy taste spreads immediately...

Both of them were surprised at the same time.

Without saying a word, Ye Xusheng picked up He Xiner and quickly moved to the bedroom. After putting her down, he went back to the study room and opened the window to get the porcelain vase.

Naturally, we act with our breath held.

Dabai in the hall heard his hurried footsteps, and listened curiously for a while, but he didn't hear anything unusual, so he put down his ears and continued to sleep.

"Big brother, what kind of poison is this?"

He Xin'er's face turned pale with fright. The smell of this seed is really nice, but she didn't want to get her life involved.


Ye Xusheng didn't know how to answer.

He originally intended to prevent He Xiner from being addicted to this kind of drug, but he didn't want to explain it clearly, so that she could be more vigilant and beware of this poison.

but now……

Ye Xusheng, who was blushing, didn't care about explaining, and hurriedly took Qingxinjiedu pills, gave He Xiner two, "Eat."

He Xiner took it with a small face, and swallowed it dryly without saying a word, but she almost choked to death, thanks to Ye Xusheng who had already poured the water, when she turned around and saw her staring eyes, she didn't know what to say , put water directly to her mouth to feed her.

"Cough, cough, not poisoned to death but almost choked to death..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Oh, got it."

He Xiner shrugged, the hall brother is a bit strict, after being her instructor, his aura has changed, so he cried.

Blinking her big eyes and watching the serious instructor take the antidote, He Xiner continued to ask, "Brother Datang hasn't said yet, what kind of poison is that?"

Ye Xusheng's ears were red, his cheeks were hot, his eyes flashed lightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Yes, yes, it is used by wicked people to plot against women..."

"I'll go, it's so explosive!"

He Xiner was extremely surprised.

"Big Brother, the baby is only 13 years old!"

"Hey, no, that fat woman wanted to harm me, and she used this trick..."

She slapped the Kang table violently, and He Xiner became furious, "Fatty woman, bad fat woman, next time we see each other, I will let Dabai scare her half to death!"

Ye Xusheng was dumbfounded.

"you know?"

"Hey, little sister, I'm so smart, how could I not know."

Someone who is a baby and a little sister, if you are not familiar with her temperament, you will be confused by her.

"How does this antidote work?"

He Xiner stared at her big eyes that were still clear, curious and nervous at the same time.

Oh, it's not really nervous, because she thinks that her life will be fine, so she's inexplicably excited...

This, this is also a strange thing~
Ye Xusheng is the person who knows her best, looking at her bright eyes and excited eyes, what else can't you understand?
Rao was always as calm and calm as him, and was frightened into a cold sweat, but this little girl thought it was fun...

(End of this chapter)

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