Chapter 120 Roast Rabbit

He Xiner stared at the rabbit in his hand, but what she thought in her heart was that there is no seasoning, can it be delicious?
By the way, seasoning!
It's fine if there are no other seasonings, and the two of them don't seem to have added salt.

Zhang Dongqiang on the tree was also watching Ye Xusheng's joke, this idiot doesn't add salt, it depends on how you eat!
Lala Ye Xusheng, pointing to the rabbit in his hand, Ye Xusheng stared blankly for a few seconds, a flash of light flashed in his head, he patted his head: "Erni, did you say that no salt was added? Hehe, I just remembered. "

He hurriedly put the rabbit on the big leaves, and hurriedly turned over the basket. He had this plan when he left in the morning, and it was filled with salt.

He Xiner watched him take out a paper bag, opened it and put a little coarse salt in it.

A bit frustrated, what about kosher salt?

Seeing her a little disappointed, Ye Xusheng smiled and said: "The coarse salt should be ground finely, don't worry, I'll find a smooth stone and grind the salt away."

I found a few thicker leaves, wrapped the paper bag in the middle, and found a smoother stone, and pressed it on the leaves.

Not to mention, the big brother's method really works.

After opening it for a while, the salt was finely ground, Ye Xusheng spread the salt evenly on the rabbit, and continued to roast it.

Not long after, a seductive fragrance wafted out, making the glutton in He Xiner's stomach ready to move.

Zhang Dongqiang on the tree was resentful, he didn't take it as a joke, but his stomach growled because of the scent.

He kept flipping it in his hand, roasting every place until it changed color. Ye Xusheng tore off a small piece and tasted it to make sure it was done. Then he smiled at He Xiner: "Okay, let's cool it down a bit, it's too hot now."

Wiping away the non-existent saliva, He Xiner stared at the roasted rabbit eagerly.

Ye Xusheng lowered his head and laughed lightly, and cut off the rabbit's legs with a machete, "Eat it, be careful not to burn it."

Nodding her head, He Xiner took it excitedly, and after blowing on it, she took a big gulp, and it was still a little hot, she endured it for two seconds, and began to eat.

Although there are not many seasonings, the taste is not bad, there is no fishy smell, the meat is delicate, the taste is tender, um, um, delicious~
After eating one rabbit leg, Ye Xusheng handed her another one. After eating two rabbit legs, He Xiner was so full that she hiccupped.

Ye Xusheng hurriedly fetched water for her, took a few big gulps, and now it's better, her stomach is fuller.

Seeing that she was full, Ye Xusheng also started to eat. It was also the first time for him to eat roasted rabbit meat, and he ate it with great relish.

He Xiner looked at the big brother who was eating, and then at the basket that held the rabbit. Do you want to take that rabbit home?
I'm afraid that her parents will not only not be able to eat, but will also be beaten like last time.

Oh, it's so hard to be a human being!
Zhang Dongqiang who was staying in the tree couldn't take it anymore, he was too hungry and hurried to leave. Fortunately, he was good at lightness and didn't make a sound. The two people under the tree didn't know that someone had been spying on them from the beginning to the end.

The two of them had enough to eat and drink and had nothing to do. They walked to the lake and watched the lake basking in the sun.

She was too full, and the sun was shining on her body and it was warm. After a while, He Xiner couldn't open her eyes and nodded because of sleepiness.

I yawned, finally couldn't hold it anymore, closed my eyes tightly and fell asleep.

Ye Xusheng, who was sitting next to her, quickly pulled her over and let her sleep in his arms as her head was about to fall.

The two were so happy that they couldn't think of Shu, but they almost drove Wang crazy. After washing the clothes, they didn't see He Xiner when they came home. They just thought she was looking for friends to play, but they didn't see anyone after the meal, so Wang was worried. stand up.

Even Ye Dani, who was hunting grass, went home, but she didn't see He Xiner's figure, and Wang was so anxious that she walked back and forth at the door of Lao Ye's house.

Dragging her tired and sore legs, Xiaoqian came back staggeringly, and saw Wang walking around the door, she rolled her eyes angrily: "My old lady is almost exhausted, you have nothing to do here!"

After being tortured a lot, he also grew a little more careful, and he didn't dare to howl, but he was still upset, so he went to Wang's side and bumped into Wang's intentionally, which made Wang dizzy and turned around in a circle. He was about to fall to the ground, but was supported by Ye Laiyin who ran quickly from behind.

Xiaoqian, who was about to watch the joke, saw that she hadn't fallen, and gave her a resentful look.

Seeing that she has been working very hard these days, Ye Laijin thought of begging his mother for mercy, and looked at her actions with cold eyes, let alone begging now, it would be good if he didn't go up and give her two slaps.

(End of this chapter)

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