The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1131 is the most suitable

Chapter 1131 is the most suitable

"Cough, cough."

Coughing twice, old Qian put on airs, cast a sideways glance at Huang, the second room of old Qian's family, pretending to be careless, and said slowly, "I remember that your boy is the same age as my second girl."

Qian Dafa was stunned at first, and then suddenly became ecstatic, his eyes lit up, his old face had already turned cloudy, and he no longer held on to the previous matter, he glanced at old Qian admiringly, thinking that his sister finally Did a smart thing.

The Huang family of the second room was originally jealous of the first room and the third room having a daughter, so she could beat the eldest grandson of Ye's parents. She only gave birth to two sons, so there is no way to climb high.

Who knows that there are such good things waiting for their second wife!

Huang was very happy.

The second son of the Qian family, Qian Lai, was also overjoyed, feeling like a pie in the sky, and almost jumped up for joy.

"Auntie has a good memory. Gui'er and that girl are in the same age. They are what they call childhood sweethearts. They are really a natural couple..."

Happiness came so suddenly, Huang was so happy that he couldn't find the north, he couldn't speak fluently, and he didn't care about it, he only cared about his own thoughts and grinned.

The big family Jiang, the third family Hu, and the fourth family Xue are all impatient. The second family of the old Ye family is very rich. Just look at the yard where the first room lives and the style of tidying up, you can know the money of the second room. It's rich.

I heard that the big dog named Dabai earned his money from hunting. Those wild animals in the mountains are really valuable!

Hey, take that girl home and they don't have to do anything but enjoy themselves.

Moreover, there is no need to be afraid of that dog anymore, its owner has become his own daughter-in-law, so he will no longer call that dog to scare people.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Xiner is simply a golden baby.

By the way, who wouldn't want to marry a golden baby back home?

"My family's Qian Hua is three years older than that girl, which is the most suitable..."

Well, after Mrs. Jiang opened her mouth, Mrs. Hu of the third and Mrs. Xue of the fourth also expressed their opinions in a hurry. This one said that Qian Ming had a good temper and would hurt others; Forget it.

Old Cui looked at the head of the family, Qian Dafa, who squinted his shiny old eyes, obviously planning something, but kept silent.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, in the end it was old Qian who hypocritically said that although she was so interesting, it was not easy to be the owner of the second room, and the second girl was still young, so this matter was not urgent.

The four sisters-in-law who were arguing so loudly were all dumbfounded.

You can't be the master, why are you using this to seduce people?
Just when these sisters-in-law and black corns wanted to have an internal competition first, Ye Laijin lifted the curtain and entered with Xiao Xuyang in his arms, followed by Xiao Qian and Ye Feifeng.

Finally the first month came out, Ye Laijin took his youngest son to Huichun Hall early in the morning, and asked Doctor Dou to give his youngest a good diagnosis. I felt the pulse for a long time, and finally realized that the child is still hopeful to be cured.

Ye Laijin burst into tears with joy.

The treatment plan remains unchanged, and the previous three-pronged method will continue to be given to Xiao Xuyang to take medicine, acupuncture, and massage.

Finally, the youngest son had something to look forward to, Ye Laijin was very happy, he accompanied Xiaoqian and his wife for a stroll around the town, and bought spring clothes for the mother and daughter, the eldest son and the younger son. But he didn't buy it.

Little Qian wanted to have a meal in the town, so he wanted to make a show of it.

She was jealous that the second room went to Taifengjie for dinner, and she had been angry for more than a day or two.

It was originally said that they came to accompany her son for treatment, but she dared not mention it even if she had ideas.

Now, if you don't make a request while your husband is in a good mood, when will you have to wait?
Unfortunately, Ye Laijin was not willing to spend money no matter how happy he was.

(End of this chapter)

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