Chapter 1220
"Hey! Sister Xin'er is a chicken, she doesn't remember to eat, she doesn't remember to be beaten, she will be punished and teased, alas~"

He Xiner...

The little ancestor is a poisonous tongue!
"I'll raise a puppy tomorrow and worship Dabai as my teacher. Anyway, one is teaching, and the other is also teaching. There is no harm in having an extra apprentice."

He Xiner subconsciously turned her head to look at her great ancestor.

I saw it holding its head high, its eyes fixed, and it didn't even pay attention to them.

The Great Ancestor is a proud man!


Xinghua Temple was built on the top of Yuhua Mountain. Looking from a distance, it occupies a very large area. It is a pure place of Buddhism with yellow walls and green tiles. The bells are melodious, solemn and quiet.

Before they came to the front, the playful little girls calmed down consciously, and old Mrs. Qian didn't dare to push her any further, and got off the bamboo sedan chair when he saw the long bluestone steps in front of the Buddhist gate.

When everyone reached the steps, they looked up and felt that the bluestone steps went straight into the sky with no end in sight.

He Xiner knew that it was a problem with the angle, but she still couldn't help but gasp.

Could it be that there are thousands of floors in this step?

By the way, she was not the only one who breathed in, all the girls opened their mouths wide open and couldn't take it back.

Fearing that they might say something inappropriate, Mrs. Bai hastened to warn them, don't hang your head down, don't shout, don't say unlucky words, don't laugh, don't run, don't...

"Remember the last one. You have to work hard to get to the top of the mountain when you go up this step. Don't give up halfway!"

Ye Guihua, Ye Feifeng, Guan Cuizhi, Ye Yuanyuan, He Xiner, and Wang Jinling were all dumbfounded.

Climb to the top of the mountain in one go?

Baby really can't do it!

Wang raised her chin towards the high place, and let them see how everyone went up the mountain.

The six people looked intently, and saw some faithful men and women who kowtowed every step they took, with calm faces and pious eyes, kowtowing all the way up without rushing.

Everyone is in admiration.

The old Qian Shi, who had always been loud and shouting, also subconsciously held his breath at this time, and he didn't even dare to step on the ground when he was walking.

The old lady took the lead towards the top of the mountain with a solemn face, and everyone followed quietly.

A group of people moved forward slowly, sweating profusely and did not dare to stop for half a step, nor did they feel panting. They adjusted their breathing secretly, trying to keep themselves in the best condition.

On a March day, the mountain wind was still cool, and the sweat on the forehead, when the wind blew, was extremely uncomfortable. At this time, He Xiner was holding Xiao Hei for Cui Zhi.

I didn't know the situation on the mountain before I came, so it was inevitable that I made a calculation error.

For example, Xiao Hei, if this little guy is allowed to climb to the top of the mountain by himself, it is estimated that all four claws will be useless.

With an itchy forehead, He Xiner freed up one hand to take out the handkerchief, and then thought of holding this little guy and hadn't washed her hands, so she hesitated.

An azure brocade handkerchief quietly stretched out in front of her eyes, exuding a faint mint fragrance. .

It's my cousin.

He Xiner smiled sweetly at him, then stretched her neck slightly, waiting for him to wipe it off for her.

Ye Xusheng's eyes are as tender as water, as if treating a rare treasure, and the movements of his hands are so gentle~
Feeling her delicate skin through the soft and silky brocade handkerchief, her heart couldn't help jumping, she retracted the handkerchief calmly, met her clear eyes, and smiled gently.

He Xiner was immediately amazed.

Fengshen's handsome lobby brother casually smiled, like a spring breeze blowing on his face, although there is no wind blowing, it is refreshing~
Standing like a magnolia tree;

Smile like a bright moon in your arms.

The big brother deserves such praise.

If it weren't for such a solemn and solemn place of famous temples and ancient temples, He Xiner really wanted to shout at Gao Shan, "Brother Datang is so handsome! Brother Datang is so handsome!"

After all, she didn't dare to act recklessly, she raised her white face and smiled back. The innocent smile bloomed beautifully like a spotless water lily...

(End of this chapter)

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