The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 1342 Let's Go to Town

Chapter 1342 Let's Go to Town

Ye Feifeng, who went back and forth, heard the laughter and thought that He Xiner was getting better, so she couldn't help but quicken her pace, and when she passed the threshold, she saw Zhang Dongqiang who was talking with Guan Cuizhi.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang"!
Ye Feifeng heard her own violent heartbeat.

The person in the brightly lit place has a face like a crown jade and eyes like bright stars;
He is tall and tall, plump and handsome~
Ye Feifeng intuitively felt that she was drunk, like drinking sweet and fragrant fruit wine, her heart was sweet and her head was dizzy;

She quietly stretched the corners of her clothes, slightly nervously stroking the broken hair at the corners, taking a deep breath, and exhaling...

Well, nothing more inappropriate.

With a decent and generous smile on his face, "Brother Zhang..."

"Xin'er, girl, dad is back!"

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin took Daha and ran around for a full day, and Daha was exhausted to the ground. The two of them were also exhausted. Seeing that it was getting late, they turned the car around decisively and rushed home .

When we got home, it was already dark.

Throwing the bullwhip to the boss, Ye Laijin ran wildly all the way, thinking that the girl had woken up early, and just turned into the aisle of the west courtyard, she couldn't help but drink loudly.

It just covered up Ye Feifeng's artificial voice.

She was heartbroken.

Before I could say anything more, Ye Laiyin had already strode into the room.

Ye Feifeng subconsciously hid aside.

"The child is still awake?"

Ye Laiyin, who rushed to the house like a whirlwind, saw Zhang Dongqiang for a moment, and was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't care to speak, and nodded to him, without pausing at all.

After entering the room, Ye Laiyin's fiery heart was suddenly chilled. For a whole day and night, his daughter fell into a coma for twelve hours!
His eyes turned red for a moment.

"Girl, pack up some of Xin'er's usual things, let's go to the town, to Huichun Hall..."

"Second Uncle, don't worry, Xin'er has taken the medicine and will wake up soon."

"I can't wait any longer. If the medicine is useful, Xin'er will be well soon."

"Second Uncle, what Miss Xin'er ate just now was not the bitter soup, but the medicine brought by Brother Zhang. It smells delicious and sweet. Miss Xin'er drank it all. Brother Zhang said that he will wake up in two quarters of an hour." .”

Ye Laiyin was startled.

In this world, there is actually a sweet medicine?
Then he was happy, "Sweet medicine is good, sweet medicine is good..."

My daughter is most afraid of the bitter soup, with sweet medicinal juice, she is not afraid of her willful refusal to drink the medicine.

Now he didn't dare to yell loudly, and asked Wang in a soft voice, what's the situation with his daughter.

He ran too fast and didn't take care of washing his hands, so he couldn't caress the child's forehead.

Ye Yuanyuan and Zhang Dongqiang followed Ye Laiyin into the inner room, and surrounded He Xiner and talked in a low voice with concern.

Ye Feifeng, who reacted a lot slower, followed slowly, but was unable to speak.

Seeing everyone talking intimately, she felt that she was superfluous.

I couldn't help but look at that handsome man, his every word and smile were so elegant and charming...

After a while, Ye Shitian, who had settled down in the bullock cart, also strode in, and just shouted, "Is Xin girl better?"

Then I heard a pleasantly surprised cry from inside, "Sister Xin'er is awake! Sister Xing'er is awake!"

"This medicine is too powerful, it will be ready in less than a quarter of an hour!"

Immediately, everyone crowded onto the kang, and the little girls all got on the kang quickly, surrounding He Xiner inside.

"Xin'er, how do you feel?"

"Sister Xin'er, are you hungry? Are you thirsty?"


He Xiner blinked lightly, her mind was still a little dizzy, and her reaction was a little slow.

Her body was limp and weak, her throat was dry and extremely uncomfortable, her temples were throbbing, she closed her eyes tiredly, and rested.

"Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, why did Miss Xin'er fall asleep again?"

"I just woke up, and I still have some weakness. Eat some food to replenish my strength."

"Sister-in-law Cao, hurry up and get some rice porridge for Xin'er."

(End of this chapter)

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