The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1137 It's so lively

Chapter 1137 It's so lively
"My uncle kept claiming that it was broken by my uncle and aunt..."

"After we left that day, uncle and sister-in-law beat aunt?"

He Xiner was extremely surprised.

When she was alive, she secretly scolded the fat woman to death in her heart, not once or twice, but now, people are gone, so she must accumulate some virtue, it is not easy to be called a fat woman.

But what kind of aunt is she called at this moment, I still feel a little awkward.

Little Wang Jinling didn't realize that she was uncomfortable, and told her in detail what happened that day after the family of three left, only to hear He Xiner's tongue smacking.

"How was Auntie at the time? Is she okay?"

"Where it is really broken, people walked out of the old Wang's house well."

He Xiner nodded, thinking that after all, they were a family, and it was impossible for her uncle to kill her.

Could it be that the man had some hidden disease that broke out after being beaten?
He Xiner couldn't figure it out for a while, so she stopped guessing randomly.

"Hey, those bad things are decided by adults, so let's not worry about that."


Although he was a little surprised by the news at first, He Xiner and her Auntie Lao Shizi had no feelings for each other, not to mention that the other party had plotted against her, so they could be regarded as enemies, so there was nothing to be sad about.

I'm afraid that her mother will be sad if she finds out.

Although the two sisters didn't get along well, her mother was the softest and would be sad when she found out.

He Xiner thought about it, decided not to visit her grandma for the time being, and told her little cousin not to tell her mother about it.

Little Wang Jinling nodded obediently, expressing her understanding.

After thinking about it carefully, there was nothing wrong, so He Xiner put the matter behind her.

After settling down for her cousin's lunch break, He Xiner quietly left the house with Dabai. At this time, their workshop had already started working.

"Hey, the Chen family boy's ostentation is really not small. It's made of bricks and tiles. It's not old or young to buy..."

Before He Xiner came to the front, she heard Bai's gossip, so she couldn't help but smile.

"It's so lively~"

"I'm missing you."

"Sister Ling'er fell asleep?"

"Well, at the beginning, I was talking to me about this and that, but when I lay down and my little head touched the pillow, I immediately fell asleep."

Hearing what she said was interesting, and thinking about that scene again, the big guys were all amused, and they all said that they would make fun of this little girl later. . .

Everyone was talking and laughing, and the work in their hands was not delayed at all, and they were very careful.

After Wang Jinling woke up, she immediately looked for it happily. She was most rare with round fur balls. Holding one in her hand, she could play with it all afternoon.

Three pairs of mother and daughter, plus a little tail, Wang Jinling, were happily making dolls that they also rare, and they didn't feel tired at all. It wasn't until the sun went down, and it was late, that Bai Shi and Liu Shi took their daughters to leave and go home.

With Mrs. Cao taking care of the housework, Mrs. Wang really saves a lot of worry. After finishing the work of his own house, he can just eat what is ready-made when the time comes.

It's just that she is restless, and whenever she has time, she will still go to battle in person and cook meals for the family.

Tonight, seeing that Mrs. Cao was ready, she stopped doing anything and brought Mrs. Cao together to set the meal.

The whole family had dinner peacefully, and it was quite early. He Xiner thought that her little cousin had taken a solid afternoon nap, and she couldn't sleep now, so she took her and Dabai to Dongkua courtyard to find the lobby brother .

The reason is so powerful.

The real reason is that she wants to be lazy.

With my little cousin here, the big hall brother will never force her to practice martial arts again, hee hee, the baby is so smart~

However, she miscalculated.

Even with little friend Wang Jinling around, Ye Xusheng still urged her to practice kung fu according to his usual habits, but he didn't mention a word about poison recognition and learning about poison recognition.

The devil instructor is really strict~

(End of this chapter)

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