Chapter 131
He staggered and almost fell down. Dr. Liu was almost pissed off by the two brothers, but he saw the whole family laughing from ear to ear. Why torment him like this?
Is it easy for him to get old?
Knowing that he was reckless, Ye Laiyin made a random bow and said, "I'm the one who made the waves. I'm really in a hurry. Please show the child all the time."

He glared at him angrily, it's already here, how could he not look?
Squatting beside He Xiner, she said, "Extend your hand"

He Xin'er stretched out her right hand obediently, Dr. Liu took his pulse with great care, and then let go of her hand after a while: "If you fall into the water to catch the cold, take the side medicine, so as not to suffer from the wind and cold."

Seeing that he didn't say anything else, Wang was anxious, "Then what about talking? What about talking?"

Concerned about it, Wang didn't make it clear. She meant that it was a good thing for the child to be able to talk. She wanted to ask the doctor if the sudden improvement was real or just temporary. Should he take medicine to keep it going?

Dr. Liu misunderstood, and said with a sullen face, "Why did you fall into the water again? The child was frightened and cold. It's hard to say whether he can talk."

He Xiner almost couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard that, coughed lightly, and whispered, "Doctor Liu, I'm fine."

These words almost made Dr. Liu's eyes roll out of shock!

All right?All right?
Hastily stretched out her hand to catch He Xiner's pulse, but she didn't hear any difference.

This is embarrassing, it seems that he is not good at learning?
Seeing that he was sullen and silent, Mrs. Wang became even more anxious. Ye Laiyin and Ye Laijin looked at each other, thinking vaguely in their hearts. Please go to the clinic for a consultation?

The two of them don't tell the truth, as long as the child is well.

Under Wang's expectant eyes, Dr. Liu withdrew his hand and smiled embarrassingly: "Maybe it was stimulated by falling into the water again, but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, a blessing in disguise!"

After finishing speaking, he got up to say goodbye: "Go back quickly and drink some ginger soup for the child to sweat, and there is no need to take medicine."

The words fell to the ground and disappeared, and there was no need for a consultation fee, but he ran away in a hurry.

Puchi, Guan Cuizhi laughed out loud, Ye Yuanyuan also giggled, He Xiner was completely cured, everyone felt extremely happy, and Doctor Liu's appearance was a bit funny, so they couldn't help laughing, although Ye Xusheng had something on his mind , but couldn't help grinning.

Ye Laijin laughed until his shoulders trembled, and said while laughing: "Go back quickly, go home and change clothes."

"Ah, ah, let's go, let's go" Wang shi smiled happily and helped He Xiner get up.

Ye Laiyin, who couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, squatted on the ground, "Come on, Dad is carrying you."

Being cared by so many people, He Xiner felt warm in her heart, and she was not polite, she climbed directly onto Ye Laiyin's body.

Ye Laiyin stood up and walked with big strides, the big guys followed together, all of them were beaming and radiant, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan surrounded Ye Laiyin and chatted with He Xiner.

He Xiner suddenly had a sore nose and astringent eye sockets. She blinked her eyes, not letting the tears flow down, and pressed her face on her father's generous shoulder...

When they arrived at Lao Ye's house, the two little friends said goodbye and went back. Mrs. Wang hurriedly lit a fire to cook ginger soup, and drank it for He Xiner and Ye Xusheng, covering the quilt to sweat.

Ye Xusheng, who was lying on the Kang and covering the quilt, his face sank when his father went out and closed the door for him.

In the afternoon class, Ye Laijin went to ask his master for leave. Ye Xusheng broke into a sweat, and after eating the food brought by his father, he prepared to take a bath and change clothes.

When they arrived in the backyard, they found Mrs. Wang was lighting a fire to boil water, and called "Second Aunt". Mrs. Wang smiled and said, "Why did you come out? You can't be exposed to the wind anymore."

"It's okay to sweat, but I don't feel refreshed. I want to burn some hot water for a bath."

"Since you were young, you have always loved cleanliness." Mrs. Wang smiled kindly.

"Erni probably learned from you. I can't stand the sweat even for a while. I insist on taking a bath now. I thought I wouldn't catch a cold again. I advised her to take a bath tomorrow, but she just wouldn't listen."

Although he said complaining words, the gentle smile on his face did not show anger at all.

Ye Xusheng's eyes darkened. When he fell into the water, only his father brought him water and vegetables, and went to ask for leave. His mother didn't even come to ask.

Not to mention Ye Dani, since he hit her last time, now she looks at him with resentment, mother and child are indifferent, brother and sister are indifferent, and they are helpless.

"You don't have to wait here, go back to the house and rest, I'll call you when the water is ready."

Wang urged him to go back to the house quickly. She was very grateful to this elder nephew. The daughter fell into the water twice because of the elder nephew's desperate rescue.

Agreeing, Ye Xusheng returned to Dongkuayuan.

(End of this chapter)

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