The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 126 How Much Money Is That Kid Worth?

Chapter 126 How Much Money Is That Kid Worth?

Seeing Ye Dahai turning around without mentioning the main point, the old Ma could not bear it any longer, and said to Master Hei with a flattering face: "Master Hei does not know, that dead girl is not a favorite at home, some time ago Although the drowning was saved, it is said that he became dumb after being frightened, let alone has no status.

To say that the person who received the most attention in that room was of course the little bastard named Ye Xusheng, the grandson of the head of the room. If that kid was killed, the room would never be able to get up again.

Hehe, since Lord Hei has a grudge against the person in that room, let's make fun of that little bastard, otherwise, if that kid gets a good name in the exam, the person in that room will be prosperous. "

That's the idea~
Master Hei had an expression on his face, he was using him as a pistol, he wanted to get rid of Da Fang's most promising one, so that Da Fang wouldn't overwhelm them, but he instigated him with sweet words, and wanted to get money from him!

Seeing his dark face, Ye Dahai couldn't make up his mind, so he didn't speak for a while, but the old Ma was anxious, and hehehe twice: "That black master, you see, this boy is more valuable than a girl, and if you want to do it It takes a lot of thought to get people to know it without anyone noticing it. Hehehe... Look at that silver, isn't it more?"

Now that this is up, Ye Dahai stopped holding it, nodded and said in a low voice: "We are all thinking about Hei Ye, if that kid really gets his merits and becomes an official, Hei Ye won't be able to suppress him." His family is gone. If you want to trample that family under your feet, you have to get rid of that kid first."

This is a brother?His heart is poisonous enough, even darker than that of a gangster like him.

He asked coldly: "According to you, how much is that kid worth?"

Hearing that Ye Dahai and Lao Ma were overjoyed, Ye Dahai could still hold on, but Lao Ma couldn't, and almost jumped up excitedly, grinning and said: "Not much, just give 30 taels of silver, no, no, then The boy will be an official in the future, so he will have to pay 50 taels of silver."

Seeing that Master Hei still had an expression on his face, he didn't refute, and he felt a little bit regretful, how rich is this man, and he didn't change his expression for 50 taels of silver?
Ye Dahai, who felt the same way, glared at her fiercely, coughed, and said, "This stupid bitch is ignorant and full of nonsense. Don't say that the kid is going to be an official in the future, just say that he wants to do it quietly. It's not easy, it's not that dumb girl who can't shout no matter what she does.

The middle-aged man is strong and strong, so if he accidentally makes a noise, wouldn't that be a matter of breaking Master Hei?

It takes a lot of planning. If you want me to say that in order to be safe, you have to use poison, and you will definitely not be able to escape him. "

After taking a breath, he looked at Master Hei above him, but he still didn't respond. He became ruthless, stretched out his index finger tremblingly, tried his best to control the trembling hand, and said in a hoarse voice: "Poison is an extremely expensive thing. After the work is done, 100 taels of silver is indispensable."

100 taels of silver!

Old Ma Shi gasped, the old man still has courage!

50 She said so much that her heart trembled! 100 taels!Their family is going to get rich!
Old Ma Shi's dim old eyes gleamed, as if he had already got the money!

Master Hei, who has been silent all this time, is just curious about how greedy these two shameless old bastards are. They have a big appetite, and even 100 taels of silver are not afraid of killing them?
It's just that he didn't intend to really give the ten taels. He wanted nothing to be traced. Of course, he wanted to kill people to silence her. How could he keep her to keep pestering her for money?
I thought it would be all right to deal with this greedy woman afterwards, but I didn't expect that there was another old man rushing to die.

Seeing the clumsy acting of these two old guys, it's not disgusting enough for him!
He lowered his waist and took out a dagger with a sheath from his boots, slapped it on the table, and said sullenly, "Young mother, you are so smart! You dare to bargain with the master, you really don't know your life! If you still want the dagger on your neck Head, just obediently do what I say, otherwise, I will destroy your whole family with a single finger!"

No matter how scheming Ye Dahai is, he is just a farmer in the countryside. How can he see this?
Frightened by Master Hei's fierce gaze, he trembled all over, and almost slipped from the armchair.

Old Ma Shi, who was imagining how to spend the 100 taels of silver, was like a blow to the head when she heard this, and woke her up suddenly. She was frightened and panicked, her hands and feet were weak, she slipped silently from the armchair to the ground, and she was unable to stand up for a while.

Picking up the dagger and playing with it in his hand, Master Hei's eyes were full of sarcasm, if the master who paid the money hadn't said something, how could he talk to these two lowly mud legs?

Speaking of which, the owner doesn't know what he is thinking, if he insists on forgiving such a trick, isn't he just a girl who can't speak?
Last time I was rescued by luck, can I be so lucky again and again?

Now I can't speak anymore, and I can't even shout to others. What is there to be taboo about?
What the middleman meant was that the master's family is a big family in the county, and he has repeatedly told him to follow the master's wishes, let the people in the same village do it, and never show any flaws, and must leave himself clean.

(End of this chapter)

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