The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1313 I Always Feel Something Shortcoming

Chapter 1313 I Always Feel Something Shortcoming

"Lao Ye's family is generous and magnanimous..."

The old Wangtou was very pleased.

The whole family agrees.

Mrs. Wang pursed her upturned lips and remained silent. Her usually dark eyes were now bright, showing that she was in a good mood. .

She knew that Huijuan's mother and daughter were not so fussy.

However, what she is most gratified about is not that the old Wang's family got another lucrative job, but that her girl Xin got a good marriage.

According to the third child, that kid is not only a scholar, but also has a bright future. The key is that the two families have a good relationship. Xinyatou's mother-in-law and Huijuan have a deep friendship, and sister-in-law and Xinyatou also love sisters.

Such a family, if Xin girl marries, she will definitely not be wronged.


that is really good!
Old Mrs. Wang couldn't help but pursed her lips into a small smile, and the creases on her face seemed to be stretched out. .

She has always been used to keeping a low profile, even if she is happy in her heart, she will not yell loudly. Compared with her, Old Wangtou seems a little impatient.

Of course, it is also because of the joy in my heart, so it is inevitable that my voice will be a little louder, "The boss and the second child took Xiangdong to the town to buy ingredients, big pots, and cages. The third child should not be idle at home, and the mud stove, the third child's house Take the lead and make noodles, spread out first..."

The whole family is in high spirits, gearing up for a big fight.

"Master, what about Xiaolongbao and Roujiamo, can we try it?"

Wang Xiangbei wrung his fingers, looked forward to it, and swallowed his saliva from time to time, like a pug dog seeing a fleshy bone.

Seeing the youngest grandson's salivating appearance, the old Wangtou couldn't stop laughing, patted his head kindly, and said with a big laugh, "Eat, eat all of them, fried dough sticks, tea eggs, Xiaolongbao, Roujiamo, you can eat whatever you want." What to eat!"


Wang Xiangbei jumped three feet high and was so happy that he could not find Bei.

The whole family laughed, and the atmosphere in the upper room was hot.

They were discussing lively, looking forward to the better days in the future, all of them were full of enthusiasm. . .


Saying goodbye to Wang Sanjiu and his wife, the life of Lao Ye's family returned to peace.

The small doll workshop, which had been off work for two days, started to be lively again.

He Xiner keenly felt that the three masters often looked at her with Lao Huai's comforting eyes, especially Aunt Liu, whose eyes were so hot.

She silently turned and bowed her head.

Isn't the matter of proposing marriage over, why are you still teasing her?

He Xiner said don't look at it, she will feel shy when she looks at the baby again.

Mrs. Bai quietly gave Liu a wink, which means that you know that you have got a good daughter-in-law, but you have to keep a low profile and restrain yourself. Look, you are uncomfortable showing Miss Xin.

Mrs. Liu gave her a look back, which means that your look just now was too straightforward, which made my daughter-in-law ashamed.

Wang pursed her lips and snickered.

At the same time, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan were constantly flirting with each other, full of gossip, and having a great time.

He Xiner...

Glancing at the little cousin who was sweating profusely from running under the sun, she sighed silently when she thought of the series of unanswerable questions she asked under the covers.

It's still good, big brother!
Never laugh at her.

Hey, speaking of it, during these days, she has been with Cuizhi at night, and during the day she and the hall brother are busy with each other, and they only chat casually during meals, and they always feel that there is something missing.

Well, it seems like it's been a long time since I haven't seen the big brother.

We will see each other every day~
So, He Xiner was distracted.

Before, she was forced to run every night by the devil instructor, and she was exhausted, so she thought about finding an excuse to hide one day. Now, after being lazy for these days, she misses running into the mountains. .

Well, the air in the mountains is fresh and the mountain breeze is cool. It is also very pleasant to run with the big brother.

Tired from running, go to the hot springs and play in the water happily...

(End of this chapter)

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