Chapter 134
The old Ma Shi was so scolded that he couldn't lift his head up. It's really no wonder she was there. Thinking about the eight taels of silver, how could she wait?

That damn girl didn't go out easily, and finally caught an opportunity, how could she let it go?
Eyeing the stupid woman sideways, Ye Dahai's face darkened, "Are you sure no one saw you? Didn't that damn girl see you?"

This old Mrs. Ma was sure, and nodded vigorously, "No one saw it, not even that damn girl."

At that time, she not only moved quickly, but also covered her face.

He moved his body and leaned closer to Ye Dahai: "Old man, what do you think you should do next when you take the test?"

Ye Dahai glared at her angrily, took two puffs of cigarettes: "Don't mess around, it's time to wake up when something happened just now"

"But I haven't got the money yet, so I'm in a hurry."

You are in a hurry, am I not in a hurry?
"I'm warning you not to act rashly. If you arouse suspicion, you still want to get the money properly?"

It is indeed such a reason, and the extremely anxious old Ma nodded his head with difficulty: "Got it."


Guan Cuizhi's family lives well, and Cuizhi's mother is willing to dress up her daughter. Among the girls in the village, Cuizhi's clothes have always been one of the best, which makes many girls jealous.

Among the three girls, Cuizhi looks the best, with picturesque eyebrows, snow-white and tender, although she hasn't bloomed yet, she is a standard little beauty embryo!

Today, Guan Cuizhi is wearing a bright yellow skirt, pink embroidered shoes, two hair buds on her head, fastened with a pink ribbon, and tied with a bow. A small lock of hair hangs down with the bow under the hair buds The headbands complement each other.

With Guan Cuizhi's running, the hair band also fluttered and danced, like a fairy butterfly flying into the flowers, attracting everyone's attention.

The wheat-colored leaves are round and round, with a moth head and eyebrows, and they are slim, especially with clear eyebrows, revealing a witty vigor and a sharp personality.

I wore a set of light green cotton dresses, although they were probably new, but they were considered the best clothes in the village.

She also combed two small hair buds, without hair accessories, picked a beautiful wild flower and put it on her head, making her look even more pure and bright.

He Xiner wore her mother's new clothes, a red top with a skirt and a sky blue skirt. She was very festive. In addition, she had supper from the big brother. She ate well and her little face became much rounder. The eyes are shining, and the whole thing is a soft and cute little bun.

Three innocent and lovely girls are bouncing around chasing and frolicking, and their crisp and cheerful laughter drifts with the wind, which makes people feel happy when they hear it~
Recently, Ye Dani, who has been tortured by the old Qian's every day, has become so thin that she is almost skinny. Her small face is tanned, her hair is withered and yellow, her eyes are dull, and she lacks the vitality that a child should have.

At this time, Ye Dani was wearing old clothes, dragging her heavy legs, carrying a basket of hogweed and a bundle of dry firewood on her back, bending over and walking from the dense forest with difficulty, she heard someone from a distance Playing, I felt ashamed of my appearance, and couldn't help lowering my head a little.

"Erni, come here quickly"

When Guan Cuizhi's crisp voice came, Ye Dani raised her head abruptly and gritted her teeth angrily. She was exhausted every day, but that cheap girl was here playing with others.

When she saw He Xiner running, Ye Dani gasped with anger, she was actually wearing new clothes!
Take a closer look, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan are also dressed very beautifully, Ye Dani's eyes are red with jealousy!

She bit her lower lip with her teeth, and the pain kept her rational. She couldn't beat those three people alone.

But, so angry!
Why does she wear old clothes and work every day?
Why is the cheap girl playing around in new clothes?

Why do you want to be friends with a cheap girl?
Reason made her hide far away, out of sight and out of mind, but in the end she was unwilling to do so, and it was fine if she couldn't beat them and make trouble with them.

Your immature face is full of resentment, tore your new clothes to see how frightened you are!

After making up her mind, Ye Dani put all the firewood and hogweed on her back behind a big tree, looked around with her eyes, and finally fixed her eyes on the thorny shrub branch. It was very good, so I used it.

Afraid of being stabbed, Ye Dani picked a few leaves and put them on her hands, and broke off a branch from the bottom with all her strength, took it in her hand, walked lightly to a dense weed bush and squatted down, this time she must not I will miss it. If the clothes are torn, let's see if that bitch feels distressed!
The idea is good, but it doesn't mean that others have to jump into your pit!
After waiting for a while, but no footsteps were heard, Ye Dani couldn't help stretching out her head to look out. Where were the shadows of the three of them?

I don't know where I went!

All the good calculations were in vain, and Ye Dani was so angry that she threw the branch on the ground and stomped a few times.

Having vented enough, he wiped away the tears of grievance, cursed and continued to carry his things and walk home.

(End of this chapter)

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