The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1309 What's the situation now

Chapter 1309 What's the situation now

Little Qian, who was hiding in the room listening to the scene, had eyes rolling non-stop, and it was the first time he had seen someone who brought six boxes of betrothal gifts to the door to propose marriage.

Hearing what the Iceman said again, they were all valuable and good things, and she couldn't help but be moved.

Golden head noodle~
She couldn't help but wonder secretly, why didn't she propose marriage to her daughter, and then she could still keep a golden hairpin to wear.

She stared at Ye Feifeng who was in a daze.

Ye Feifeng, who was wandering in the sky, was startled immediately, and his scalp was numb, "Mother, don't make up your mind, my father is outside."

How could she have such a shallow-sighted mother-in-law?

In the past, she kept saying that she was going to be the young mistress, but now she heard that Jinyin wanted to get her idea.

If she really wants to be impulsive and say what she said, she won't be laughed at to death.

Little Qian, who was fascinated by Jintou Mian, felt upset when she saw her threatening, and snorted coldly.

Didn't say anything.

The main reason was that Ye Laijin was outside, and she didn't dare to make any noise.

It's a pity that there are six boxes of good things in my heart, but there is nothing I can do.

Ye Laiyin outside had already interrupted Zhang Bingren's words, and said in a pleasant manner that the girl is still young, and they want to stay for a few more years, and they are not in a hurry to get married.

Everyone knows this is an excuse.

It's not getting married now, it's just getting married first, what's the big deal.

In this era, there are people who have been married since childhood, but there are many people.

Chen Xing plucked up his courage and said that he would resolve the identity of the bodyguard within two years.

These words made Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin feel unbearable. If they want to terminate the contract in advance, they must work hard for the escort.

This is still a child, it is really not easy to fight with one's life at such a young age.

Ye Laiyin naturally understood it, pondered for a moment and said straightly, "Second Uncle knows that you are a good person, but marriage cannot be forced. You are still young, and you will always find a girl who likes you..."

Chen Xing's eyes were dim, and his heart was ashamed.


Everyone in Ye Family Village was stunned by Ye Laiyin's divine operation.

No one could have imagined that Lao Ye's family would reject Chen Xing's marriage proposal.

Six betrothal gifts!
I heard it's all worth the money.

After all, they happily agreed to it long ago.

The mansion built by the Chen family is no worse than that of the old Ye's family, and that kid Chen Xing is really capable, so it's really rare to support the family alone at a young age.

Speaking of the big house of the Chen family, some people can't help but mutter in their hearts.

The country people like to join in this kind of fun, the fire of gossip is blazing, and if you don't get together and talk about it, it's not good to eat.

Now is the slack season again, and there is plenty of time to get together and gossip.

A group of idlers got together, you talked and I talked, the more they talked, the more they talked, and they quickly reached a consensus, that is, that kid Chen Xing had his eye on Ye Xin'er early on.

After reaching this point of consensus, the opinions of a group of people began to diverge. Some praised Chen Xing for his foresight; others ridiculed him for wanting to eat goose meat;

A group of people discussed quite hilariously.

The more we chatted, the more excited we became, and no one was in a hurry to go home and cook after noon.

The whole Yejia Village is busier than the market.

Ye Xusheng, who came home from school, felt that something was wrong since he entered the village. After hearing the topics discussed by those people, his expression changed drastically.

The kid couldn't bear it anymore.

He felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Although she didn't want to see that kid, she secretly envied him, envied that he could propose marriage to Xin'er in a fair and honest manner...

After being in a trance for a moment, he immediately woke up.

Now is not the time to think about that.

There are hundreds of women in one family.

When a girl grows up, it is normal for someone to come to her door to propose marriage, not to mention that with Xin'er's appearance and temperament, it is most natural for someone to admire her.

But who doesn't look at each other quietly and talk about marriage quietly.

What's the situation now?
Everyone in the village was alarmed, what is Chen Xing going to do?
Using public opinion to build momentum?
(End of this chapter)

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