The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1174 Even has the heart to die

Chapter 1174 Even has the heart to die

That rough guy seemed to be used to being beaten, he didn't resist at all, and he didn't dodge, but he was tossed by her, but he kept trying to persuade him with a good temper, "It's just a slut, and the left and right are sluts who want to be sold to others. How can I be idle?
It is still important to make money.

After I delivered the goods to Beijing in a safe manner, I brought them to Lao Ye's house later, to vent my anger on the young lady. "

"Hmph, after all, isn't it cowardly?"

"Didn't Miss say that the dog is powerful? It's better to be careful, if you find it..."

"Ah bah! Back then, my old lady was careless and suffered from those useless people. Now on my own land, are you afraid that they won't succeed?"

"The older you are, the more courageous you are, you are afraid of a nest of mud legs now?"

"Don't go soon!"

The man sighed helplessly.

There is only one young lady in his heart, but over the years, the young lady has let him rape and rape those little girls in front of her more than once, and then excitedly look at the powerless and pleading faces of those girls...

He Xiner watched in disbelief as the man lit the candle in an orderly manner, then put the torch into the bucket behind the door and drowned it, and took a chair for Mrs. Wu to sit down, and moved forward a few steps to start Undress.

The girls at the bottom of the wall were all dull-faced, as if they were stupid, and they didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end. He Xiner had already seen the clue, because each of them had a sachet hanging on them, a very beautiful brocade sachet .

Brocade clothes that are many, many times more expensive than the rough linen clothes they wear, presumably these girls could not resist the temptation and were deceived.

Damn, that black bear's coat has been taken off, she still has time to think about that.

Why were you thinking about those girls just now?

Oh, by the way, she wants to see if there is anyone who can cooperate, as long as a girl runs out, she will definitely lure the black bear away.

But those girls can't be counted on.

He Xiner turned her eyes to Qing Xing, who was no longer crying, but hugged her knees and was trembling with fear.

Alas, I can't count on it either.

He Xiner even wanted to die.

There were a few times when I read the martial arts novels published by their brothers and sisters, and when I got excited, I hid the dagger in my boots, looking for the feeling of a chivalrous woman. .

Why didn't you install a dagger today?
While He Xiner was thinking wildly, a tall black shadow suddenly enveloped her, making her feel like a mountain was blocked in front of her, making her breathless.

The man with only a pair of obscene trousers has already bullied him.

He Xiner, who was sitting unsteadily, was pushed roughly by him, and fell to the ground with a bang, which made her have a splitting headache, but she didn't cry out, she just gritted her teeth and tried to maintain her composure. ...

When the man's big rough hands started to tear her jacket, He Xiner exerted all of her strength, grabbing the other's hand with both hands at the same time, but the man didn't care, the kitten's strength was not enough for him to scratch it.

In the faint orange light, the girl below her has red lips, white teeth, pink face and peach cheeks. The most beautiful thing is her black and white eyes, which are like a clear spring, moist and lively.

The man couldn't help but breathe heavily, no man would dislike such a stunner.

Just when his heart was stirring and wanting to boost his power, He Xiner, who had the strength of a kitten, finally grabbed his middle finger of his right hand when he was not prepared...

He became even more excited when touched by a pair of soft and tender hands, and his excited eyes almost burst into flames...

Wu Lihua, who was sitting and watching the show, seemed more excited than the man, her pretty face was about to glow with excitement, how creepy and creepy she looked. .

"Crack it!"


The middle finger of the man's right hand was snapped off, and his left hand quickly held the trembling right hand like a conditioned reflex, causing him to scream in pain, his legs were still tightly clamping He Xiner's lower body, his eyes were fierce...

(End of this chapter)

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