The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 122 You two went up the mountain

Chapter 122 You two went up the mountain

The two returned to the village unhurriedly, and the sun was about to set. He Xiner tugged at the basket, indicating that there were rabbits inside.

Knowing what she was thinking, why didn't Ye Xusheng feel sorry for his father, who was so tired from working every day that he lost weight.

Sighing, he decided to take it home, maybe his grandma agreed to eat it when he saw that everyone was so tired~
"Let's go, take the rabbit home, I'll tell Grandma." Looking at He Xiner, she smiled slightly.

After making up their minds, both of them quickened their pace, and soon arrived at the door of the house.

It just so happened that the three old Master Ye Tou also came back from the field, and the two waves of people met at the door of the house. Ye Xusheng dutifully called out to say hello, and He Xiner, who was following behind, also nodded.

Ye Laijin smiled and said, "I didn't see Erni at noon, and your second aunt is almost in a hurry. Next time I go out, I have to say hello."

Hearing what elder brother said, Ye Laiyin also laughed, "Why do you two get bigger and more playful?"
Hearing that Ye Xusheng and He Xiner looked at each other, they were both a little embarrassed. They really didn't think carefully, and they didn't expect to stay up the mountain for such a long time.

Old Yetou was walking home, Ye Xusheng hurriedly called him, "Grandpa, what do you think this is?"

Lao Yetou, who had already entered the yard, stopped and turned around: "You two went up the mountain?"

"Well, I wanted to go up the mountain to look for some wild eggs today, but I couldn't find them. I went further and further and lost my way. I turned to a place with dense trees and found a trap with a rabbit in it."

Hearing that he lost his way, both Ye Laijin brothers became anxious: "Next time, we can't just look for things anymore. Getting lost is no small matter."

Ye Xusheng quickly agreed, and He Xiner also nodded.

He said again: "I stayed there for a day, and I didn't see anyone come to fetch the rabbit. I thought in my heart that the rabbit would die soon, and if it died, it would rot, so I took it home on my own."

Ye Laijin frowned: "I don't know if some hunter dug the trap, but it belongs to the owner and cannot be taken."

This is really a lie that needs to be covered by countless lies, Ye Xusheng frowned slightly, "There is no road in that place, and there is no trace of people walking by, maybe it is a trap that is no longer needed."

Doing rough work every day, Lao Yetou is also very tired. How can he not want to eat rabbit meat?
Pretentiously coughing and coughing: "That's it, it's okay to take it back, I'll cook and eat tonight, everyone has been tired for so many days, so eat some to replenish your body."

To put it bluntly, isn't it because I'm greedy?

He Xiner was secretly embarrassed, but her uncle's character was admirable.

It's far away, as long as you can cook and eat, parents and uncles can eat meat.

He Xiner blinked happily at Ye Xusheng, the two had a tacit understanding, and they both had a little pride in their success.

Seeing this, Ye Laiyin smiled secretly, at the same time he was relieved and saddened, they are all filial and good children, and they went to great lengths to let them have a bite of meat.

After getting the instructions from the old Yetou, there was no need to hide it, and took it directly to the backyard. Mrs. Wang had already boiled water, made corn paste, and pasted pancakes.Getting ready to pick vegetables in the garden.

Seeing them coming back together, I was overjoyed, walked over in two or three steps and grabbed He Xiner's arm: "Why did you come back after playing all day? Nothing happened, right? Are you hungry?"

Not to mention that He Xiner didn't talk about this series of questions, even if she didn't know which question to answer first, she smiled at her mother, leaned against her shoulder, and coaxed Wang into a good fit in an instant. Not from ear to ear.

Seeing the close and sticky couple, Ye Laiyin also had a gentle smile on his face: "You Sheng'er looked at her, how can there be anything wrong? The two of them even picked up a wild rabbit. Dad told me to do it and eat it. Come clean up, do it quickly, the children are already hungry."

Old Yetou and Ye Laijin both washed their hands and went to rest.

Wang and his wife went to the vegetable garden to pick vegetables, Ye Laiyin took care of the rabbits, and Ye Xusheng followed along while helping.

Rabbit meat is not suitable for soup, so He Xiner planned to have spicy fried rabbit meat. With the experience from last time, Mrs. Wang didn't stop her. I ordered some potatoes, but there are too many people and less meat. If you don’t add more side dishes, it’s not enough to eat.

Ye Laiyin quickly peeled the rabbit's skin, cleaned the internal organs, washed and chopped into small pieces, a set of movements is like flowing water, it's called a yo!

Seeing Ye Xusheng's eyes sparkle, it's amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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