The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1322 My sister admires you so much

Chapter 1322 My sister admires you so much
The villain Wang Jinling watched calmly, thinking seriously about one thing, Dabai and Erha are not here, should she call Heizi and Daha to support Ergu?
Well, just do it.

After dinner, I called Shang Daha to find Heizi.

After making up her mind, the little girl felt relieved, ate happily, and played coquettishly with Wang Shi from time to time, coaxing Wang Shi to smile.

The aunt and nephew had a great time together.

Being completely ignored, Little Qian threw the knife in displeasure.

It's a pity that she didn't cooperate with her, not even giving her a look.

Xiaoqian's heart was even more congested, and she couldn't vent her sulking breath, so she could only shake off her cheeks to eat. After eating, her mood improved a lot, and for the time being, she forgot all kinds of troubles of being sour and jealous.

Ye Feifeng would pick up food for Xiao Xuyang from time to time, and occasionally glance complicatedly at the uncle and nephew who were talking lively, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart.

It was the first time that the gentlemen were not at home, although Wang's face was full of smiles, her heart was empty, and she always felt that something had happened.

All afternoon she was restless and restless.

I was really flustered, I wanted to do needlework, but I couldn't calm down, so I simply put down my things, went to the backyard, made noodles with Cao, and was busy making dumplings.

Wang Jinling summoned Daha and Heizi as quickly as possible after lunch.

Then he took the two little guys and stood outside the house, looking forward to it, waiting and waiting, until the sun set and the dusk was all around, and He Xiner's figure hadn't been seen yet, and the little girl was so anxious.

He took a big lantern and lit it, "Heizi, hello, let's go to the village and wait for Sister Xin'er."

At this time, some villagers in the village would eat early and not rush to sleep, so they gathered under the big locust tree in twos and threes to chat with the breeze.

Little friend Wang Jinling turned out of the alley, but she didn't see crowds of people gathered all the way. She hesitated for a while, tilted her head to think about it, and decided to go back home.

After a while, it was already dark.

Just when she was so anxious that she was about to wait for someone at the entrance of the village again, a rattling sound came from the entrance of the alley, and the little girl jumped up and down three times with joy, "Sister Xiner, Sister Xiner..."

After running outside for a day, the old Yetou was exhausted, the old eyes that were usually bright and shining were now dull and dull, due to not replenishing water in time, his lips were dry and peeled, and there was a burning fire in his chest, which burned him Seven orifices emit green smoke.

He Xiner didn't feel much better either, her clear and moist eyes, looking forward to flying, lost their former brilliance, like a layer of fog, hazy, and her bright red lips were no longer moist. When he was dry, he looked particularly haggard.

Only Dabai, who is majestic and majestic, is still full of energy.

Hearing her little cousin's call, He Xiner pulled herself together and said hello to her, then continued to lie down on Dabai's back to rest without bones.

"Dabai, sister admires you so much, your physical strength is really good, you are still so energetic after running for a day..."

A feeble sound, like a mosquito humming.

Dabai turned his head and rubbed against her, comforting her gently and silently.

The ox cart drove into the backyard, and Wang, who had received the letter early, waited inside the door with a lantern. When he saw the appearance of the precious girl, he almost couldn't hold back his voice.

Mrs. Cao eagerly prepared warm water, and Wang Jinling hurriedly brought herbal tea to the two of them.

Mrs. Wang was not idle either, helping Lao Yetou unload the ox cart and feeding the big yellow cattle.

This was the first time she had done this job.

Old Yetou was also exhausted, even the most beloved old man didn't care to take care of him, he just wanted to drink a bowl of herbal tea and lie down on the kang, straighten his back.

While several people were busy, Ye Laijin also drove the mule cart into the alley, the sound of rattling approached from far away, and in a blink of an eye he reached the side door.

Old Yetou, who lowered his head and washed his face, hurriedly looked for the sound, and saw the dusty-faced eldest son, accompanied by the listless Erha, coming in listlessly.

The hope in his heart was shattered, and he only felt more tired.

(End of this chapter)

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