Chapter 1291

"Hey, you'll know when the time comes."

Wei Heizi was triumphant.

Ye Dahu pouted.

"Do you want all the brothers to follow and give the boss a boost?"

"I'm here to propose marriage, not to fight, so what are you doing with so many brothers? You don't have to frighten my father-in-law, so it's not worthwhile."

Ye Dahu squinted his eyes, "Before we got married, the boss felt sorry for his father-in-law. It can be seen that he really values ​​his sister-in-law."

"That's my master's woman. Naturally, I want to pamper her, and my father-in-law also wants to support me."

I don't know why, but Ye Dahu felt faintly uneasy in his heart, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

"I don't know if my sister-in-law's house is far away? Do you want to rent a mule cart instead?"

Ye Dahu casually probed.

"No, they're all in town, a few steps away."

Hearing this, Ye Dahu let out a sigh of relief, feeling much relieved.

Then he thought it was funny again, because he was thinking too much.


When Wei Heizi, who was newly dressed and properly attired, hurried to Taifeng Building with the Iceman he had finally hired, Guan Cuizhi and the others had already left.

Wearing red and green and wearing heavy make-up, Mrs. Huang, the iceman, is already fifty years old. He is considered an old seniority in the iceman industry in the town.

However, she has a bad reputation. For the sake of money, black people can be called white, and white people can be called black, which has harmed many young women.

With the increase of such things, her reputation was completely bad, and her business became worse and worse, and she couldn't open a few times throughout the year.

Seriously, no one asked her to be a matchmaker.

Wei Heizi wanted people in a hurry, and his Qinglong gang didn't have a good reputation, and he was stingy in his actions. The serious Iceman politely refused, and finally, he had to ask Huang to pay for it first. close.

Inviting the Iceman is just a formality. If you want to convince the old man, he has to come in person.

Thinking that he would see the little fairy soon, Wei Heizi was in high spirits, his feet felt like the wind, and the gaudy Huang was running out of breath, but he still couldn't keep up with him.

"Heizi, Wei Heizi, slow down, walk slowly."

Wei Heizi, who was full of joy, turned around abruptly, and shouted coldly, "Call Master Wei!"

Secretly rolling her eyes, Huang squeezed her handkerchief and smiled coyly, "Master Wei, Mr. Wei, it's the old woman who said something wrong. I said Mr. Wei, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Miss Guan won't come to town easily, I don't hurry up, I'm afraid someone will leave..."

Pan Mingwei, who was about to come out of Taifeng Tower, finally got his wish. When he saw the girl he had admired for a long time, he was in such a good mood.

At that time, as usual, he was leaning against the window of Ming Yue Xuan, scanning the crowds on the street, when Miss Guan who was holding a little black dog suddenly appeared in his line of sight.

At that moment, his heart was like thunder.

Happiness came so suddenly that he felt dizzy.

What made him even more ecstatic was that Miss Guan didn't have that philandering carrot by her side.

The kid who accompanied me today was handsome and handsome, and he was a good-looking talent.

But he wasn't worried at all, because the boy's eyes were almost glued to the other woman, and he had absolutely no wrong thoughts about Miss Guan.

He is determined.

With excitement, he sent away the sweet and innocent little fairy with his eyes, and then he also left Taifeng Tower.

Walking on the street, I couldn't make up my mind whether to make a hero to save the beauty.

Because the big dog did not follow.

But how did he look at the boy accompanying him, like a practicing family boy.

Just when he was tangled and hesitant, he suddenly heard Wei Heizi's voice, he froze for a moment, then changed his face.

"Marriage is an important matter, it is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. The little girl has no control over her family, and she must be shy when she sees a foreign man suddenly. Besides, Mr. Wei is so anxious and pale, it is easy to be looked down upon. Listen to the old man. Ladies, we have to plan carefully..."

(End of this chapter)

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