The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1329 You Can't Be Satisfied

Chapter 1329 You Can't Be Satisfied
This Mrs. Wang talked about that careless sister-in-law with her eldest nephew with a cold face, a person who had never had any evil thoughts, a strong evil rose in her heart.

Ye Xusheng also had a handsome and dark face.

The little girl Wang Jinling kept curling her lips, she was angry several times, and when that troubled sister-in-law came back, she wouldn't be with her anymore.

Seeing that it was getting late, fearing that something might happen to the Guan family, the villain silently left the house, calling Dabai and his three apprentices to the backyard for dinner.

After instructing Dabai to send Heizi home, she ran to the door of the west wing in the dark in a distraught state, pinching her waist and puffing her mouth out, really wanting to swear, but she tried and tried again, but she couldn't swear in the end.

She is a good child, and she can't do the following things.

The villain went back to the Xikuan courtyard with his head drooping.

In the room, Ye Laiyin, who learned what had happened, was so angry that he jumped his feet, and that was the real curse: "That idiot who doesn't know how to do things will add chaos..."

Old Yetou and Ye Laijin held the water bottle and drank silently.

They have no strength to curse.

Although Ye Shitian didn't want to swear at people with a pale face like the second child, he was extremely displeased in his heart.

What are these things?

This man can't be dissatisfied!
I don't even think about what life I lived in the past, not to mention the house I lived in, the clothes I wore, or the fact that I didn't see any meat, but I just said that I couldn't even eat white noodles all year round. You should be content.

Those girls are just too dissatisfied, relying on girl Xin's blessing to plot against girl Xin, what is this called?
White-eyed wolf!

The uncle just punished them to eat pancakes for a few days, so they couldn't stand it anymore and ran away, really...

A girl who hasn't left the cabinet doesn't even want her reputation.

Isn't this implicating Kid Sheng?

It was supposed to be a joyful time to gather and share the harvest, but Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin and others were overwhelmed by Ye Guihua's incident, how could they be happy, suppressed the dissatisfaction in their hearts, and discussed how to find someone .

When Mrs. Cao prepared the meals, the arrangement was almost done. How could Ye Laiyin care about eating? He was thinking about his precious daughter.

By the way, He Xiner has been telling herself rationally to be normal, not to worry, not to get angry, but how could she not be in a hurry?
As the days passed, the possibility of finding people back safely became less and less.

Even if she has a superficial relationship with that worrying sister-in-law, she doesn't want to see anything happen to her.

What's more, the eldest brother is going to take the imperial examination, personal reputation and family reputation are very important, if her sister-in-law spreads some unbearable rumors and ruins the lintel of the old Ye family, it will have a very bad influence on the eldest brother's future career.

In short, He Xiner was really anxious and really angry. Coupled with the hot weather, she was irritable both inside and outside, and she was tired and exhausted. This illness became fierce.

That night, he drank the medicine in a daze, barely drank half a bowl of rice soup, and then fell asleep drowsily.

Wang was afraid that she would give her little niece a bad temper, so she arranged Wang Jinling's little girl on the imperial concubine's couch outside, and she herself watched over her niece all night.

The concubine's couch was just made by Ye Laiyin for her daughter a few days ago. On weekdays, when He Xiner was on her lunch break, she would lie on the couch to read a book and take a rest.

Carved with patterns of flowers and plants, the delicate and beautiful walnut chaise longue has no other problems except the narrow point. The villain Jing Wang Jinling sleeps on it. The length is enough, but it cannot be turned over by a large margin.

Wang was afraid that she would fall to the ground, so she made a mattress on the ground.

Ye Xusheng watched his second aunt's arrangement clearly, and he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

His little girl is sick, but he can't be by her side...

He felt a deep sense of powerlessness. . .

(End of this chapter)

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