The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1319 Where to Find Someone

Chapter 1319 Where to Find Someone

Old Qian didn't cooperate even if he died, and he didn't tell Ye Guihua's whereabouts even if he killed him. Whenever He Xiner tried to persuade him, she would yell at her.

That expression seemed to wish to bite her twice before he was reconciled.

He Xiner couldn't understand this.

She's fine too!

You were fined and placed in confinement, and you did not do it yourself.

The old godmother is unreasonable.

He Xiner got angry, her pretty face darkened slightly.

If it was anything else, she would have turned around and left.

It's not that she is so holy, she is full of love.

With her sister-in-law's temperament, she deserves to suffer a little and learn a lesson.

But running away from home is not a trivial matter, as long as she thinks of those girls who were deceived by Wu, she can't help but ignore them.

After all, her sister-in-law is still a half-grown child, just a bit willful and paranoid, not the bad kind.

"Grandpa, what do you think we should do?"

Lao Yetou's heart felt tense, he always felt that something big was going to happen, and his two sons were not at home, so no one would come up with ideas or discuss things, so he was very uneasy in his heart.

When He Xiner found out that Ye Guihua had run away from home, she only told her grandfather.

Therefore, Xiaoqian's mother and daughter, Wang's, etc. don't know yet.

All the rabbits pretending to be dead were loaded into the car and sent to Fucheng, the work of the workshop was suspended, and Mrs. Wang collected the things by herself. It was not early at this time, and Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Liu had not come yet.

In the west wing room, there are only two grandparents.

Oh, there is another old Qian.

She continued to pack quail.

To put it aside, since she had never traveled far, she really thought it was scary outside, and she didn't dare to let her daughter go to the county town alone.

But that was before, and now she feels that she has seen big scenes. Thinking about the temple fair that day, the older people can be said to be crowded with people, and most of them are female relatives. Something went wrong.

Besides, the second girl, the Guan family girl, and the Yuanyuan girl also ran to the town a lot. Aren't they all doing well, and there is nothing wrong with them.

It can be seen that the outside is not scary at all.

Therefore, she didn't worry about her daughter's safety at all.

Old Yetou actually felt powerless when he met such an unreasonable idiot.

"You old man, don't you love sweet-scented osmanthus the most? How can you rest assured that she is wandering outside alone? Are you not afraid that she will be kidnapped by bad guys?"

"Where did the sweet-scented osmanthus go? How many days? I will look for it now, maybe I can find someone, and if I keep on talking, the world is so big, where can I find someone?"

"Aren't you afraid that you won't see your daughter in the future?"

Old Yetou suppressed his anger and tried to persuade her with a hoarse voice.

It's a pity that the old Qian, who has already gotten into the horns, won't listen to him at all.

What's more, in front of He Xiner, she could definitely tell the truth. .

He insulted He Xiner fiercely, but also wanted to drive her away.

As for whether to tell the truth to the dead old man, she still has to think about it.

So she remained silent.

Just like that, there was a stalemate between the two, and the old Yetou was so angry that his eyes turned black, wishing to tear her up, "You old bastard who doesn't know what to do, you can't tell the difference, when is the time to return it?" Stuck?"

Dabai and Wang Jinling are still at Guan's house and haven't come back yet, so it's not a problem for He Xiner to feel so stiff.

"Master, I'll take Erha to call Dabai back."

"Well, let's go."

Lao Ye nodded feebly, feeling dizzy and dizzy.

The old Qian, who was sitting paralyzed on the ground and pretended to be dead, raised his head and gave He Xiner a hard look, the corners of his mouth moved, and the curse words reached his throat, but he didn't make a sound.

Human emotions are so complicated.

With her selfish, cold and greedy personality, she doesn't have much affection for her own granddaughter and nephew, and she doesn't care much about an outsider who has no blood relationship.

But after all, she is not a real cold-blooded animal, and her heart is still made of meat.

(End of this chapter)

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