The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1288 I'm a bit guilty

Chapter 1288 I'm a bit guilty

"What's the matter? Let's hear it."

Ye Yuanyuan deliberately squinted at her, which means that if you lie, you will be punished.

Little Wang Jinling stared at her big cute eyes, blinking and not speaking.

She was very curious about what it was like inside Taifeng Building.

Just pure curiosity.

Her sister Xin'er can cook a lot of delicious food, and she is not greedy for food outside.

He Xiner smiled and patted the little girl, but said nothing.

The little beauty Guan Cuizhi wore a yellow skirt embroidered with small ginger flowers today, fresh and elegant, as beautiful as dust.

However, the snow-white and tender beauty was holding a little black dog with bright eyes in her arms, which made her feel a little more joyful for no reason.

"My mother asked me to ask my father if he wants to go home after harvesting the wheat in a few days."

In previous years, Mrs. Liu hired short-term laborers to help harvest, and this year is no exception, so this is just a pretext. The real situation is that Guan Xiuyuan has started working on her own, and has never taken a shift. She misses her husband.

Guan Cuizhi also missed her father, so she agreed with Le Chenchen, saying that she would drag her father home.

It's not because he is afraid that he will get too busy and forget the business, so he keeps nagging.

But a few people didn't believe her, and she complained.

"Sister Guan has serious business, let's go to Taifeng Building first."

Ye Xu raised his voice and spoke.

"Okay, let's go to Taifeng Building."

"I haven't been in a big restaurant yet, I have to take a good look at it today."

"Sister Cuizhi invites you to dinner, play more, and have a good look at it."

"No, the food in the restaurant is too expensive..."

The little girl bounced and walked in front, chatting happily with Cuizhi and Yuanyuan, while He Xiner and Ye Xusheng kept some distance away, chatting relaxedly.

"The family has accumulated a lot of pretending to be dead rabbits. This thing costs a lot. It has only been a few months, and hundreds of taels of silver have already been invested. Aunt Liu and Aunt Liu are all at ease, and they didn't say a word of worry. "

"I'm a little guilty."

"Brother Datang also saw that there are countless dolls and dolls in the town, all over the street, and the price has dropped from the original two hundred yuan to twenty or thirty yuan. It's not worth much."

"The dead rabbit is made of exquisite materials and fine workmanship. It is much more exquisite than the original dolls, and it is not comparable to those fakes that follow the trend."

"I'm afraid that there are some shrewd merchants in Fucheng who get inspiration from dolls and draw inferences from one instance to make more exquisite toys. Then our dead rabbits will have no advantage."

"Xin'er means that you are going to sell the dead rabbit, so you can't wait until the end of the year?"

"I thought, if possible, go to Fucheng to inspect the market, see if there are any novelty toys on the market, and what price they are, so I can know what they are."

"Well, Xin'er is right."

Ye Xusheng nodded in agreement.

The sun is fine today, the weather is clear, the temperature is suitable, and there are countless people shopping and playing.

Talking about her family's money-making business on the street, He Xiner naturally wouldn't shout loudly.

Next to the big brother, whispering privately, and asking the other party for their opinions from time to time.

Ye Xusheng, in order to keep her height in check, bent slightly to communicate with her, and stopped from time to time to listen to her high-spirited talks.

From time to time, there was a distance between the two of them and Guan Cuizhi in front of them, and Ye Xusheng would glance at them from time to time. Although they were separated by some pedestrians, the three little girls were always within his line of sight.

Also within his protection range.

But outsiders couldn't notice which Xusheng, they just thought it was the three little girls shopping alone without the company of adults.

Leading a few new recruits, Wei Heizi, who was looking around for his target, saw Guan Cuizhi holding a little black dog from a long distance, and immediately stared wide-eyed.

(End of this chapter)

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