The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1286 What a black hearted person

Chapter 1286 What a black hearted person
By the hot spring pool in the deep mountains, Ye Xusheng lit a bonfire and quietly watched the beautiful figures swimming in the pool.

Shame, guilt, distress, pity...

His heart felt like a lump of cotton, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

"Big Brother, what kind of look is that in your eyes?"

He Xiner was leisurely circling in the warm water, turned around and saw Ye Xusheng with a complex and unspeakable expression, and couldn't help but be amused, "The heroic hall brother has transformed into a proper melancholy prince!"

"Tsk, tsk, a handsome person is handsome in everything..."

The moonlight poured down like water, and the mountains in the distance and the grass and trees near were clearly visible.

On the spring water with constant temperature all year round, the hot air is like smoke and mist.

A girl in a snow-white tunic, with picturesque eyebrows and a flowery smile.

The tight underwear is close to the body, and the graceful figure can be seen at a glance...

Ye Xusheng, known as the prince of melancholy, saw her get up, his heart suddenly missed a beat, and then he beat violently in retaliation.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Palpitations were severe, and his mouth was dry.

Tired of swimming, He Xiner went ashore to warm herself up by the fire, she had no idea how attractive she was right now.

"Big brother, why are your ears red? Even being praised by my sister for being handsome, you can be ashamed like this, what will you do in the future~"

Ye Xusheng...

He didn't want to take that.

He took a thin cloak, wrapped the figure carefully, and asked softly with a slightly hoarse voice, "Would you like some water?"

"Water is the source of life, a baby out of water is like a fish out of water, dry~"



Ye Xusheng couldn't help but smile anymore.

He Xiner stuck out her tongue to make a face.

The hall brother finally laughed, it was really not easy.

With such a foreign family, no one would feel ashamed.

But this kind of thing is not easy to comfort, the more I talk about it, the more embarrassing it gets.

"Oh, Dabai has to see that his cousin can't come to play in the water, and the baby will not have fun playing in the water."

With a faint smile on the corner of Ye Xusheng's lips, he opened the water bag and handed it to her to "drink water."

"Thank you big brother."

On early summer nights, the mountain breeze is cool and fresh.

A gust of wind blew by, rustling the leaves.

He Xiner trembled, Ye Xusheng quickly put the hat on for her.

"The hair is wet, carefully catch a cold."

"Well, it's extremely uncomfortable when wet."

"Then elder brother will comb and warm up the fire for you."

"it is good."

The wind is clear and the moon is bright, and the stars and the moon are shining.

The night in early summer is quiet and beautiful.

The girl's hair was as soft and smooth as silk, and it slid gently over Ye Xusheng's fingertips, tickling. .

"My cousin will definitely be a 24-year-old filial husband in the future."

The hand that gently combed a lock of hair froze, and then continued as if nothing had happened.

Ye Xusheng was in a complicated state of mind, pain and sweetness were entangled together, forming a thick web, tightly wrapping his heart...

The people behind did not respond, and He Xiner couldn't help but chuckle.

The hall brother must be shy.

"Will the big brother take a rest tomorrow?"

"Well, exactly."

"It's been a long time since I went to town. Yuanyuan and Cuizhi are clamoring to buy new clothes, and my cousin wants to go play too."

"Brother will accompany you tomorrow."


He Xiner smiled brightly, almost dazzled Ye Xusheng's eyes.

The corners of his lips can't stop rising~

The next day, He Xiner, Guan Cuizhi, Ye Yuanyuan and Wang Jinling happily boarded the mule cart with Dabai and Xiaohei, and headed towards Pingning Town happily.

As soon as the little girls left, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Liu spoke more casually and asked Mrs. Wang what happened to Old Ye's family.


Bai Shi was so angry that he hammered the table violently, making a loud bang bang.

"The old godly woman with a black heart and a rotten heart will be struck by lightning sooner or later!"

Mrs. Liu was also filled with righteous indignation, "With the good fortune of Miss Xin, I lived a rich and decent life. Not only did I not remember it, but I also shamelessly plotted against Girl Xin like this. I am really a blackheart!"

(End of this chapter)

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