Chapter 1128 Shame or not?

This was just a small episode on the way of learning to recognize and recognize drugs. After the incident, He Xiner didn't think about it anymore.

And Ye Xusheng became stricter with her after that day, and I don't know where he got a bunch of medicinal herbs for He Xiner to put on gloves to observe carefully. .

Because both of them have work during the day, they can only use the time in the evening to understand poison and practice martial arts. Ye Xusheng also devotes most of his energy to defending and understanding poison, which takes up a little more time. He planned to go for a run at night , but now there is no time to execute it.

He Xiner secretly laughed several times.

The doll business that Ye Laiyin's family cooperated with Guan's and Ye Shitian's families has started. The three old masters, Wang, Bai, and Liu, with three maids, are still working in the east wing of the old Ye's west courtyard.

All the housework in the public house was handed over to Mrs. Cao, which saved Mrs. Wang a lot of time. As for the work of sprouting bean sprouts, it didn't take much time, and they didn't delay doing their private work at the front of the house.

Old Qian has made up his mind to plan He Xiner's marriage, so he doesn't make much trouble on weekdays, and Erfang pays out money to hire servants to serve her. proud.

Of course, she didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of the old Yetou, and she also knew that the old man was tired of others disturbing his interest.

But this is not difficult for her, the old Ye Touye spends every day in the vegetable garden to loosen the soil, and has no time to sit in the upper room and drink tea.

As a result, the old Qian's became more and more complacent, and deliberately teased Cao's.

That Mrs. Cao has a soft personality and was abandoned by her husband's family. Her natal brothers and sisters-in-law did not tolerate her, and her parents did not care about her. She was helpless and suffered a lot, so she cherished this job very much. No matter how old Qian tossed about, she never complained.

In her opinion, although old Qian was tossing around, at least he didn't hit anyone, he was much better than her ex-mother-in-law.

Although He Xiner could not understand her grandma's arrogance, she would not contradict her grandma for an outsider.

Who told the old godmother to occupy the seat of an elder?

It's better to toss with a servant than to toss with your own family.

The days passed smoothly, and the first month came soon.

On the first day of February, after Ye Laiyin delivered bean sprouts to the town, he went directly to Wangjiazhuang to pick up Wang Jinling's child.

This action made everyone in the Wang family, who had been worried for nearly a month, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and then happily moved the prepared pile of food to the ox cart of Lao Ye's family, and happily sent off little Wang Jinling.

Even Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Jiang no longer felt sorry for that little thing, seeing that the old Ye family's attitude towards the Wang family was the same as before, they were so happy from ear to ear.

All morning, He Xin'er was a little absent-minded, she craned her neck to look out from time to time, and the white rabbit fur ball in her hand couldn't be finished for a long time.

The weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining. The doors and windows are kept wide open all the time for better ventilation and exhaust. After all, there are a lot of rabbit fur and isinglass used to stick things, so there is more or less a smell.

The finished product is placed in the closet, and the insect-proof and fragrant spiritual herbs are still placed.

These days, her father and uncle were so busy that they didn't have time to take Dabai into the mountains to hunt. Dabai's ancestor stayed in the Xikuan courtyard obediently most of the time, except for occasionally playing with Xiao Xuyang. This scared away Xiaoqian and several of Bai's sisters-in-law who wanted to find out.

As for the old Qian and his wife, they were not interested in the second room's livelihood, only in the second room's money.

"Dabai, Dabai, here I come!"

"Hey, girl Ling is here, listen to her joy, just listening to it makes me happy~"

"Sad, little cousin only thinks about Dabai, and doesn't think about us."

"Are you ashamed to be jealous with Dabai?"

"Ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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