Chapter 1163 Before?

The girls at the table were all clever, and as soon as He Xiner said this, the five sisters of the Bai family secretly met their eyes, quite gloating.

Ye Feifeng glanced at He Xiner wonderingly, isn't this girl always smiling outside, with a bad-tempered look?

I don't know which muscle is wrong today.

Little friend Wang Jinling smiled happily, "Cousin, cousin, I want to eat those meatballs!"

Usually people would call Sister Xin'er, but now they deliberately called "Cousin" and "Cousin", what it meant was self-evident.

He Xiner was speechless.

The little ancestor just knows how to boo.

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi both snickered.

By the way, Wei Qiufang is not stupid, of course she can see such an obvious exclusion, if she wants to follow her past temperament, she must go forward and arrest two people, and reward each of them with a big slap.

But, but now, she can't be impulsive.

"My mother is also from Lao Ye's family. She is a direct sibling with my uncle, and is of the same clan as your family. However, the closest relatives do not move around much. We sisters are not familiar with each other, but they are very serious. relatives."

He Xiner raised her eyebrows, this one is very agreeable and reluctant.

Miss Wei's temper, she has heard Yuanyuan complain a lot, and she has personally seen it before.

With such a bitter and arrogant personality, not only did he not lose his temper when she didn't give him face, but he was able to break up with her with a smile all over his face.

I have to say one thing: the charm of the big brother is radiant!

He Xiner curled her lips slightly with a half-smile, "Although my family and uncle's family belong to the same family, they have produced Wufu."

Wei Qiufang gritted her teeth in annoyance.

I can't wait to catch Hua's pretty face with a smile like a flower!

"Hey, is Cousin Xin'er angry with me? The previous incident was my fault, and Cousin Xin'er should be angry. My sister is here to make amends to you..."

Ye Yuanyuan's almond-shaped eyes widened, "What happened before? What happened?"

He Xiner...

Is it too late to stop the little ancestor's mouth now?
"Early in the morning, Sister Xin'er and I went to the East Wing to see the scenery, and she called us sisters poor country bumpkins, and said we came to fight the autumn wind!"

This place was not found, Wang Jinling was already angry, if He Xiner hadn't warned her, she would have sued Ye Yuanyuan long ago.

Hey, that's all right now, she brought this up by herself, so don't hold back anymore.

With the sound of the villain's crisp voice, all the girls at the table looked at Wei Qiufang in disbelief, and even Ye Feifeng couldn't help but slander, isn't the girl surnamed Wei blind?
Guan Cuizhi opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Ye Yuanyuan was furious, "My surname Wei, open your dog eyes and see, sister Xin'er is not precious from head to toe? You call Xin'er a poor country bun? How is my Xin'er poor? It's all about her. A coat and skirt cost two taels of silver! This is considered poor, so you are a beggar!"

After saying a series of words in one breath, Ye Yuanyuan was short of breath, panting heavily, patted his chest, and said straightly, "I'm so mad! I'm so mad! I'm so mad!"

The corners of He Xiner's mouth twitched.

Yuanyuan's focus is different from Zhong's!

Wei Qiufang's face was flushed, and her eyes turned black with anger.

She also saw that He Xiner never mentioned that, and she was always smiling. Even if she didn't like her very much, she didn't make a bad face, so she decided that she was soft and didn't dare to be on this happy day. There is a verbal dispute with others.

She didn't have any scruples, and she wanted to say something soft and get away with it, and with her good attitude, it wouldn't be easy for the other party to continue ignoring her, right?
However, things are always unexpected...

The sisters of the Bai family looked at each other, and they were all shocked by He Xiner's jacket and skirt.

No wonder this girl looks so expensive~
Hey, the surname Wei is indeed blind!

(End of this chapter)

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