Chapter 1261 Met Two Aunts

He Xiner embraced the warm Mrs. Tang, and had a good sleep comfortably. The next day, she was full of energy and looked refreshed.

"Cousin, when will the bride come through the door?"

When she woke up, she didn't see her mother, only Dabai was with her in the house.

When she was fully dressed, took the menstrual belt made by her mother, and opened the door to go to the backyard to solve the problem, she found that her little cousin was squatting pitifully at the door waiting for her.

Feel sorry for He Xiner!
I also knew that Sanjin must have ordered her not to enter the house because she was afraid that her cousin would disturb her rest.

My heart is full of emotion.

But he didn't dare to delay, coaxed the little girl softly, and then hurried to solve the physical problem.

It was finally refreshing.

No, as soon as I came back and finished washing, I was thinking about how to mobilize my little cousin's emotions.

Because the little girl probably felt left out, she pouted her lips all the time, looking not in a good mood.

"Hey, sister Xin'er didn't ask me, but I forgot. It turns out that everyone's wedding time is different. Big cousin Mancang would be Si time, but now big brother's auspicious time is Chen time. It's so interesting..."

Well, when the little girl opened up the chatterbox, it was like a great river broke its embankment, and the torrential river was rushing in, and it was out of control.

He Xiner couldn't stop laughing.

Although little Wang Jinling spoke happily, he did not forget the business.

In the morning, there were too many things to do at home, and there was no time to prepare meals in a serious manner. Everyone was thinking about it casually, and some of them were hungry and didn't eat.

Mrs. Lu prepared meals for the two sisters and Dabai early, and asked Wang Jinling to wait for He Xiner to wake up before going to call her.

She had to reheat the food, and girl Xin couldn't eat cold food.

After the two sisters had breakfast with Dabai, not long after, all members of the Wang clan arrived, some were helping, some were chatting, and a group of children were frolicking in the front yard and alley, which was extremely lively.

When the sound of crackling firecrackers came from the entrance of the alley, all the children and adults rushed out happily to watch the excitement.

Wang Xiangxi and other brothers have jobs and have no time to take care of them, but with Dabai leading the way, no one dares to squeeze in with her. .

The two young ladies happily joined in the quarrel all morning, squeezed into the crowd, watching with great interest Wang Xiangdong in new clothes and Xinjiao Niang in red wedding dress worshiped heaven and earth, and followed the crowd into the new house, excitedly Watch a series of rituals such as a couple eating raw dumplings, drinking wine and so on.

The two sisters laughed like a fool the whole time.

It's like a country girl can't look away when she enters the city, she is surprised to see everything.

I don't know if it's the first time for them to participate in this kind of occasion.

Speaking of which, compared with Ye Mancang's marriage, the ostentation of the old Wang's family is not a little bit worse, the two of them are just trying to have fun.

The newlyweds came in early, and the wedding banquet was also arranged early. Before noon, the old Wang's banquet was ready.

The old Wang's family didn't have too many relatives, the eldest daughter-in-law's family didn't come, and the second daughter came with a family of three. Yes, Ye Laiyin went to the town early to deliver food, and arrived at Wang's Village before the banquet.

Then there are several old people who are highly respected in the village, the old people with the highest seniority in the Wang clan, Uncle Wang's two aunts' families, and the three daughters-in-law's natal families.

All the relatives brought their families with them, including the elderly and their children. There were a large number of them, and there were twelve tables set up.

He Xiner took Wang Jinling's little friend to play foolishly, and they didn't face her mother all morning, until the banquet was about to start, the two of them ran to the upper room to find someone.

I saw a whole room of people chatting and laughing around Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Wang, and the atmosphere was very good.

"Xin girl, Ling girl, come and see the two aunts."

Great aunt?
He Xiner heard the words and looked at the two old ladies with a slightly cautious smile. They were all dressed in simple, unevenly dyed coarse cotton dresses, half new with no patches.

The two old men were thin, with fleshless cheeks, cloudy eyes, and deep wrinkles engraved with vicissitudes. .

(End of this chapter)

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