Chapter 1259
Old Wang's family's bean sprouts business is owned by the public, and all the money is in the hands of the old Wangtou. The family has a large population and a lot of flowers.

Each house has no private money, and it is a big deal for everyone to be able to make a new set of clothes during Chinese New Year or when the seasons change. It is impossible for women to buy jewelry and cosmetics with public money.

Mrs. Jiang had been coveting Wang Jinling's jewelry for a long time, but for the sake of Lao Ye's family's rarity for that girl, she could only resist the urge to snatch it.

What's more, she was thinking that He Xin'er would marry into Lao Wang's family with a generous dowry one day and be her daughter-in-law.

Just imagine, with such a wealthy daughter-in-law, as a mother-in-law, can she still lack such things as little girl movies?
When she becomes Ye Xiner's mother-in-law, she can wear gold if she wants to wear gold, silver if she wants to wear silver, silk and satin as she wants, and as much rouge and gouache as she wants...

Haha, just thinking about it can make her bubbly.

This dream can be done more than once.

She is anxious!

Worrying that Ye Xin'er is growing too slowly.

She's still waiting to show her mother-in-law score!
She is still waiting to show off in front of the whole village!

From the point of view, this matter is a certainty, and it is certain that Ye Xiner will be her daughter-in-law.

Unexpectedly, she had been thinking about it for so long, but today, when she was about to discuss the marriage with Wang Huijuan, that bitch Wang Huijuan rejected her so mercilessly!

Jiang's resentment is soaring!

But she really couldn't afford to offend Lao Ye's family, so she told Wang Huijuan that she wanted to divorce her second wife, and the husband-in-law did it unceremoniously in front of the whole family.

She hates!

I hate that bitch Wang Huijuan to death!

I hate the Lu family who is always flattering!
If it wasn't for her standing in front of her, Wang Huijuan's mother and daughter only saw her, and she would have already entangled the mother and daughter!

Good, very good!

If you make her feel uncomfortable, that big guy won't even think about it.

Jiang's eyes were red, and she stared at Lu angrily, wishing to poke two holes in the opponent's body.

After making a fuss like this, she also knew that she couldn't count on Ye Xiner's generous dowry, so why was she worried?
She just fell out with the third child's family, so what?
Can Lao Ye's family control her?
Besides, she was not wrong, a little girl, how can she get so many good things, she is not afraid of ruining her luck.

Lu sneered.

Uncle Wang's face was full of disdain: "No wonder the second sister-in-law is pestering the second sister like a madman to be in-laws. It turns out that she wants to take advantage of the old Ye family's good things."

Everyone understands such an obvious thing.

Just being pointed out like that doesn't sound very nice.

"So what?"

Chiang screamed.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, hurry up and hand over everything on Ling girl! It was bought from the public in exchange for food, why should I be bullied by you!"

Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Girl Ling's good things are worth a lot of money.

"Second sister-in-law is completely shameless!"

Third Uncle Wang glanced at her contemptuously, and then looked quietly at Second Uncle Wang who was silent with a livid face, "Does Second Brother also care about the gadgets that Xin girl buys for the children?"

Uncle Wang choked.

He is naturally rare, but can he admit it?

"Disgraceful, shameful, Huijuan's mother and daughter are at home, you, you..."

Old Wang's eyes darkened and he passed out.

"Old man!"




Really an unforgettable night.

The second day was Sun Daxi's day, but the head of the family, Old Wangtou, was fainted by the anger of his shameless daughter-in-law the night before.

Uncle Wang is still quite filial. Seeing his father fainted from anger, he turned around and gave Jiang a kick. Leather bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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