The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1204 Chapter 1204: Auntie, it's alright

Chapter 1204 Chapter 1204: Auntie, it's alright

Ning and the others took it for granted that the Wei family was playing tricks on their son.

Who told Lao Ye's family to live a better life than Wei's now;

Who told her mother to pester Ye Mancang for so long;
Who is Wei Yeshi who loves to take advantage? .

This bitch Ye Juhua, just seeing her natal family's life is good, insisted on forcing her daughter into Lao Ye's house, and then she took advantage of it openly.

Well, it's very reasonable to think about it a little bit.

So, Ning and the others got angry, and together they scolded Wei Ye bloody, and then said bluntly, those who want face should get out of Lao Ye's house, and those who don't want face It's easy to handle, and the sisters-in-law of theirs will invite people together.

Wei Ye's breath was stuck in his chest and he couldn't get up or down, so he almost pouted.

It's not easy for her to speak clearly.

Does she have to tell these bitches that her daughter already has someone she likes, and she doesn't like their stupid son at all?

Then he wouldn't be torn apart by these crazy women.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, he grabbed the frizzy girl and motioned her to be patient.

Previously, she had made a lot of troubles in order to marry her daughter to Ye Mancang. People outside didn't know about it, but everyone in this nest knew about it;
Boy Sheng doesn't have a clue, so he can't speak out, if, if it doesn't work, won't he be watched by these people?
Especially that bitch Kong!

She will absolutely, absolutely not be watched by these people.

just wait!
You just wait.

She will definitely let Qiufang marry Sheng boy.

She's sure to impress these sluts.


No matter how much Wei Yeshi swears and swears, no matter how unwilling he is, he is still kicked out by his powerful sisters-in-law.

A group of old men don't care.

Old Yuan's heart has long been concerned about the food at home, and the eggs she had accumulated for a long time were all forced by Ye Juxiang. After eating them all, it was like gouging out her heart.

Therefore, I am very happy to see the daughter-in-law driving away the mother and daughter.

Wei Ye, who was swept out of the house, was unwilling to go home empty-handed, but her mother didn't have any good things in her hands. She knew it, so she turned her idea on Dafang.

The big house is so rich, a little search for one or two good things is enough for their family to eat and drink for a while.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, he sneaked into the courtyard of the big house quietly, and went straight to Bai's bedroom with a clear goal, but a delicate copper lock locked the door, and he couldn't get in.

Then she discovered that in the courtyard with the house door wide open, all the doors were locked.

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth and cursed, fearing that Ye Mancang, who had gone to the vegetable garden, would come back suddenly, so she brought a pot of orchids from the yard, and prepared to escape.

As a result, Ye Mancang happened to block the door.

"Auntie is addicted to stealing, right?"

"Do you know the rules, brat? Do you slander the elders like this? It's just that the flowers are so rare, so I took them back to look at them for two days."

"Heh, sister Xin'er gave this orchid to Yuanyuan, but it's much more valuable than the chrysanthemums my father bought."

"Auntie, it's a good deal. I want to buy a few more jars of good wine for my uncle."

Hearing that it was a gift from He Xiner, Wei Ye's eyes lit up.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't find any good ones, she wouldn't even want this kind of fruit. It looks like a leek, so what's so good about it?

Unexpectedly, this thing that looks like a leek is actually very valuable, even more valuable than a chrysanthemum bonsai with big buds.

Hey, Ye Laiyin's house is really rich, and he even pays so much attention to raising flowers.

Wei Ye's eyes twinkled, and he became more determined to marry his daughter to Ye Xusheng.

However, the cheapness of the moment has to be accounted for.

Relying on the fact that she is an elder, she planned to come here directly.

Hugging the small and exquisite white porcelain flower pot to her chest, she didn't say much, just rushed straight in.

She didn't believe that a junior, even a male, dared to follow her to grab something.

(End of this chapter)

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