Chapter 1172 Who are you?
"The servant girl, the servant girl is..."

"Let's talk about what's in front of us first."

He Xiner waved her hands weakly in the darkness, "I didn't know that we were so destined to be kidnapped at the same time..."


The door was opened, and the vision brightened at the same time.

He Xiner tried her best to ignore the feeling of the cold night wind hitting her body, she frowned and looked at the tall man holding the torch, she didn't recognize her.

His eyes moved from the strange man's dark face with beards to an acquaintance.

I haven't seen her for more than a month, and Wu's beauty is still the same, but her body is a lot plump. At this time, she is wearing a bean blue thin cloak, with a faint smile on her face, twisting her waist that is no longer slender , walked in slowly.

The man followed her step by step, holding the torch high all the time, and followed her steadily.

The two seem to be a little close?

This idea suddenly popped up in her mind, He Xiner really admired herself, at this moment, she could still think about those who have and don't have anyone.

"Miss, miss, I beg you to spare my maidservant. This maidservant can do anything for you. Please don't sell your maidservant. From now on, this maidservant will never dare to disobey Miss again. Woooo... "

The moment the door opened, Qing Xing visibly froze, then swished and hid behind He Xiner, shaking into a ball.

At this moment, I don't know where the courage came from, and I rushed to Wu's face, looking like I wanted to hug her leg, but I stretched my arms and didn't dare to go up, so I just knelt on the ground pitifully. begging.

He Xiner blinked.

When she first saw this woman, she felt that this woman looked at her very unkindly, as if she was looking at a piece of goods.

It turned out that she really wanted to sell herself, and by the way, the disobedient little maid.

After understanding this, He Xiner felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Should she be proud of her amazing sixth sense, or should she cry?

Damn Ye Laosan, have a good life, but it's really, really not a thing to provoke such a wicked person back home!
This He Xiner's mind was running fast, but she was not thinking about how to escape (it mainly depends on the man's presence, she should not struggle needlessly with her small body), but was cursing Ye Laicai fiercely, It's also a weird one.

The green apricot was still begging, but being dragged aside by the man's hair, she didn't dare to move, she just kept covering her mouth and weeping in a low voice.

With a faint smile on her face, Wu Lihua walked slowly and gracefully like a stroll in the garden, and she didn't stop until she was four or five feet away from He Xiner.

At this moment, He Xiner was not interested in looking at her broken face, because she suddenly realized that she and Qing Xing were not the only ones in the room before. Those people are too quiet, aren't they?

"Heck, second girl, let's meet again."

"who are you?"

"I'm your third aunt, giggling..."

Shit third aunt!
He Xiner couldn't help but swear in her heart, isn't this woman a pervert?

"Tut, tsk, look at how frozen this pretty little face is, it's so pale, it makes my heart ache for Third Aunt!"

Undoubtedly perverted.

He Xiner didn't want to argue with a pervert.

"Hmph, the people of Lao Ye's family are really stubborn. When it comes to this, they don't even plead with my mother."

Perhaps it was because no one cheered on her performance, and Wu Lihua also lost interest in teasing others, so her face turned cold.

He Xin'er sighed deeply, "It's not that everyone is stubborn. Didn't Ye Laosan, that boneless man, rush to become your Wu family's door-to-door son-in-law?"

"Stop mentioning that useless thing to me."

He Xiner raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

 Thank you book friends for your monthly and recommendation tickets, Lu Wei is so polite~~
(End of this chapter)

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