The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1213 God Killing Pig Thief

Chapter 1213 God Killing Pig Thief
Farmers are frugal, and most of them are reluctant to light oil lamps, let alone candles.

Wei Guangqing's family ate dinner early while the sun was still bright, and as soon as it got dark, the whole family went into bed.

Although his family is a well-known wealthy family in Weijiazhuang, they are not willing to light oil lamps easily.

Just after Xu Shi, Wei Guangqing, who was lying on the bed, was warming up with his wife, when he heard his old sow screaming and banging on the wooden fence door with a "clang, clang" sound.

"Master, Mr. Xiang, do you want to go and have a look?"

The most valuable treasure in their family is this old sow, who supports a large family of more than 20 people every year with the income from selling piglets.

"Hey, what do you care about it? The fence is strong, so it can't run away. Didn't you listen to the second and third child?"

"Let's be happy with ourselves."



"The boss, the second child, and the third child all got up and copied guys, someone came to steal our old sow!"

No matter how tossing in the pigsty, the people in the three heads of the house were all dead, and none of them went out to have a look. In the end, the old couple in the house couldn't stand it, and the head of the family ordered the old woman to go out and check.

Old Han put on his jacket, lit the oil lamp, carefully shielded himself from the wind with his hands, and went to the backyard step by step, but before he came to the front, he looked at a vague figure in the pigsty.

This scare was no small matter, so startled that Old Han almost threw the oil lamp out of his hand.

She didn't dare to go forward, so she could only keep yelling in a high-pitched voice, thinking that it would be good to scare people away first.

After all, as long as the pig is still there, it is stronger than anything else.

It's not advisable to have an enmity with that kind of person, it's not a joke to be remembered by others.

But the strange thing is, no matter how much she yelled, the man didn't leave, he was still there, very arrogant.

Old Han was startled and angry, and his shouts became more and more sharp.

"Come on people!"

"God damn pig thief, let go of my pig!"

"Boss, second child, third child, you all come quickly!"


"Whoever steals our pig, I will kill him!"


All of the old Wei's family suddenly rushed in from the front yard, those carrying sticks, poles, hoes, and brooms, yelling and cursing, and went straight to the pigsty. .

The old Han hurriedly asked his daughter-in-law to light some torches.

At this time, the male at home had already kicked open the fence door of the pigsty, and then let out bursts of exclamations.

"It's too dark to see who it is."

"It's Wei Yongfu, that rotten bug!"

"Dead things are too bullying, they ran into our house to make trouble for pigs."

"Damn it, is this man crazy?"

The rough men were also convinced.

They were standing there, this brat is so fucking arrogant!
"Isn't this a neurosis?"

"Pull him away!"


The old Han family made a lot of noise. Anyone in the neighbors who were asleep also put on their coats and ran to watch the commotion, knocking on the door of the house, "Open the door quickly, uncle, we are here to help."

Next, these people were stunned by Wei Yongfu's magical operation!
"This rascal, don't do the business of eating, drinking and having fun..."

"Hey, the cat must have drunk too much urine and steal with the gall..."

"It's not as good as a beast. It's not enough to blame one's own family. It's too much to go to Guangqing's family to cause trouble."

"Big guy, tell me, isn't this old boy suffering from insanity?"

"I really can't tell. The three Guangqing brothers couldn't pull it away, tsk, tsk, tsk."

"I said, we've been here for almost two quarters of an hour, haven't we?"

"This old boy has been drunk for a long time..."

A group of elders were beaten with chicken blood, yes, the blood was boiling with excitement, and it was not enough for me, but they ran all over the village in spite of the dark night and high wind, calling this and that, attracting wave after wave of people to come to see Wei Yongfu This pig thief.

(End of this chapter)

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