Chapter 1226
Don't shout loudly to look for Dabai, but He Xiner knows that the big brother has a way, and she smiles and looks at the people who are getting closer and closer, her eyes are cunning~
This peach grove is huge, covering half of the hillside along the highest peak.

Ye Xusheng walked slowly among the mountains full of peach blossoms, with only his little girl in his eyes.

She was deep in the peach forest, holding a pink purse in her hand, looking at herself with a smile.

There is a saying in the Book of Songs: Hands are like catkins, skin is like creamy fat, collar is like grubs, teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, with a clever smile and beautiful eyes. . .

Peach blossoms are not as beautiful as hers~

"There is a destiny for the origin and the fall, and you can't force it."


His heart ached faintly.

For a moment, he wanted to run away with her.

Go to a place that no one knows, and build an exquisite house. The yard is huge. He will plant flowers for her with his own hands, and he will build a paradise for her...


"Big cousin, big cousin full of warehouses."

The little girl Wang Jinling's eyes sparkled and she cheered softly, which made He Xiner giggle.

No matter where she goes, she can't suppress her lively temper.

The two sides happily met each other, and He Xiner smiled and said, "Brother Hall came just in time, hurry up and call Dabai back, Yuanyuan is with him."

The corners of Ye Xusheng's lips pursed lightly, and he let out a whistle that wasn't very loud. Little Wang Jinling stared back and forth, looking around, expecting Dabai to appear in front of her in a flash like a god descending from the earth.

He Xiner covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

With so many people, how could Dabai rush like a bolt of lightning? Dazu was very measured.

Ye Mancang is a married man, and he is still playful, pestering Ye Xusheng to teach him how to whistle, and plausibly said that one day he is in danger, he can use this method to call Dabai to save him.

These words made He Xiner and Wang Jinling jump to cover his mouth, and Ye Xusheng was stunned.

"Buddha is strange. Cousin Mancang is talking nonsense. It doesn't count. Cousin Mancang is smooth and smooth. There is no danger, no danger..."

The villain Jing Wang Jinling folded his palms together devoutly and muttered something, which moved Ye Mancang so much that he almost burst out laughing when he got excited.

This interruption did not pay attention to Ye Yuanyuan, Guan Cuizhi, Zhang Dongqiang, Dabai and his party.

"Wow, that brother looks so good!"

It was Wang Jinling who discovered them first.

He Xiner turned her head to look, and saw Cuizhi, who was wearing an exquisite apricot-colored long beanie and a smoky pink horse-face skirt, holding Xiao Hei with a smile, and Zhang Dongqiang, who was wearing a crescent white brocade suit, came together .

Wow, what kind of fairy combination is this?
It's too seductive.

He Xiner's eyes are full of hearts, flashing, flashing, flashing.

Well, the slim, bright and pure Ye Yuanyuan was completely ignored by her.

Who told the combination of her and Dabai to be so unspectacular.

Boys and girls who are as beautiful as celestial beings are themselves dazzling existences.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, didn't you see that those little girls didn't even give flowers, and their eyes were almost glued to these two people?
He Xiner was inexplicably excited, feeling as if she had discovered an incredible secret.

Poking at the big brother next to her, she winked at him in bewilderment, and mouthed three words, "There is a situation."

Then he rubbed his hands excitedly, almost rubbing out the juice from the peach blossoms in his purse.

Ye Xusheng...

In this world, the only person who can entrust the little girl on his heart is Dong Qiang. His character and appearance are good enough.

But last time he refused...

Ye Xusheng's heart was heavy, and he gave his friend a complicated look.

Zhang Dongqiang felt it right away, does this idiot despise him?

I don't go to school, I don't read books, I don't care about novels, I play around without doing business, and I feel ashamed to have opinions on myself.

(End of this chapter)

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