The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1300 Chen Xing Has a Good Vision

Chapter 1300 Chen Xing Has a Good Vision

Little Wang Jinling thought for a while, and welcomed her parents into the upper room, and she ran to the Xikua courtyard in a hurry to call the second aunt.

Wang Shi and He Xin'er were surprised, they hurriedly got up and rushed to the upper room, but they bumped into a group of people who came to propose marriage in the front yard.

At first sight of Chen Xing, who was tall and straight, He Xiner was greatly surprised.

And beside Chen Xing, a woman dressed in red and green with exaggerated makeup shouted "Congratulations" when she saw her mother, and she was stunned.

I don't know where Chen Xing found so many well-dressed and energetic boys. They carried six boxes with red paper on them and placed them in the courtyard.

Wang Shi was surprised, "This is?"

"Today is an auspicious day, the Chen family boy has come to propose marriage to your girl!"

He Xiner was dumbfounded.

Chen Xing, who was dressed in a sky-blue brocade straight gown, had a straight figure, a serious face, and unusually firm eyes, as if he was about to rush to the battlefield.

"Boy, Chen Xing, met Second Aunt Ye."

With a slightly trembling voice, it was low and hoarse.

He was steady and calm, but when he saw He Xiner, he couldn't hold back, and his nervous palms broke out in cold sweat.

Wang was dumbfounded.

After calming down a bit, she quickly made an arrangement, "Xin'er goes back to the house, and Ling girl goes to the vegetable garden to call the old man back."

"Hey, I see."

The ice man stood aside and joked, saying that the little girl has already shown up, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about, why don't you stay and take a look at the proposal gift that the Chen family boy prepared for her.

It is also said that in these ten miles and eight villages, the village households are not so particular about asking for relatives...

Crackling, crackling, and boasting, she couldn't hold the car anymore, and stepped forward to hold Wang's hand affectionately, which made froth fly around. .

This person is still in the courtyard, so he started. He is really dedicated.

He Xiner looked at the Iceman curiously, felt Chen Xing's fiery gaze, and then realized that she turned around quickly, and ran towards the west courtyard with her skirt in hand.

"Hey, it's no wonder Dao Xing is making such a big fight. This family is really rich, and the girl is also beautiful."

"Brothers teased him before, it's just a woman from a farmer's family, a silver hairpin can propose a marriage, so how can I buy so many things, it turns out that my brother was thinking wrong~"

"Chen Xing has a good eye, that girl looks really good."

"What I'm talking about is that we traveled all over the world. There are many places in big cities and small towns. Such beautiful women are really rare."

"Hey, the ladies of the rich family are all hiding in the backyard, how can they show their faces easily? You can't see those beautiful young ladies who are as beautiful as heaven."

"When you are a wealthy daughter, you are all beautiful. They are just rich in the family, and they may not be good-looking."

"We haven't seen and don't know what it's like for a rich family to propose a marriage, but this kid Chen Xing is a big spender. He also has gold and silver jewelry and silk brocades. He is very extravagant."

"It's true that he has made money in the past two years, so it's because of what happened today..."


A dozen or so boys stood in the yard, guarding the boxes they had brought, talking in low voices.

Ye Guihua in the west wing was tearing off an old veil with a face full of anger, grinding her back molars with hatred.

She was locked up for a month and only had three pancakes a day. She was so hungry that her eye sockets collapsed, and she lost a lot of weight. Her beautiful clothes, wearing them to sing a big show, were ugly to death.

In fact, she was locked in the room every day, guarding two large toilets, and the smell filled the room, and the clothes also smelled, so she was in no mood to care about whether the clothes looked good or not.

Even if it looks good, no one will see it!

But it is natural for a woman to love beauty, and she has a greedy temperament. After a month of reminiscing about bitterness and sweetness, she is extremely sensitive to good things.

Hearing what the people outside said about gold and silver jewelry, silk and cotton satins, their eyes turned red with jealousy.

(End of this chapter)

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