Chapter 1152
It should be a girl speaking, her voice is still a little immature.

But what he said was extremely mean, and it really didn't sound like a girl's tone.

He Xiner frowned slightly.

People who call uncle uncle, she probably knows the background of the other person.

Her mother didn't even spare Yuanyuan's chrysanthemum bonsai, and she didn't know where she had the face to say that others were playing autumn.

"Where did this pop up..."

The little girl Wang Jinling expressed that she was very angry, thinking that Dabai should be brought here, and if anyone dared to make trouble, let Dabai scare her to death.

He Xiner could figure out what kind of temper her cousin had. Seeing her staring with her arms akimbo, she knew that the villain was about to erupt. She hurried forward and hugged the running villain and covered her little mouth.

"Cousin, calm down. Today is a day of great joy, so it's not easy to make trouble."

The little girl Wang Jinling still listened to her cousin very much, and thinking about what she said was reasonable, she nodded to show that she understood.

"Let's go and find Yuanyuan."

There was a brand new bright red embroidered peony thin cotton curtain on the door of the inner room. He Xiner glanced at the direction of the inner room, and decisively took her little cousin's hand to leave the place of right and wrong.

On such days, it is not good to have conflicts with people.

Even if they don't want to make noise, they simply don't have to meet each other, so as not to be embarrassed at the banquet table.

He Xin'er wanted to calm things down, but someone was ignorant and insisted on flirting. Just when the two of them turned to leave, they heard heavy footsteps coming from inside, as if they were stomping their feet deliberately.

The two sisters looked at each other and pouted.

The room is paved with bluestone bricks, so I don't know if my feet will hurt if I stomp my feet so hard.

Wei Qiufang heard that the two of them dared not provoke her in the inner room, and she was very frightened, so she couldn't help but wanted to shake her prestige, but she was not willing to leave immediately, and grabbed a handful of peanuts and Chestnut, put it in the pocket of the jacket, then slid down the kang quickly, just in time when He Xiner said to find Yuanyuan, she couldn't help being furious.

"Where do these two poor people have the guts to go and complain to cousin Yuanyuan?"

The big red curtain was raised by people, and a girl with an angry face walked out quickly, still cursing, "You bastard who can't stand on the stage..."

The words of cursing suddenly got stuck in her throat, and Wei Qiufang's eyes widened in surprise.

The bright and gorgeous sunlight shone straight into the room. Two girls, one tall and one short, stood quietly in the dazzling light, looking at her coldly.

The taller one has delicate features and graceful features;
The short one is carved with jade, ice and snow is cute.

Both sisters are very good-looking, and they are not poor people.

Not to mention the brand-new exquisitely embroidered cross-collared jackets and skirts on the two of them, but the pair of silver butterfly hairpins on the little girl's bun, which glistened in the sun, were better than the [-]% new pink silk flowers on her head How many times to go.

And that girl who is about the same age as her has only a pair of simple pink brocade bows on her bun, but it is not simple at all. The breeze blows, and the long pink brocade ribbons flutter slightly, gorgeous and elegant~
When Wei Qiufang was looking up and down at He Xiner and the sisters, He Xiner was also looking at her:
The girl in front of her has beautiful features, but she is black and thin, with a sharp chin that can poke people, giving people a vitriolic feeling;

A gorgeous garnet-red double-breasted jacket, a navy blue horse-face skirt embroidered with flower branches;
Some overly mature dresses, coupled with her dull complexion, can't match such a gorgeous garnet red, but make people look a bit vulgar.

There is only a pair of half-old pink silk flowers on the top and bottom of the whole body, which has a bit of a girlish look.

He Xiner had heard of this girl from Aunt Ye Yuanyuan's family for a long time, but this was the first time she met her.

"Sister, we sisters didn't recruit you, we didn't provoke you, we didn't even meet each other, you just caught our sisters and started yelling..."

(End of this chapter)

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