Chapter 1228 Have food to eat?
"Grandma, Second Aunt, don't rush down the mountain, everyone is tired, why don't you take a rest and go..."

Old Qian wanted to yell: Don't tell me my old lady doesn't want to rest?There must be a place, but there are people everywhere, so she can't sit on the ground and block people, right?

"What Xu Sheng said is that I think everyone is tired, and it's not too late to have a fast meal and rest before leaving."

Zhang Dongqiang is tall and tall, like an orchid and a jade tree, with a slight smile, he is all over the country and the city.

Yes, with the appearance of a man, he can also make the country and the city beautiful. It can be seen how outstanding his appearance is, and Ye Feifeng is infatuated.

"Do you have food?"

Old Qian's old eyes lit up with a brush.

Now she is tired and hungry, and she doesn't care if there is meat in the food, as long as she can sit down and rest her legs, and then eat a warm meal, it is better than anything else.

"The fast food in Xinghua Temple is quite famous, it would be a pity to miss it."

Ye Xusheng glanced at him lightly. At today's temple fair, people who come to worship Buddha and offer incense can be said to stand shoulder to shoulder and face each other. There are many female relatives of wealthy families. There are readily available.

Could it be that Dongqiang is not the mountain he climbed today?

No, no, I saw it this morning.

During this period of time, he went to school during the day, studied poisonous scriptures with He Xiner at night, and then ran up the mountain. He was so busy that he had to temporarily put aside his two unfinished novels, but his daily martial arts training at Yinshi continued uninterrupted.

Zhang Dongqiang didn't want to talk to him.

What kind of look is that brat?
"Hey, I'm going to go down the mountain hungry, so it's alright..."

Old Qian couldn't help being overjoyed.

So, under the leadership of Zhang Dongqiang, a group of people marched through the backyard, passed an arched door, and entered a quiet courtyard.

Here is specially used to receive pilgrims.

The courtyard is not too big, and the buildings with blue bricks and gray tiles are simple, elegant and dignified.

Zhang Dongqiang booked three rooms in the East Wing, which were fully furnished and furnished. There was an exquisite brass incense burner on the table against the wall. At this time, some spices were sprinkled, and green smoke slowly rose.

The room is full of fragrance.

"Auntie, can you speak loudly now?"

The little Wang Jinling looked up at Bai Shi, blinked, and then blinked again, and Bai Shi's heart softened, "This is still a place of Buddhism, so don't make loud jokes."

"Yeah, I got it,"

It was the first time for everyone to enter the temple, let alone eat vegetarian food.

I'm a little excited now, I want to see it.

They didn't dare to talk and laugh loudly, they lined up to go behind the screen, washed their hands and faces, and everyone was refreshed, feeling that it would be no problem to go back and forth two or three times.

As soon as we sat down to talk, four monks came to deliver the food with trays, and a group of people rushed to salute respectfully.

There were a large number of people, so they were divided into two tables. All the female relatives got on the spacious earthen kang and ate around a rectangular kang table.

Ye Xusheng, Ye Mancang and Zhang Dongqiang sat around the Eight Immortals table.

Vegetarian chicken, vegetarian duck, vegetarian fish, vegetarian ham, pigeon eggs, arhat vegetables, assorted tofu soup, six dishes and one soup, and white flour steamed buns.

Dabai enjoys a pot of white noodle soup to himself, while Xiaohei enjoys a bowl of millet porridge.

He Xiner looked suspiciously at Da Bai and Xiao Hei, who were eating delicious food, and thought that Big Brother Zhang was too good, even a dog was arranged for him.

But since he appeared, he has never left her sight, and he doesn't know how he did it.

Is it?

He secretly glanced at Guan Cuizhi, who lowered his head slightly without looking sideways, and then secretly glanced at Zhang Dongqiang.

She thought about it in her heart.

Could it be that Brother Zhang knew their travel plan, rushed to the mountain ahead of time, and ran into Cuizhi by chance?

Ye Xusheng clearly felt the eager eyes that the little girl looked over frequently, and the indescribable feeling in his heart.

Does Xin'er like Dongqiang, or doesn't she?
(End of this chapter)

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