The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1303 Chen Xing and his father-in-law are here

Chapter 1303 Chen Xing and his father-in-law are back
Originally, she was so frightened by Mrs. Wu that she gave up her thoughts of marrying to the county seat, and became active again.

Because she was not reconciled, not reconciled to being let down by Ye Xiner.

Only by marrying into the county town and into a rich family can she live a more decent life than Ye Xiner.

But Ye Laicai's dead thing is unreliable, not to mention that he may have embezzled good things for himself, but only to say that there is a ruthless Mrs. Wu by his side, so she dare not provoke him.

How to do?

By the way, Ye Laiyin drove the ox cart to the town early to deliver food as usual, and returned before it was time.As soon as the bullock cart entered Yejia Village, he felt something strange.

"Second brother, why do I look at those people looking at you strangely?"

Ye Shitian, who was traveling with him, frowned lightly,

Ye Mancang, who was escorting the car, nodded aside, "It's a bit weird."

"If you don't weed in the field, everyone will gossip, don't worry about them."

In fact, Ye Laiyin felt weirder than anyone else.

Because those people's eyes were red with envy and jealousy, and their eyes looked creepy.

He was a little angry.

No one has more hands than anyone else, if you want to earn money, you have to do things in a down-to-earth manner!

Why do you keep looking at their family with jealousy?

Ye Shitian knew his temperament best. Hearing what he said, he nodded in agreement, but his brows furrowed even deeper.

"It's nothing serious these days, and it's still too early to pick wild fruits, so it shouldn't make that picker jealous?"

They go to the town to deliver food every day, and the people in the village have long been used to it.

People in the village don't know about the doll's business.

The wild fruit business that makes them most envious and jealous has not yet begun.

So he couldn't figure it out.

Although Ye Laiyin and Ye Mancang couldn't figure it out, they didn't care much.

Ye Shitian wouldn't care if he put it aside, but just a few days ago when the Guan family had an accident, he felt that it was better to be careful about everything.

When he whispered his thoughts to Ye Laiyin, the ox cart had turned into the alley of Lao Ye's house, and the three of them were stunned by the bustling scene in front of Lao Ye's house.

"Why so many people?"

Outside Lao Ye's house, the men, women and children who came here after hearing the news were crowded.

Some half-grown children also watched the excitement excitedly, but they couldn't see anything, so they squeezed in the crowd, causing a lot of shouting and scolding.

But most of the people looked at the scene with a smile.

Ye Laiyin was dumbfounded.

"Second Uncle, why do I see it's more lively than your family's running banquet?"

Looking at the situation, it doesn't look like they are here to make trouble, but to make fun of it. Ye Mancang's mouth is wide open, laughing and joking.

Ye Shitian also laughed, "It's more lively than when this kid got married."

Ye Laiyin couldn't help but stare at the two men, who looked like they were watching the excitement, "Looking at the bullock cart, your father and I will go and see what's going on."

"Oh, I want to see it too..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slapped on the head by his father, "Don't you dare not listen to your second uncle, I will cut you off!"

The big fan-like hands, thick and powerful, made Ye Mancang cry out in pain, and made the anxious Ye Laiyin laugh loudly, "The eldest nephew has become a relative, the boss needs to save some face for him." , you can’t do it casually.”

"Hmph, he just hugged his grandson, I should beat him back."

Speaking of his grandson, Ye Shitian wished he could slap him a few more times.

He was in a hurry, anxious to hug his grandson, but this kid was just fooling around, not working hard, paying back this and that reason, and ran to Mantun and their house all day long.

Ye Laiyin didn't know, and laughed at him a few times, but he was worried about what happened at home, so he didn't say much, and took him to stride home.

"Hey, Laiyin is back."

"Chen Xing's father-in-law is back!"

"Ha ha……"

In the crowd watching the excitement, I don't know who squeezed his throat and yelled such a sour sentence, which immediately caused everyone to burst into laughter.

Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian frowned at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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